Today you turn one year old. I’m fighting back tears as I write this to you. Some of them are happy tears, some sad. There are so many emotions I feel when I think about this day last year and pretty much all the days since.
Daddy and I waited so long for you. We prayed for you every night on our knees. We could not wait for you to come, but after losing your big brother, we were so scared. The night before you were born, in tears, I cried out to God that he would let you live. I checked your heartbeat every few hours, just to make sure things were still okay. I waited on pins and needles. I hoped.
We went to the hospital very early in the morning, and guess what? I started having contractions on the way. We think it was your way of saying, “I know you guys planned this, but it’s cool. I’m ready to come anyhow. Just lettin’ you guys know that I call the shots.” We waited all day for you.
We were so excited.
Everything was ready.
Then, at 3:50 in the afternoon, God gave us you.
And we were breathless.

Sweet Jonah, you were not what we expected. Something wasn’t right. This was not the way it was supposed to be. Why were your hands, feet, knees, and elbows completely raw? Why were there blisters on your face and head? What was wrong?

But, still, you were perfect.
You were beautiful from the moment you were born. Blonde hair, blue eyes. I could see Gabe in you, but you had your own look. Beautiful. Really, I know everybody says, “All babies are cute,” but most babies look kind of funny and squishy when they’re first born. But not you. You were adorable from the first moment.

We were elated and relieved that you were here, alive and breathing. And we were heartbroken and devastated, terrified that you would not be with us for long.

But here you are today, Jonah, a whole year old.

You’re our miracle.
And you are still completely perfect, beautiful, and you still leave us breathless.

I just want to tell you today how much we love you, how much you’ve changed our lives for the BETTER. You are far more wonderful and amazing than anything I ever could have hoped or dreamed, and I ache for you to know how much we love you. I don’t think we could love you any more if we tried. You’re the light of our lives.
So, Happy First Birthday, my sweet Baby Jonah.
We pray and wait in expectation for many, many, many more.
We pray and wait in expectation for many, many, many more.
Your mommy and daddy are so proud of you (righfully so)!
I am so glad your family shares your life with the world. I hope you have a fantastic birthday celebration with all your friends and family!
Your mommy writes so beautifully! One day you will be amazed at what an awesome mommy you have, how she loves you and tells the world about it!
Happy B-day! It was wonderful written=) I know exactly the feeling, BUT we havn´t lost one child to. You are brave and fantastic!
happy happy birthday cutie-pants jonah! you inspire this family more than you could ever know. tell your mom and dad thanks for sharing you with the world! keep fighting little man!!
Happy Birthday Jonah!!! Praying for you and your mommy and daddy every day!
You are such a special boy who bought me closer to the Lord!! I am so very thankful for you and your parents! You guys rock and are true heros!! I hope you have the best birthday ever, but I am sure you will, your mommy has been planning this for a while now!! I wish I could be there to celebrate with you guys even though I am a total stranger and live thousands of miles away from you!! Eat some cake for me!!!
Sending my love to you and your family!!
Crying. Huge. Crocodile. Tears.
Happy First Birthday Jonah!
What an amazing testimony you have been to so many.
Happy Birthday Jonah!
I have been reading your blog for over the past year and you are such an inspiration! I do not have children of my own right now, but you give me hope to deal with EVERYTHING that God gives us. We all know he does not give us more than we can handle.
Happy 1st Birthday to Jonah & to Patrice and Matt you deserve a celebrtion of life with your precious baby boy:)
Happy Birthday Jonah! I pray you continue to make this earth a better place!
Happy Birthday Jonah! You are such a strong boy and a huge inspiration! Praying for many, many more :)
Happy Birthday Jonah.
Happy Birthday!!! Beautiful birth story. . .
Happy Birthday Jonah!
Patrice, that last picture of him is breathtaking. He is so beautiful.
Happy 1rst Birthday Jonah! May you have many, many more...EB free. I think it is special that we share the same birthday month, and since your day is exactly 20 days after mine, we both have the special #7 in our birthday date!!!
God Bless you and your parents for the joy you have brought to my life (and many others!!) even via the internet...just goes to show how big your personality is, to shine so through the wires (or wireless!!)
hugs and kisses!!!
Happy, Happy FIRST Birthday! Praying for many more!
Happy Birthday, Jonah! Even though we've never met you, God has given you a special place in our family's hearts. Our kids pray for you every night. We know the Lord has amazing plans for you--He has used you in the first year of your life in a remarkable way. Praying and anticipating how He plans to use the many, many more! The Skipper Family, Kansas
That is beautiful, Patrice. I love your writing and your love for Jonah shines through every post. Happy birthday, Jonah! 11 days ago, my grandbaby turned one. He is a miracle baby, too, in a whole different way.
Also, Patrice, my friend (and your blog friend) wrote about Jonah on her blog today. It's beautiful. Cristi at Jesus Saves. She's been my best friend for over 30 years and is the one that introduced me to your Jonah. God bless. =)
♥ Happy Birthday Jonah!! ♥
We feel as if we know you after following your story for so long. You're such a beautiful little person. Wishing you many, many, more wonderful birthdays!
Russel, Mandy, & Ada K.
happy birthday handsome boy!
happy birthday Jonah!!
Oh, this just brought me to tears. Happy, happy birthday to your sweet, precious boy! I truly pray God blesses you all.
Happy birthday sweet boy. It has been my honor to follow your journey. You are going to grow into an amazing man one day. Wishing you a lifetime of blessings.
How beautiful! Happy, happy birthday, Jonah. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Happy Birthday Precious One!
Patrice, that was just beautiful.
Happy Birthday sweet baby Jonah! Your mama and daddy love you so much and her story is so wonderful. She is a very good writer! I hope you are enjoying being one!!! You look like such a big boy now! Keep smiling for your mama!
Happy Birthday Jonal! We are so proud of how BIG you are! Keep up the good work on growing and learning new things every day! We pray for you all the time. You have the best parents anyone could ever ask for. I have never met them but one can sure tell. Happy birthday and we wish you 100 more happy birthdays!
Regina Hundley
and the family
happy birthday big jonah!!
i know you are such a JOY to your mommy and are one very special little boy!
It is hard to believe a year has passed already since Jonah was born. What a year it has been, though you certainly don't need any reminders.
Before last February 27, I had been in the SMA loop for so long, I never expected to have much left for any other loop. Then you and your precious Jonah appeared... in the same hospital where Jeffrey was diagnosed. That was all it took to find myself scurrying into the EB loop as well - along with a gazillion other people!!!
I can't imagine anyone's being familiar with Jonah (and Gabe) and not being changed for the better in some significant way. Between your humor, faith, honesty, and willingness to share blog duties with Mr. J, we have all grown to love your family, cheering each accomplishment and praying for each request as if they were for our own children.
Actually, because of your generosity in sharing Jonah, we sorta feel like they ARE for our own children! You have an extended family of untold numbers :)
And we can't wait to see what the celebration will be for birthday #2!
Meanwhile, happy, happy FIRST birthday to all of you!
Cheers -
Happy 1st birthday Jonah. You are such an amazing little boy!
Happy Happy 1st Birthday Jonah!!! Way to go! You are one strong little guy - keep up the good work!!! Keep smiling with those big blue eyes!
Happy first birthday.
Happy Birthday sweet Jonah!
Happy Birthday!
Laura S.
Praise God! Happy birthday, baby Jonut!
Happy birthday Jonah!!! Hope you enjoy some cake and have a good ol time with all the people who love you. I pray that this is the first of many many more birthdays.
Happy birthday, Jonah!
I first learned of your family right after you were born, and I've been following you ever since. You are an absolute blessing, and I look forward to reading about your many adventures in the years to come.
Happy Birthday Jonah!! What a journey you and your family have been on. May the Lord use you in great ways as you grow each year. Have a wonderful 2nd year of LIFE!
He's so awesome! His party was AMAZING! Thanks for inviting me! I miss you so much!
<3 Amy Todd
Oh Jonah, Happy Birthday brave boy! I have prayed for you nearly your entire life...I remember you daily and hope that you know how very very much you are loved!
Yay Jonah!
Happy Birthday just doesnt seem to say enough but I will say it anyway!!
Happy Birthday Jonah! You are a beautiful miracle and getting to know you from "blogland" has been a blessing. Your Mom and Dad are such wonderful examples of God's love. I consider it a privilege to pray for your sweet family!
Happy birthday big guy! We love you from many miles away! Can't wait to see your birthday pics for many years to come :)
What a little miracle!!!
Your family and your love, patience, dedication and faith warm our hearts!
May God continue to bless little Jonah and your family.
Happy birthday, sweet sweet Jonah. So many of us have been waiting for this special day - but nobody more than your mommy and daddy. They love you SO much!
God has mighty things in store for you, Jonah - with or without EB. (Though we are all praying that God will heal you so you can proclaim His glory!)
I'm sure even at 1 year old you are aware that your mommy is amazing (and your daddy is, too!) She has been so gracious to share you with us - and now you have a huge "family" all over the place!
Please know that there are 7 of us in Texas that love you very much and are praying for you every day.
...and we CAN'T WAIT to see what fun you had at your party!!!
Love from TX!!
Laura (and the rest of Team Anderson)
Happy Birthday! You are a miracle! I too hope you have many, many, many more years to come!
Your birth story gets more beautiful every time I read it...So sorry I missed your party, but I promise one day soon I will make it up.
I love you dearly!!!!
Hope mommy gets some rest after all the hard work she put into planning your party!!! as I had posted on my facebook, your b'day party was the party of the year.
Many, many wishes & prayers
Happy 1st (of many) birthdays Jonah!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JONAH! I have enjoyed watching you grow cuter and cuter every day and I can't believe you're a year old! Hope you have the best first birthday party ever!!
Happy Birthday sweet Jonah!!! I fell in love with you the moment I saw you and have continued to pray for you ever since. Your eyes light up when you smile and that warms my heart SO much. I treasure checking in on you and seeing you grow...such a miracle baby you are. Many more blessings on you and your mom and dad and here's hoping a cure will be found in your lifetime. Big hugs and kisses to an amazing boy. Love you SO much from Michigan. Can't wait to receive my goodies from the auction, what a FANTASTIC idea that I think should be done EVERY year. xoxo
Happy birthday, sweet boy! What a special day it is! I learned about you a year ago when you came into this world, and needed prayers. I'm so happy to know about you and your family and adore you all!
Happy 1st Birthday, sweet Jonah! Blessings to you and your family as you celebrate the beautiful life God has given you!
Jeremiah 29:11
Happy Birthday Jonah!!! What a wonderful day of celebration I am sure you've had. May God continue to bless you every day of your life, as he has already blessed every day of your life.
That was beautiful Patrice.
Happy Birthday Sweet Jonah!
You are the sweetest most beautiful boy and you shine in the light of your parents love.
And that light is spreading, people are learning about EB and today lots of people supported an auction, it was all in celebration of YOUR birthday.
Jonah you are a very special angel and like Samantha and the others you show us a road that humbles us to our knees!
Happy 1st Birthday and may next year be filled with even more amazement at your life and your parents love for two special boys!
Love, Pam
Happy First Birthday, Jonah! You are a beautiful boy!
Happy Birthday Jonah!! What an amazing little boy you are. Your mom and dad are pretty nifty too =)
Happy Birthday Jonah you are such a special young man. I love reading about you and praying for you everyday. Look forward to all your new adventures as you turn 1.
Happy Birthday to you, Jonah! You are such a blessing! I have been blessed to know you, your precious parents and your amazing story. Many more!
Jonah, You are AMAZING! Keep fighting, Keep beating the odds, and Keep God first in your life always! We wish you many, many, many more birthday celebrations in the future! Happy 1st!
Prayers and Love from Florida!
Terah and familly
Dear Jonah,
Happy 1st birthday! Thank you for letting us "stalk" you this past year. You are so stinkin' cute and we've loved watching you grow up.
Please tell your mom that we appreciate her transparency. All of us mommies' hearts break for her but are in awe of her courage. She loves you something fierce!
We hope you had a wonderful birthday and we celebrate with you in spirit!
As always, prayin' in PA!
Nancy (Noah W's mommy)
Happy birthday Mr Jonah!
happy bday jonah!!
wow did that year fly by! i hope every one had a great day.
I was moved to tears reading your birthday message for baby Jonah. You're an inspiration for mothers, and a living, breathing testimony to the power of prayer. Thank you for sharing such a tender post with us, Patrice.
Happy birthday Jonah!!!
Happy Birthday Jonah!! What a wonderful celebration for your entire family! Can't wait to see party pics:) Continuing to pray that God will bless you with a life full of love, joy and many wonderful years to come!!! Thank you for sharing this past year with us!
Happy Birthday Jonah!
It has been a honor and privilege to pray over you this past year and even though we haven't met, it continues to be a honor and privilege to watch you grow into the beautiful child God created you to be!
Happy Birthday Jonah! You've come a long way baby! We all love you (and your sweet parents!). Thanks for showing us God's grace in so many amazing ways! Jennifer in Southeast, NC
Happy Birthday Jonah.. :) I am so glad your mommy shares with the world her joy, anger and emotions. Just a quick question, but what is that yello guazie stuff that is on him?
Happy Birthday to sweet precious Jonah! i love how you write to sweet. hope you have many more birthdays sweet boy! hope your day was as precious as you are~ much love and blessings from ga~erin
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy! I hope you have had a wonderful day!
Happy 1st Birthday to a handsome little boy.
What a very touching letter
Happy Birthday, sweet boy! Happy, happy, Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Sweet Jonah! I am so proud of you, even though I have never met you! You are a true inspiration to me!
Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Jonah!!
May God Bless you and your mommy and daddy always.
Jonah, you're such a sweet, little boy with two fantastic, caring and loving parents. We're glad they share you with us. We'll keep praying!!
Happy Birthday JONAH!!!!! It has been such a blessing and honor to follow you along this first year.
Sweet boy you are a blessing and the light in Mommy and Daddy's lives!!
Happy Birthday Sweet baby Jonut! It feels so good to sat those words to you! May god bless you today and everyday!! We love you, and your Mommy and Daddy!!
Patrice, I rarely comment, but what a momentous occasion!! I cried happy tears reading this post. I am wishing Jonah a happy first birthday and sending such warm wishes to you and Matt for being the most awesome parents. Wishing you ALL a magnificent day!
New York, NY
I usually just lurk around here but today I have to change that.
Happy Birthday Jonah!
Without even knowing it, you have touched so many people, all over the world. I actually write this from Australia!
You are a beautiful little guy and oh so loved!
Happy Birthday sweet boy
Continue your fight and stay your darling little self!
Love to you, your mommy and your daddy!
Cooper and I wish you a very happy birthday. Cooper loves to see pictures of "Jonut" and can't wait to watch you grow bigger and stronger.
The McCormacks
Happy Birthday, Sweet Jonah! God Bless and keep you with many more!
Sweet, sweet, sweet Jonah! From many miles away our family and church family pray for you and your mommy and daddy daily. You ARE a miracle and such a blessing to THOUSANDS!!! of people. May God continue to bless you and your family with an overwhelming amount of miracles. Love you!!!
Happy Birthday Jonah! Way to beat the odds, buddy! You are such an inspiration to so many people and have taught all of us so many lessons. You have such wonderful parents and are such a lucky guy. I can't wait to see what your mommy does for your 16th birthday!
Happy Birthday Jonah! Praying for you today and always.
Happy Birthday Jonah! What a wonderful milestone to be celebrating. You are truly a miracle and it has been a blessing to me to learn about you from your blog. Your Mommy is a wonderful writer!
Happy First Birthday, Jonah!
I have been keeping up with your blog for several months, but have never found the right moment to post a comment to let you know I am praying for you and your family, but this celebration of your birth is the perfect day! Even though we do not know each other, you and your family are an inspiration to me and my family.
Thank you for sharing your story. You're such a handsome, brave little man and we wish you many, many more happy birthdays! God bless you all.
Happy Birthday Jonah! You are so loved!
Happy first Birthday Jonah, Patrice, & Matt! Thank you so much for sharing your son with us. Your whole family is an inspiration for me.
Happy Birthday Jonah! You are such a special, gorgeous young man and we are so blessed that you are sharing your life with us.
Hope you have a FABULOUS day!
Happy !st Birthday- it is hard to believe it has been a year.
We are all praying for you and bidding like crazy...though I keep getting outbid)
Awesome post! Happy First Birthday Jonah! You are loved in Houston, TX!
Happy birthday precious little man! I love reading about you and seeing your happy smiling face.
Happy Birthday little buddy!! Praying for many, many more.
Happy Birthday Jonah! He's so big! :) our little Michael just turned 1 on the 11th. Blessings! Vinessa
Happy Birthday Jonah!
Happy birthday, sweet Jonah!
Happy birthday Jonah!! We hated that we missed the party...Salem is feeling a little better, but we still didn't think it was a good idea to come with her being sick. I'm sure the party was incredible!! Here's to many more birthdays to come :)
Happy Birthday Jonah! Hope your party was fantastic!
First of all we have to shout...
but we also want to say to your Mommy and Daddy that even though our family is all the way in California, we think about you and check on you all the time. Jonah has become a familiar name in our house and we thank you for allowing us into your lives. May you continue to fight for all the things you love and may your next birthday be twice as blessed as this one.
Happy Birthday little Jonah!
What sweet, beautiful little boy you are! And it's very obvious that your mommy and daddy loves you dearly!
Happy Birthday Little Guy, may God bless you with many, many, many...MORE!!!! Praying for you and your mommy and daddy. Love ya!
Happy first birthday, Jonah! You are blessed!
Happy 1st Birthday, sweet Jonah! I couldn't help but cry when I read your mommy's beautiful words about your special day. I have been following your story since your birth, and always keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You have touched the life of so many people in your 1 precious year of life. I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
Much Love,
The Willis Family (Wilkesboro, NC)
Happy Birthday, Jonah! You were born on a very important day. You share your birthday with, only, the most wonderful woman in the world (my mom). You are definitely special enough to join the ranks! It has been amazing to watch you grow this past year, sometimes through tears and often I laugh out loud. God made you very special and you have touched our lives. I hope you have many more birthdays to celebrate and an eternity to praise your creator "for you were fearfully and wonderfully made"!
Happy Birthday Jonah! Happy Day to you Mommy and Daddy! What a beautiful milestone you have reached. Have fun celebrating!
Happy Birthday Jonah from all of your Martin County N C fans. You are truely a miracle. Happy Happy Birthday to you !!!!!
Happy Birthday Jonah!
One day when you read the beautiful words your mama wrote to you, you will know how loved you are. But, more importantly, you will know what a special mama and daddy you have, to share your story with the world, blessing all of us with their strength and honesty.
I know that every baby is a miracle, and all first birthdays are special. But sometimes, some birthdays are a little more special than others.
Wishing you and your family many, many, many special birthdays to come.
Happy Birthday Beautiful boy!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JONAH!!! We've been following your story for a year and you feel like family! Can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for you sweet boy!
Love from TX!
Happy Birthday Jonah!!!
absolutely beautiful... praise GOD!
Happy Birthday to Jonah!! He is such a gift. He is lucky to have been born to the wonderful parents that both of you are. May god bless your family.
Just stopping by to wish Jonah a happy birthday! I will continue to pray for a healthy year ahead for Jonah and for strngth and God's peace for your entire family...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, JONAH!
Anita, a blogger "friend" from Wisconsin
Happy 1st Birthday Jonah!! :)
Happy 1st Birthday Jonah!
From Cassie in Minnesota!
Happy First Birthday Sweet Jonah!!
May God Bless you and keep you always!
Happy Birthday to Jonah! What a blessing he is! I hope and pray he has many more wonderful birthdays!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday Jonah. You are truly loved and blessed. Love you guys. Hope you had a wonderful day. Love and Kisses, Leah's Nana
Happy Birthday sweet Jonah!!! You are truly an inspirational miracle to us all. I hope this day and EVERY day is as special as you are :)
XOXOX with love from MI
Happy Birthday Jonah!
He is so cute and getting so big.
I hope you had a good birthday.
Happy birthday Jonah!
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY sweet Jonah!
You are one special loved little boy.
God's blessings to you all...
Ok, Jonah, your mommy just made me cry. You are one special birthday boy, and we are all celebrating you and thanking God for your life. You're only one year old but have already touched so many people's lives!
Happy 1st Birthday Jonah!!!
Happy 1st Birthday! And you are right, he is a beautiful boy.
Happy Birthday Jonah!! You are a beautiful one year old little man. I hope you had fun with your mom and dad on your special day.
Happy Happy Birthday, beautiful Jonah!
I pray for many more years of birthdays, and I continue to pray for the miracle of healing.
Love you guys!
Happy Happy Birthday Sweet BOY!!
We don't know you yet, but we love you so so much!!
You have come such a long way and you are so tough! I am so sorry that we couldn't make it to your party, but little Tripp just hasn't been feeling great and it's a long drive!! But we were certainly there with you in spirit and we thought about you allllll day long!!
Keep going strong.... you amaze us each and every day and we are so proud of you!
We love you!
Hope you had a great day!
Courtney, Randy, and Tripp
Happy birthday sweet Jonah!
Happy happy happy 1st birthday, Jonah!!! Thank you for letting us all share in your journey!
Happy (late) birthday Jonah!!!
happy birthday, Jonah! We are so happy for you and your parents. hope you received lots of fun treats! you are loved by many.
rachel + grant
Happy Birthday Jonah!
Happy Birthday Jonah!
feliz cumpleaños, jonah!
un abrazo desde mallorca
juana, martin, ines
Happy Birthday Jonah!!
I can't believe it has already been a year!!
Blessings to you!!!!
Happy, happy birthday, sweet Jonah!! :) May the Lord continue to shower His blessings on you and your precious, amazing parents! :)
You are so Cute Jonah!. I loved all your pictures. Mommy and Daddy have created a great website.
Lots of Love, kisses and prayer sending your way.
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