Wednesday, April 28, 2010

surgery tomorrow

This cutie...

... goes in for surgery tomorrow at 6:00 am.

Actual surgery will probably start around 7:30.

I'd ask you to pray but I know you already are because you are awesome like that.

I will most likely be back in the OR helping out, but Matt will try to update the blog, assuming we have Internet access.

Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.


Kirsten: said...

I'll be thinking of you guys!

Deciduous Heather said...

We will be praying for your sweet Jonah and all of you....(((HUGS)))

mommymeezer said...

awesome picture tonight. I will be praying for you guys. Lots of love from NJ

Maryellen said...

Jonah will be in my heart, on my mind and in my prayers. We pray for him daily anyway but tomorrow we will knock down the doors of Heaven :)

Hayley said...

Praying for a successful surgery tomorrow for your handsome little man!

Anonymous said...

We'll be praying!

Melanie said...

We'll be praying!!

Jill said...

Sending good thoughts and positive prayers your way tomorrow.

Courtney Connelly said...

Will be praying for sweet Jonah and his momma and daddy tomorrow!

Emilie said...

i'll be praying and loving on you guys so hard tomorrow.

Beth Herring said...

oh, what a precious picture of that sweet boy. Will be praying for you all.

Beck G. said...

Been reading your blog for awhile now, but never commented. You guys are amazing, and Jonah is possibly the cutest baby ever! I am praying for you guys, especially as you face surgery tomorrow!

Lindsey said...

oh my that picture is just precious!

just posted the link on my blog so the word can be spread.

will be praying!

Brianna said...

Praying for all of you guys!

The Bad Witch said...

I've been praying! Everything WILL be ok. God bless all of you!

Jenn said...

Beautiful photo! You'll be in our thoughts tomorrow!

RLR said...

Prayers coming your way! Hoping hubby can resurrect my BlackBerry so I can check for updates during the day tomorrow....
That's a great photo of Jonah! I always want to call him "sweet Jonah" - and I'll probably want to even when he's 6 or 10 or 16!
Anyway - lots of prayers - for Jonah, for you and Matt, for the doctors and nurses.... Get some rest tonight!

Kylee said...

"So do not fear for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God; I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand" - Isaiah 41:10

Praying for y'all and for your sweet little Jonah. Praying that God will give you a supernatural peace.

Janel said...

praying praying praying - I will keep my phone with me at all times tomorrow incase you need anything or have any questions!! call ANYTIME!!

<3 u guys!

Annsterw said...

Praying for your family and Jonah!

mom22little1s said...

Praying for your handsome, handsome boy! Praying for you and your husband. Praying for doctors, nurses and all involved in Jonah's care. Praying for Gabe to watch over his little brother.

Laura A said...

Love that sweet picture - and that sweet boy!!

Praying praying PRAYING!!


the-mommy-person said...

He IS a cutie and we will be praying for sweet Jonah and his mommy and daddy. Peace, peace, peace. Love the picture.

Kara said...

i'll be praying for jonah tomorrow. thanks for sharing, he is precious!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all and praying for Jonah and the surgical team, you and Matt.

Shari said...

I have been praying about this day and will continue!

Anita Johnson said...

I will be praying to from Wisconsin!

Pati @ A Crafty Escape said...

We will be thinking of your entire family tomorrow. Hugs.

"One Mommy" said...

Our prayers are with you and Matt and most of all sweet little one Jonah.

Hugs : )


Emily's Blog said...

I will be praying and thinking of y'all tomorrow.
His pic tonight is so cute!!

The Simmons Family said...

Good Luck.. we will be praying!!

Liz said...

We will be praying for all of you.

Mindy said...

Praying Praying Praying

Erin said...

prayers for yall!

Lari said...

Praying for you!

........ said...

Prayers from UT!

Unknown said...

Praying for that sweet baby boy! AND you and Matt!

jandswood said...

I usually am not a comment leaving kinda peron but, I wanted to let y'all know I have been following your blog for a long time now and I am praying for Jonah as he has his surgery tomorrow. He is such a tough little guy and you guys are such wonderful, awesome parents. I am praying and will be checking for updates.

Christy said...

Praying for sweet baby Jonah! And Mom and Dad!

Krystal said...

Praying for all of you!!!

Wanda Wilkinson said...

My prayers are going up as I type. I have woken up multiple times tonight with Jonah & you & Matt on my mind & heart. Praying for Jonah to be safe in surgery, for you & Matt to have the peace knowing you have made the right decision (as you always do), praying for the doctors, nurses & all staff to handle this precious boy with extra, extra care.

Will be waiting for updates Love & prayers

Sara said...

Praying for you guys, as always, but especially tonight. Hope you can get some rest after the surgery.


Emelie said...

I´ll pray for Jonah<3<3<3<3

courtney7880 said...

Praying for Jonah this morning! PS-love the picture in this post!

Jen said...

It's 7:06 a.m. here in Maryland and I am praying for Jonah and for YOU! We have been through surgery (2 skin grafts) with our son when he was 20 months old and I know it's very hard. I will be eager to hear that God allowed everything to go smoothly and swiftly and Jonah is on his way to recovery.

Stephanie said...

Praying for you, Matt, and Jonah this morning!

Meredith said...

praying for jonah!! and each of you to have peace while waiting

Sabrina said...

Praying for you guys. Love that sweet picture of Jonah. You are an amazing mother Patrice!

Anonymous said...

Lots of prayers for Jonah!

Gabriella said...

What a beautiful little guy. Continual prayers for your family.

melissa said...

Praying!!!! Johah looks like a big boy in that picture! :)

Tiffany Lockette said...

I'll be thinking of you guys and praying for Jonah. Please keep us posted.