"Don't rub your face, Jonah."

Jonah will (most of the time) willingly eat two ounces of yogurt at the beginning of each feed. Isn't that amazing??? He's never consistently or enthusiastically eaten anything. I'm so happy. Slowly but surely, we're going to get this eating thing down. Baby steps.
Thanks for ALL of the video suggestions. I read them and wrote all of them down. I hate that we are so television dependent but asking him to lay on a table for two hours a day and sit in a high chair for an additional three and being stuck in the house all the time... ugh. Some TV is necessary.
Anyway, we've tried all sorts of DVDs, and many of the ones we have either skip or just don't keep his attention well enough... at least not for dressing change. Gabba definitely holds his attention the most. We've never had much luck with Praise Baby and only some luck with Baby Einstein. I do have some Dan Zanes DVDs (I can't believe nobody mentioned that!) and Lori Berkner. He likes those pretty well. I'm going to see if I can find some streaming on Netflix and head to the library when I can. For now, I ended up getting the first volume of Baby Signing Time, Letter Factory, Curious Buddies (the farm one), and a couple of the VeggieTales sing along DVDs. We already have "I Love My Lips," and he loves it. The others I ordered because they were mentioned several times with rave reviews. As much as he might love them, I just can't do Barney, The Wiggles, or Teletubbies. I'm only so strong, folks. I know my limits. :) Anyway, thanks again for all the suggestions. I'm going to check them out. We're having a MUCH better week this week. Thank God!
He is so adorable! Thanks for sharing the new pics. I am currently watching Disney's Cars again. Micah is almost 2 and a half, and he has loved this movie for over a year now. Good thing I don't hate it. LOL.
Have a great weekend,
I used to be one of those non-TV people. I was woried it might harm them. A very wise person told me that a frazzled, worn out mommy did more harm than any TV ever would.
You do what you gotta do. And if TV keeps him sill during the long dressing changes and tube feedings then you do it and don't worry about what anyone else says.
And is it just me or does Mr. Jonah get cuter by the day or what?
Lots of babies like looking at themselves or family members. I wonder if he would watch home movies or slide shows of family pictures put to music.
Ohhh, Jonah looks so cute in those pics!! And his face looks awesome!!
We LOVE some Laurie Berkner(Sp) here. She did a 1 hour special last summer and I DVR'ed it, and we still watch it.
Between Jakey's and Jonah's cheeks at the beach, we're going to drown in preciousness.
hey, there are probably snippets of any of those videos on youtube. You could do a test run if you will before you actually purchase. Just a thought...and I've found for a few moments of peace, I can tolerate anything...except Barney. The Wiggles really isn't that bad...
I did not read through the video suggestions, but has anyone recommended The Donut Man? Christian, kind of cheesy, but our kids really enjoyed watching real kids singing with a goofy guy.
The only other one I can recommend is Charlie and Mimo. Our son received one for a gift and he loved it when he was quite little.
Very, very cute photos!
LOVE the photo's! I know you say you know your limits...but I sware Barney and Wiggles isn't as bad as yo gabba...especially in moderation. I have tried to watch that mess(yo gabba, that is)
2 times...my kids love the color and the CRAZY music? I just COULD NOT do it...gave me a headache in seconds...anyway, I just hope you find something that works, for all of you.
Netflix is great! They have Backyardigans, wonder pets, blues clues, and lots of PDS shows. Then you can always find something different to show him
He looks SO sweet (as always!) Jonah seems really happy this week, too - which I know makes you happy, too!
I am SO there with you on the Wiggles and Barney. That dino has always creeped me out for some reason! And the Wiggles, well...never mind. (I'm not hatin', just sayin' - we all have our own limits!)
Anyhoo, I wouldn't sweat the TV thing so much either. It's not like you're just parking him and leaving him to stare blankly all day - you're interacting with him (in ways none of us can imagine!) Maybe later you can get a Schoolhouse Rock DVD and he'll know everything about history, grammar, math and science!
Please kiss that sweet boy for me - I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Love from TX!
PS - don't know which Veggies you ended up with but hopefully the Hairbrush Song and Barbara Manatee will surface. :)
Veggie Tales is always a winner. I really like "Jonah" the movie from Veggie Tales. They rock!!!
He is so stinkin cute! He seriously makes me melt!
I'm a nanny and actually I hate those anti-TV moms. They act so high and mighty that they "limit electronic media," like their kids get any smarter from not having it. We grew up when TV was ok, and we're just fine.
Rethink your stance on the Wiggles. Sometimes it has been the only thing that stops a crying child in my daycare.
More to try: Hi 5
Thomas the Tank Engine (boring but kids love it)
Pocoyo (British cartoon, cute as 10 buttons, very simple)
Care Bears
Ok this one sounds weird: Shark Boy and Lava Girl. The kids CANNOT get enough of this movie. Go figure. Not sure how a baby will like it, but when he's older give it a try.
This child is so adorable! I just want to kiss kiss kiss his sweet little chubby face!!!
Still praying!
He is SOOOOOOOO handsome!
I think he has a glow about him as well. :)
such a big boy...glad he is eating
Our little man likes Jacks Big Music Show on Disney. Maybe DVR an episode or two. :)
Love the pictures of that sweet boy! Curious Buddies farm one is my FAVORITE!!!!
Quack - quack - waddle - waddle- all - day - long.....you'll be singing it in your sleep!!!!! =)
One of our favorite singers was Karyn Henley. Easy to sing preschool songs about God and his love. My kids loved watching all the other kids in the videos. Can find her at karynhenley.com We also were big fans of Blue's Clues.
Love to see his cute face!
I think you should try to get him into Thomas. They have a couple sing alongs that started my son's addiction that lasted several years.
You can instant play dora the explorer on Netflix. I think they have the first couple of seasons.
i know right! we must get them together :) i'll always remember us both listening to their heart beats together at windy gap. love you & thinking of you & jonah often!
so glad he is eating better! go jonah!
I'm not sure if anybody else has replied to your twitter about the little jumping bugs. I live in VA, not far from Smith Mt. Lake, and we had them too. It was awful. The exterminator called them spring tails. At first, they were just around the entry doors. Then they showed up all over the downstairs bathroom. Then in and around my kitchen sink and on the counters. No matter how clean or dry I kept the counters, those stupid bugs were always there. Then, it got so bad, they were coming in around the windows and in through the wall sockets! We had the exterminator come about three times and he sprayed. Then we had a different exterminator who came and put a powdery bug killer in the wall sockets and used a stronger spray and eventually that took care of the problem. Good luck!
what about Dora the Explorer? or classic Disney movies? Annie or Godspell the musicals? old school Care Bears? Smurfs? Fraggle Rock? Muppets? sesame street? Mr Rogers?
I can't do Barney or Teletubbies either! Too freaky! I love Netflix because there is such a variety plus I don't have to buy any! I also use it for exercise DVDs. Alot of exercise DVDs are so cheesy so I can watch teh DVD or watch instantly. Some are awful but some were so great, I bought them!
Patrice, those photos of Jonah in your living room are beautiful!!! Love the light in there!
My son loves BOZ the Bear, still even at 5.5 years old. I think my sister got them at Family Christian Stores.
He is such a beautiful little boy. :)
I love the idea of using home movies or slide shows of you guys. I bet he would love to see pictures of himself. I also have not tried this but have heard it works. You use a banana to clean and repair CD/DVDs and it makes them "good as new". I did a search for it and it had a cute little video. Basically, use the inside of the banana, rub in circles, then use the inside peel and rub in circles and then rub with a clean, soft cloth. I have bought the bananas several times but they keep getting eaten before I get to cleaning the CD's! Ha ha! TOO much! Maybe some of your favorites can be fixed this way (and maybe some that drive you nuts will just magically never get fixed.....) Jennifer in Southeast, NC
I read through several of the recommendations, and only saw BOZ a couple of times. But I really think you should check the BOZ videos out. My kids love them! It's Christian but it is also educational. As a mom, you just can't go wrong. If he doesn't love them now, then when he gets a little older he will.
I LOVE "I Love my Lips" too! It has always been one of my favs! I am so happy that things are going so well with your little Jonut! He is so adorable and looking so good!
Peace & Blessings
That's a cute photo book Jonah is eating in those pics - where did you order that???
If you have a WalMart nearby, check up by their cash registers for a box of $1 DVDs. They are Kids Songs - my son LOVED them when he was younger. They are cute and not annoying!
He is getting so big! He is just adorable.
Sorry this is late, but my son Camden, 21 months, LOVES Preschool Prep DVDs. He has 2, Meet the Colors & Meet the Shapes, that he has been watching for months & months. He always picks them out from his little DVD wallet with 20 or so other movies (we take a LOT of road trips). Those DVDs are starting to skip, so I just ordered the 7 DVD box set that also includes Meet the LEtters, Meet the Numbers, and Sight words 1, 2 & 3. I highly recommend these DVDs, I don't even mind listening to them over and over. Oh, and the best part, Camden can say all his shapes and colors!
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