Today I turned 11 months old. Mom can’t believe it. She says we’re just one month away from the Celebration of the Century. I have no idea what she’s talking about, but I think I plan to be grumpy that day.
I’m not sure how much I weigh right now since I haven’t been weighed in a while. Last time I weighed 20 lbs. 9 oz., but Mom’s pretty sure I’m weighing more than that now. I’m heavy! I’m getting so big.
I’m too big for my blue chair.
And I'm too big for my swing.

But for some reason Mom keeps putting me in them anyway. Something about I don’t nap and she needs five freakin’ seconds to get some stuff done yadda, yadda, yadda. I don’t really know.
I’ve really come a long way in the last month or so. I’m sitting up really well, although I’m still toppling over when I lean to reach for things that are to the side.
Mom says I may or may not have fallen over as soon as she snapped this picture. And she may or may not have let me fall on my head. She couldn’t rightly say.
She wishes that were the excuse for my hair looking like this…
… but it’s not true. My hair always looks like this, especially in the mornings. I have a double crown in the back and it sure does make my hair do some crazy stuff. And Mom wants to keep it long so it will grow over my bald spots in the back, but it sure is wacky back there. Mom says it’s good that we get bath and dressing change done first thing. It’s still pretty crazy after nap, but not quite as wild.
I’m teething like crazy.

I have two teeth on the top (my second one has just started coming in – VERY crooked) and four on the bottom. You know my Mommy’s busy and distracted because Daddy had to point out my two new bottom ones yesterday, and they’re almost completely through!
Besides Mommy and Daddy, Deac is my best friend.
I think he is the greatest, and every time he pays attention to me or meets us at the top of the stairs I get so excited. I start flapping my arms and kicking my legs like crazy. And I just bust out laughing. Mommy thinks I’m really close to saying “Deac” because I consistently make a “ck” sound when he comes over. She’s always said that she’s pretty sure “Deac” will be my first word. We’ll see. I’m pretty good at proving her wrong.
My favorite shows are Jack’s Big Music Show and, much to Mom’s dismay, Yo Gabba Gabba. When Jack’s comes on and I hear the music, I start smiling so big. Lots of mornings I miss it since we do 7:30 dressing changes a lot so Mom says she might start DVRing it for me. Wow, my very own show on DVR. I’m getting so old.
I’m rolling over from back to tummy and tummy to back now.

I do it all day long. Mommy says she’s so happy I’m out of the “roll on my tummy and then scream about it” stage. I just roll all over the place these days.
I start out like this…

And five seconds later, I'm like this...
I’m really making all sorts of sounds these days, but they’re getting really hard to describe. I’m doing all my normal ma, ba, da, la stuff, but now I’m combining them and putting inflection in my voice. Mom thinks it’s just the cutest thing. I’m very vocal even though I’m not saying words yet. I still refuse to mimic sounds even though I know what the Big People want me to do. Instead, I just look at them like they’re crazy and do as I darn well please. If they want to sound like doofuses, that’s up to them, but don’t expect me to voluntarily repeat it. Who do they think I am?
When I get excited, I kick my legs and flap my arms and it looks like I’m trying to fly. You should see me when my Daddy comes home from work. I go crazy flapping and rocking , bouncing and kicking, and then I start crying until he changes out of his nice clothes and holds me. And Daddy doesn’t complain a bit about having to hold me first thing. Mommy says she knows he waits all day to hold me. It makes us both super happy.
Mom holds me for my morning bottle and nap at 9:15 so I can at least sleep for 45 minutes. If she doesn’t, I immediately wake up and then I am gruuuumpy. For my 12:45 bottle, she takes me up to my room and puts me in bed after I fall asleep. I sleep anywhere from 28 – 32 minutes, and then I’m all done. Sometimes I doze off with my 4:15 bottle, but not always. And if I do, Mom has to hold me again or I wake up and am ill as a hornet. Mom has to do a LOT of sitting around, something she’s not the greatest at. She knows one day she’ll be glad she did all that sitting, holding, and rocking.
But someday she says I’m going to have to learn not to rub my face and to put myself to sleep.
… that’s silly. You know I like to be held and rocked. AND you know I call the shots around here. Maybe when I move to a big boy bed, you can just come sleep with me. We’ll talk.
I am doing a much better job at sleeping at night though, and I’ll usually sleep three nights in a row and then have a rough night. Mommy thinks it’s funny that most babies start waking up when they are teething, and for me, that’s when I finally learned to sleep through the night… most nights anyway.
It’s been a big month for me, and I’ve changed a lot. Mom and Dad are so proud of me and how I just keep fighting every day. I’m a happy baby considering all the mess I have to go through, and Mom and Dad are so thankful for my fun personality and my resilient attitude. They say that are so excited to see the person I’m becoming. I’m pretty special, they say, and they love me more than they could ever put into words. And even though I can’t say it yet, I love them a lot too. We make each other very happy. Life is good.
you really are such an amazing little boy! Can't believe how BIG you are getting! Keep fighting baby, keep fighting!
Guess what - I get to meet you in ONE MONTH! I'm so excited, and don't tell your mom, but I think I've become a little obsessed about making your birthday cake!
Hope you have a TON of people coming because you are going to get one BIG OLE CAKE!
Love you buddy!
Happy 11 months, sweet Jonah! I am so happy to see how big you're getting. And don't worry, I'm sure the Celebration of the Century will be AMAZING!!
Please remember how much we all love you, and are praying for you every day. May God continue to bless you!!
Love from TX!
Dear Jonah, You are pricelss. You are so big!! In those pictures, your mommy took of you, you look down right huge. Such a big boy.
I live far away from you, clear on the other side of the country in Seattle--you Mom and Dad can show you on a map where that is. I have absolutley loved getting to knwo you these past 11 months and I can't wait to hear all about your birthday party. And if you are grumpy that day, oh well no one will even notice because you are just so dreamy cute.
We have a dog maked Harley that looks kind of like your Deac, and I bet they would have dun playing together and Harley would like to play with you too. Harley likes to bury stuff in our bed and we find all kinds of toys hidden in there when we go to bed. Silly dog.
We pray for you every single day in the mornings and in the nighttime before we go to sleep.
Have fun getting ready for you big day
Love, Mari and Phil
Jonah you are awesome! Happy 11 months, buddy :)!!
Happy 11 Month Birthday Jonah!! You look so happy, big & healthy :) It has been so neat to see you grow and how God has had His hand on you. Can't wait to see what God has planned for you as you continue to grow! And I look forward to hearing all about the big birthday party coming up next month!!
Following you from GA!
I love the way he writes ;)
Happy 11 Months, Jonah!! :o) You are so awesome and we love hearing about how you're doing. Tell your Mommy we love the cute pictures she posts of you. Keep eating and sleeping (more and more) for Mom & Dad, ok?
P.S. Our little Noelle loves Jack's Big Music Show too! :o)
Oh baby Jonah you are getting so big! So stinkin cute too! If I werent on a diet I would eat you up!
Patrice, thanks for sharing your life with us. We are praying for you here in ND. Lots of prayers and love~Darcy
woot woot! jonah is such a big boy now. he looks bigger since the last pic you posted of him! you have the strongest, sweetest, cutest boy ya'll. thank you for letting me share in your joy of having a baby that defies the odds and ya'll are such inspirations as parents. you rock, patrice and matt. i am jealous that i won't be at the PARTY OF THE CENTURY! and i love to par~ty! much love and blessings from Ga~ erin
ps...yo!gabbagabba might let you get more done around the house. it puts bowen and pierce{a baby i keep} in a trance!
jonah, for such a little kid, you have an amazing thought process. you must have a pretty brilliant mommy. she should write a book someday. i'm pretty sure it would be a run away best seller. yep. it would.
keep smiling, and give your mom a break and take a little nap, wouldja??
so glad you're doing so well. we pray for you all the time.
happy 11th month, big guy!!
Jonah, I have not commented in some time but I still check up on you and your parents every day...still pray for you guys and praise God for every moment of your sweet life. You and my littlest one must have the same personality. He also slept alot more when he was teething. Confused me but I don't ask questions. Ha I cannot wait to watch you to continue to grow. I think you are one of the most beautiful baby boys I have ever seen!
Patrice, I felt the same way about Yo Gabba Gabba at first. My 1 yr old LOVES it and I was completely creeped out at first. Somehow I have been converted and enjoy watching it with him now. There is something to be said for watching Jack Black's "Dancy Dance" and Biz Markie beatboxing on "Biz's Beat of the Day". Hopefully it will become less painful for you as well. :) If all else fails just keep in mind that it's still way better then The Wiggles or Barney which I had to suffer through with my oldest!
How Sweet! He is doing so wonderful, Patrice!
Jonah, what pure joy to read your update on being 11 months old. Each morning I think "I have to check on Jonah!" and what a great update. You keep on growing and don't worry too much about your parents, eventually they catch on! You are doing a great job training them - it's always rough when they have to learn new things and you have to be the one to teach them, but God is the one who put you together! You are a beautiful family - I think Gabe looks down from Heaven and smiles.
Oh Jonah- I would just love to squeeze you! (Gently of course) I LOVE the "WHAAAT?" picture. Hilarious!!! He is so stinkin cute!!! Yay Jonah!!!!
Happy 11 months Birthday! You are getting so big! Keep up the good job at sleeping at night for your mommy. She really appreciates that!
You and your Mommy and Daddy are in my prayers!
Happy 11 Month Birthday sweet Jonut! You look terrific and I love your crazy hair...gives you SO much personality and style! Keep growing, keep thriving and I'll keep praying for you sweet little man. Big hugs!
Happy 11 months Jonah! You're such a cutie! Be sweet to your Mommy today and nap for her OK?
Happy almost birthday Jonah!! He is so precious! What a little trooper he is! And what a great mother and father he was blessed with! Praying for all you this morning.
Jonah, you rock! What a funny, happy, resilient little boy you are. Happy 11 months!
Happy 11 Months, Jonah! You're a beautiful boy!
Great post, Jonah. I was a *roller* too, so I know what fun that can be!
Happy 11 months!!! What a handsome little boy. What a blessing he is. I love reading your blog and seeing how sweet Jonah is doing. You do such a good job with him and know that so many people are praying for you guys! It brings tears to my eyes to know how close he is to that one year mark. He is a little miracle!!!!
Awww! Jonah is getting so big! Ha! Love the picture of him in his swing! He looks like a giant! Too funny!!
Such a cutie!!
I love Jonah's blogs and look forward to them every month! He's such a darling!
Hoorah for Jonah! Great post today! Loved all these pictures!
Jonah great to hear you are doing so well. You are so smart for 11 months but as we ALL know you are special so it's no suprise you can post a story on your moms blog. Nice work bubby. XOXOXOXO
Happy 11 months, Jonah! You're amazing. <3
Great post Jonah! happy 11 months, big guy! You're doing awesome, I can't believe I've been following your're journey for almost a year now!
I knew you'd come to your senses and love YGG. Good boy. Quinn loves it and Backyardigans, too. It might be something to consider for your next date. ;) When is that going to be, by the way?
Happy 11 month birthday Jonah! You are an inspiration! (And a really cool dude!)
Wow, 11 months?! That's just crazy how fast its going. The photos are great. He's such a cutie patootie.
Jonah I don't think you could be any cuter!
Don't worry...all the cool kids' hair sticks up because of double crowns. ( I unsuccessfully try to slick my son's down every morning before school.) :)
Happy 11 months, big guy!
Happy 11 months Jonah!!! So proud of you! Wonderful pictures Patrice, Jonah is looking so big, I bet he out weighs my 11mo old. Always praying!!!
Always love reading your sweet notes.
My 3yr old also has a double crown. It does make for some crazy hair. Take my advice and KEEP HIS HAIR LONG! We have had one too many bad short cuts.
I loved your blog today,Jonah. You are very good at telling us what is going on. I love to read your blog but esp, when you write it Jonah. You are getting so big and I loved the pictures of you. You looked like you were having a great time. Next month is going to be exciting so you and mom get rest now. Have a great day and tell your mom and dad are very special parents.
What a big boy! We are all so proud of you, Jonah! You are loved, prayed for, and adored by many who only know you through your mommy's pictures and stories. You have an amazing set of parents, you know. Keep up the good work!
--Kelley in GA
Wow Jonah, you have had a busy month! You are getting so big - and are so adorable.
Many many prayers continue for you, mommy, and daddy!
i love when you write like this. i can not wait to hear about his birthday celebration
GREAT post!!
I love hearing about the world from Jonah's point of view. So cool!
Happy 11 months...and looking forward to the celebration of the century- it's going to ROCK, I'm sure :)
oh i love it when jonah blogs! thanks jonah! your mommy's pretty good at it too though. :)
Oh Jonah...you are so funny! I also slept ALL THE TIME when I was teething so tell your mommy that's not so crazy :)
Congratulations for making it to 11months. You truely get to see a miracle every day!
Love Jack's Music Show!
Donna in NC
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