Sunday, October 25, 2009

prayer request for baby tripp

Hey Everybody!

It's me, Jonah.

This is my friend, Tripp. He is five months old.

He has Junctional EB too.

That really stinks, huh?

Anyway, my mommy told me that he is in the hospital again tonight. He has had to be in the hospital a lot lately because he's having a lot of trouble breathing. They've moved him into the ICU. See?

Anyway, they scoped him, and his epiglottis is swollen, and tomorrow he has to have surgery to get some tissue cut in his throat. They are worried that it might cause blistering or scarring, but they don't have any other choice. It's either this or a tracheostomy, so they want to try this first.

Would you please pray for my friend? His mommy is so sweet and has been such a big support to my mommy, and I hope to get to meet Tripp one day really soon. He already has a g-tube, so he's trying to help me feel not as scared about having to get one. He's very brave.

Maybe you could also visit his Caring Bridge Site and leave him (and his parents) some messages of HOPE and LOVE! Mommy remembers when I was in the hospital with breathing problems over Easter, and she was so scared. She says this g-tube stuff is nothing compared to breathing issues.

So please pray for Tripp and his parents, Courtney and Randy.

All EB kids are SOOO amazing, but Tripp holds a special place in our hearts.

Thanks y'all! You're the best!


Amanda said...

Prayers going up for Tripp tonight. I found their blog through a comment she put on your board a few days ago, and was reading their story from the beginning. I am so glad she can give you advice about a g-tube if that's what it comes down to with Jonah--Still ferverentling praying that that does not need to happen--but super glad you have people to go to for advice.

I hope Jonah did well today, and still praying for no g-tube.

Anonymous said...

Tripp is such a cutie! I can't even imagine how scary it would be to have a baby with breathing problems. I will definitely keep Tripp and his family in my prayers!


Jennifer said...

Tripp, along with Jonah, will be prayed for throughout our days.

Jess and Krissy said...

Dear Jonah,

It is so sweet of you to ask for special prayers for your adorable buddy. We are praying lots of extra prayers for both of you and your mamas and daddies tonight. You are such a wonderful boy, if you love Tripp, we love him too!

Anonymous said...

Adding Tripp to my prayer book, and will prayer for him and his family daily. Do you know the link to their blog? can you share it with us?

What a comfort it must be for you all to have each other to turn to over all kinds of things. Jonah and Tripp will be very special friends.

blessings, Mari

Courtney Roth said...

You continue to amaze me. God surely knows what He is doing when he puts special people into your life. He definitely sent me to your blog for a reason. Your kind words and prayer request couldn't have come at a better time. I truly needed that and needed the encouragement to get through another day. Every EB baby and every EB mom are so special, like you said, but there is something about you, your husband, and your precious little angel that just touches my heart. Your faith in God, your sense of humor, and your amazing strength are certainly things to be admired. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for taking the time out of your busy life to ask everyone to pray for our son. It is touching. I feel like I know you (not only because we lead very similar lives) but because my mom and I follow your blog and talk about you and Jonah at least 10 times a day! ha. We aren't stalkers, I swear... it's just so great to have someone who you know is feeling the same way you are. She'll call and say, "Did you read what Patrice said today?" Then we will say, "I wonder what Patrice uses or how she does "______"? I'm so glad God brought us together (not under these circumstances), but our little boys are 1 in 2 million... we have to stick together. I can't wait to meet you guys one day.
Thank you again... it means more than you will ever know. My mom and I read this sitting here in ICU, and of course you made us cry. Will let you know how everything goes.
Kiss and hug Jonah for me. Still praying. Let me know if you need anything.
All our love,
Courtney, Randy, and Tripp Roth

Jessica Kramasz said...

Praying for Tripp, Jonah, and their parents.

Heather said...

Praying for Tripp and his family right now.

Linda said...

Hi Patrice:
Just read about Tripp. What is with all the JEB babies being born this year? Leah (my granddaught
er) was born in Feb, then Jonah and now this beautiful little boy Tripp. Leah has a trach but thank God is doing well. Will be praying for Jonah and Tripp and all the EB babies out there. Take care. Love Leah's Nana

Sandy said...

Hey Jonah! I will certainly pray for your friend Tripp. That ole EB . . . I just really don't like that stuff. But hey you and Tripp are tough (AND ADORABLE)! Hang in there little buddy.

Love and prayers for you and Tripp.