This is Juliana.

And her sister, Jasmine.

They are ten months old and ON. THE. MOVE. It really made me realize how slow Jonah crawls. Honestly, I'm okay with it. :) It was so neat to see them be able to move and explore and get to what they wanted (quickly!). Jasmine loved the stairs and was SUPER fast. Juliana was all about Deac and just followed him everywhere. He was only partially amused.

It was hard to get them all three in the same frame, but they finally converged at the activity table.

And at one point, we just had a roundup. This was the only shot I got that didn't include the top of one of their heads.

I thought this one was adorable. What's that? Where's Jasmine?

Oh, there she is... enjoying some shoes and diaper salve with Jonah.

Jonah and one of his best buds, Kathryn.

Then, on Friday evening, we met our friends, Shawn and Jen (who, for some reason, were Jawn and Shen every time I said their names on Friday... it was a slow brain day.) Anyhoo... the Winston Salem Children's Museum has some $3.00 Friday nights, so Shen invited us to come along.

Shawn and Jen's little boy, Jude. He's four months older than Jonah, and I have high hopes that they'll be best buds.

I think the daddies had more fun than the (littler) boys.

This was a Scarf-Shooty-Outy thing that you could put soft balls and scarves in. It would shoot them all through the tube...

and then they'd pop right out.

Jonah was not amused with his hard hat (along with most of the rest of everything we did).

Jonah pushed the trucks. Jude went with a less conventional approach.

I don't know where this was, but it was soft and padded, so we hung out there for a while.

More of being NOT amused.

He did take a break of being Fussy McCrabby pants to play the laser harp.

But then he was back at it for Daddy's photo-op. (Matt may or may not have just shoved Jonah under Carmen's utters for some practice milking thus inducing a screaming fit, I couldn't rightly say.)

Jude loved the kitchen area. Steak in a bowl. Spaghetti straight on the table. Stacking the larger cup INSIDE the smaller cup. This boy lives on the edge.

"What's that? You wanna look up my nose?"
Anyway, we stayed for about an hour and a half, and even though Jonah wasn't so into it, I was still so glad we went. The more we get Jonah out and experiencing new things, the more he'll get comfortable being other places besides our house. And I LOVE getting to spend time with Shawn, Jen, and Jude. I think the six of us (almost SEVEN!) are going to check out the Greensboro Children's Museum next month. They have $5.00 Friday nights and are even better. Hooray for fun outings and new experiences!
Just had to pop out of lurkdom to say, Amen, Sista on the Krispy Kreme comment. Yum! I love living only 10 minutes away from some "hot right now" Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Pure heaven.
The girls have grown so much since February! They're still adorable. :)
I cannot eat Krispy Kreme. I would weigh a ton. They are sooooo good. I have to just keep driving and we don't have Dunkin Donuts here.
Great pictures!
what cute little girls - Jonah is definitely the ladies' man!
Krispy Kreme. There Sadly, they seem to be closing a lot of them in North TX!
Glad you're getting out and having fun!
His shoes are adorable and I am glad you got to have a family date!
We've been to and enjoyed the Winston Museum, but I remember thinking the Greensboro one was so GREAT(only been once)! Eli was probably more toddler then...maybe 2 and I remember thinking it had more for that younger age group to do. I really feel like the Greensboro one is the best one I've been to for toddlers. Hope you get to try it sometime!
So glad Jonah(mom too) is getting some play dates! I feel sure you are right. The more you do, the more use to it and the more enjoyment he'll have.
Laura S.
LOVE me some Krispy Kreme! Looks like you guys had a great time. Glad you were able to get out!
Oh that really looks fun. We are going to the Gulf Coast soon. And since the oil may spoil our beach time I checked into other things to do. They have a childrens museum there. We may check it out. Yay!
PS We have already discussed going to Krispy Kreme for breakfast once while we are there. Just a confirmation sister! Thank ya girl.
Mmmm Krispy Kreme... Had no idea they started in Salem but THANK YOU SALEM! I bow before your yummy awesomeness. Glad you guys had a fun day! Jonah cracks me up. :-)
love the playdate pics! my baby girl's name is juliana - i LOVE it :-)
What a fun time at the museum. Hugs to Baby Jonut!
I had a thought...have you offered Jonah some Krispy Kremes??? That could pack on some empty calories...
I do love me some KK...we do not have on here in Durham, so when we go to the beach that is the 1st stop we make..
Jonah will soon learn to enjoy his outings..just give him a few more tries.
Love the pictures, he was having himself a good time playing with the ladies.
Hope you are having a great day.
Love ya
Jonah looks so happy playing with the girls.
You might like to connect with Bill and Victoria Strong at While Gwendolyn and Jonah have different dieseases they both have very isolating ones and Bill and Victoria are great about immersering her into activites and friendships that get her into an outside life and not one in the house with Victoria 24/7. They really are marvelous and I'm sure you will love meeting them.
what a fun place to visit! no wonder adults had as much fun as kids!
i love it whan you get the chance to do these outings!
Ummm -- you know Krispy Kreme announced a Cheerwine doughnut, right?!?!
The link to the reveal is at!/photo.php?pid=5736188&id=114447084084&ref=mf
Oops -- Cheerwine apparently released it instead of Krispy Kreme. And it's only in July. And it's only in the Carolinas.
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