Monday, May 30, 2011

this and that

We're still alive and (mostly) well. Jonah's bottom is still in bad shape, especially when he poops. He clinches, screams, lifts himself off the table, and flips over, making it impossible to get him clean. Plus, he's in agony, which doesn't help. It does seem the creams are sticking better these last couple days, so at least I know it's not as raw as it was. It's just hard because it seems like every time I have to change a poopy diaper, even with barely wiping him at all, it opens the wound back up. GRRRR. I feel sorry for Jonah but I feel even more sorry for EB kids like Tripp who deal with non-healing wounds in that area all the time. I just can't imagine. Today we couldn't even do bandage change until 3:15 in the afternoon because we were waiting for Jonah to poop so we could soak him in the Baking Soda bath. Soaking is really the one way to get him clean. This past week as been one of the worst I remember. And EB still sucks, just in case you were wondering. 

Overall, we've had a decent weekend though. Matt took me on Saturday night to the Barn Dinner Theatre in Greensboro for dinner and a show. He had given me the tickets on Mother's Day and arranged for Kathryn to come babysit so we could go. Sarah helped babysit too, given his bottom challenges. Thanks to both of you for letting me have a night out. I desperately needed it. 

My sister and Matt's parents were in town (not staying with us, but in town) this weekend, so it was great to see all of them too. Actually, Matt's mom has been in town all week taking care of her dad. He fell last weekend and broke his shoulder. He had a hard time walking even before that. He's in bad shape, staying in bed 22 hours a day, no motivation. Please pray for him and for Debbie too. Most of his care is falling to her, and it's a big load to bear. She has already been here for over a week and has no clue when she might get to return home to Florence.

Other than Barn Dinner and seeing some family, Matt and I have been taking every free moment to sort through all of our drawers, rooms, and closets. We're trying to get ready to have a yard sale to get rid of things/pay for things our new kids will need (bunk beds, dressers, mattresses etc.) and to just make more space in our house! Next up is finding a dining room table that is fairly narrow that will seat at least six and has bench seats (preferably). I'm nesting like crazy and getting really excited about our new addition(s). We still have not been assigned a social worker but I plan on becoming persistent and obnoxious taking care of that this week. God has amazing things in store for our family. I just know it. (And when I talk about the kid(s), I always say "the boys" or "our boys" so I'm sure God will give us a little girly girl and a pet goat. He likes to have his own plans. :) )

Alrighty, gotta run. We're meeting my dad at Ronni's (best wings EVER) tonight for dinner. I think he's having Jonah withdrawal. 

Hope you all had a blessed weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just thinking here, and clearly I have no clue what your life with EB is really like or how plausible this would be, but when my son had a nasty diaper rash (it was blistered, but again, I am sure it is nowhere near your life right now) the Dr's said no wiping it. So every time he pooped I dipped his bum in the tub/sink and swished it off, and then used a dry cloth to "dab" it dry. That way the wiping didn't open the sore over and over I am thinking this probably wont work with all the bandages? But I thought it was worth mentioning.