We had an appointment with the geneticist today, so I still haven't had my bandages changed today. Mom is dreading it.
But anyway, we got out of the house again, so we were BOTH happy about that. Here I am, dressed and ready (after I had just had a huge three ounce gusher all over my chest piece and both my legs.) I look pretty innocent though, dontcha think?

When Mom said we were going to get out for the second day in a row, I was stoked! (She didn't tell me we were going to the hospital though... funny how she decided to leave out that tiny little detail.)

Once we got to the hospital, Mom put me in my stroller Aunt Kim gave us. I think it's pretty great (Mom says she likes the storage and the fact that it reclines), despite the fact that I slouch over to the side a little in it.

We waited out in the big hall area, but we kept dad in isolation in the waiting room to listen out for my name. Here he is trapped behind the glass. (Don't worry. We eventually let him out.)

And what did I get to do in the meantime? I got to watch the biggest TV EVAH! Eat your heart out, Dad. It was so cool. Granny or Mom would stand on these lights on the floor that would make a cool moving scene appear. I was very entertained. (That's me and Granny watching the hot air balloons.)
The appointment went well. We are starting the first round of testing, and the results should be back in about four weeks. It's to help determine exactly what genes are affected and what kind of mutations there are. Mom says she doesn't really understand it all, but it will be good to know exactly what's affected for any cure/treatment in the future. There are four tiers of testing, and they will have to go on to each tier if they don't find anything with the first round. Luckily, all the blood has already been drawn (shwew), so my part is finished.
After my appointment, Daddy, Mommy, Granny, and I went to lunch at Dairi-O. We got to sit outside in the beautiful weather. I was asleep so Mommy put me in my stroller. I was reclined and super-comfy, but then they came over the loud speaker and called out "137" or some number really loud, and it woke me right up.
But I woke up really happy...
... and let everyone enjoy their delicious hotdog lunch. I'm such a good boy.
Then Daddy asked me to stop by his work so he could show me off to everyone.
"Ok, Dad," I said. "But only if you eat my face."
Everybody there thinks I'm adorable.

So anyway, so far it's been a great day. (I'm still sleeping, by the way... and hour and a half and counting...) Dad should be home soon, and once I wake up we'll do dressing change. "Ugh," Mom says. I concur.
Mom is so happy to have gotten out the last couple days. She knows that she and I can't go out just the two of us (because she can't drive and be back there with me catching the pukies at the same time), but she's thankful to get out when other people can go with her to help out. It does her heart some good and makes things seem not so overwhelming.
So I hope everyone is having a great Tuesday. Feel free to leave lots of comments about how adorable I am in my Homerun overalls. (Yes, I still got called "she" today in them, but that's neither here nor there.)
Of course Jonah is absolutely adorable in the overalls! Glad you got to get out!
SUCH handsome-ness! Totally not understanding the 'girl' comments he gets tho!
...it does her heart some good... made me get all teary!
hope you get out more - he's doing so amazingly well! go jonah!
Yay, Jonah, for a good day out!
I can't believe people would call you a "she" in those super-handsome little homerun overalls!
I'm so happy for your good nights & naps lately ... for you & for your daddy & mommy!
Lots of love & prayers!
PS - no matter what MY day has been like, I always ended up grinning so big that it hurts my cheeks when I see lots of super-cute Jonah pics!!
Jonah you definitely look adorable in your overalls!
He looks NOTHING like a girl, people are just crazy! :)
He looks adorable in his overalls, such a big boy!! His face looks really good too. I love all your updates. Even the no-nonsense updates are nice! :) I like keeping up with Jonah so I can pray specifically for whats going on that day.
So adorable, Jonah, so adorable!! :)
He is definitely all boy! The only reason I can think is that maybe at first glance his leg bandages look like tights to some people?
He is so cute anyway! Love that smile!
- Kay (lurker)
I keep using the same words to describe this ADORABLE, AWESOME, HANDSOME boy..Jonut you get cuter everyday...I love finding updates especially with pictures.
Glad you are getting out more..giving mommie breaks from being stuck in the house. Just think, if you quit puking you could go out everyday (think about that & see if you don't like that idea)
Love & prayers PS..those overalls are just the right stuff for adorable boys
Jonah you look ADORABLE! What a good boy you are for letting Mommy and Daddy eat their lunches! I bet the ladies at the office are so happy that you came to visit. You are such a blessing to so many people. We love you and pray for you ( and mommy and daddy too ) all the way here in Maryland!
Glad you had a good day and got out and about. I hope you find the answers you need from today's doctor appointments. God bless.
I wish I lived near you, I'd buddy up with ya and help you go wherever you wanted! Jonah is sooo cute and I DO NOT think he looks like a girl AT ALL! My Charlie is almost 2 and people still tell me he's "pretty"...ugh! Oh well! So glad you had a good day!
Jonah, you only got called she because you're gorgeous! Like the male peacock! =)
Glad you were able to get out and about!! Woohoo! The overalls are super cute on Jonah!!
alright, if those gushers won't stop, you've got to find a way to get around them! you can't stay in all day! what aout wrapping him up in a garbage bag...or something :)
just cut a hole for his head! what about an enormous bib? im sure you've thought of these things though....
Jonah you're such a stud it's ridiculous dude. ;)
I can't believe how much Jonah has grown. He looks so handsome and the outfit is so cute too. How could anybody think he was a girl?
It's great to read that both of you are able to enjoy getting out and about some. We will pray for this to continue.
You are an awesome Mom Patrice and many of us enjoy following your blog.
Hugs and love to the three of you.
Linda G.
I love my daily dose of Jonut.
I tear up at approximately 65% of your posts. *sigh*
What....he looks 100% a boy. Weird but looks adorable as he can be. Love you Jonah , I pray for you every night and I know God is listening.
Your Jonah is absolutely adorable...How HE can be mistaken for a girl is beyond me! I have been following your blog for awhile, and I can't even remember how I found it! I am such a Jonah Fan!!
You are truly absolutely precious in your homerun overalls. You need to give the gushers a rest; mommies could live without all that. :) I know, I am a mommy who had one do gushers ALL the time, especially when I was dressed up and ready to go to work or church. Hopefully you will outgrow it quickly; my sweet son did at about age 1. Glad you all had a great day out! Enjoy this weather and be sweet to mommy!
results in 4 weeks?!? that is the quickest I have ever heard of! It usually takes months! Which gene are they starting with?
How about one of those bags like they use to feed horses...just hang it around his neck and empty it when you get to your destination!!
Jonah looks so handsome in his Homerun overalls. Love his smiley face!!!
Hooray for days out!! I'm glad you've had a good couple of outings.
Yeah for getting out! That always feels good to feel "un"trapped!
I have an almost four year old girl. I can not begin to tell you how many times someone said, "He's so cute!" when SHE was dressed in pink from head to toe! In fact, she had surgery when she was ten weeks old. The anesthesiologist called her "him" even though he was reading HER chart and SHE was dressed in a pink outfit, swaddled in a pink blanket. When I got home, I called her orthopedist and asked for a different anesthesiologist!!!
I COMPLETLY love the Homerun overalls. They make me have major baby boy envy!
When my girls were babies, they always got called boys, so we understand the gender issue, even though at times it makes no sense. If a person would just look at the child's clothes.
Anyway, Jonah is completely adorable!!!! I'm so glad you've gotten to get out and about lately, and I hope you can find ways to get out more. It makes such a difference for me, and I don't face what you face with your sweet boy.
Thanks for the fun post!
--Kelley in GA
Its because he is "pretty" - I mean handsome - he is so stinking cute - I could just eat him up - the pictures are great today - Jonah is so happy - smiling, laughing. I know we would be friends in "real life" if we lived closer. My first son was born with what doctors to this day are unable to explain - "paralyzed vocal cords" - we were isolated due to his health problems and needed help to get out to. Some day I am going to post all about him on my blog - just haven't taken the time. But - Caleb is good - all better - 18 years old - freshman in college. Love from Amarillo Texas - The Bakers
Your awesome Jonah!! We love you! Now if you can stop gushing so momma can take you out alone life would be wonderful! But since your so darn cute we'll cut you a break! ;)
So cute:) I hope you get some answers! I bet it was fun being out today even if it was to the hospital;)
Thanks, Jonah, I needed that! I had a long day teaching school and had to go back this evening for PTA (I'm sure your mommy remembers such days). One of the first things I did when I finally got home was check on you, little homerun boy. And oh how my mood brightened when I saw your too-precious-for-words face smiling at me.
So glad you all had a good day!
You are just too funny! Jonah is adorable.
Little baby Jonut...each one of those pictures made me want to bust out with a big belly laugh and you are just too cute for words!!!!!!! I am rejoicing with your mommy for her couple of nice weather days to be out of the house! I am praying for many more days like those for you both (and Daddy)!
Love & Hugs...and kisses on that precious little baby head! Aimee
Jonah - You are as cute as a bug's ear! BTW that means you are the epitome of cuteness! What knuckleheads to confuse you as a girlie! Maybe they are just trying to be funny? Oh, Happy 7 months Birthday! That is just awesome! ~ Karen (in NC)
You've got to be kidding..someone called you a girl?? In those cute little overalls? People are crazy!
Jonah - you are one handsome dude! So glad you and your mom are getting out more, and that your dad got to show you off at his office! Always prayin' for all of you! Love ya!
Jonah, I love it when you write a post. Mommy is good also but getting the info from you is refreshing. There is NO WAY you look like a girl (even if you are adorable)and the overalls are very studly.
Yeah for having a good day! I'm so happy to see precious pictures of you and hearing that your mommy's heart is happy. It makes me smile
Jonah, you are so cute in your homerun overalls! I love them and I LOVE YOU. I've been praying very specifically for you to eat well, without puking it up so much. God is really working in you little man . . . look how you are growing and look how much joy you bring to your mommy and daddy!! My, you are a special boy. I can't wait to meet you some day! I know God is going to see that our paths cross soon.
Continuing to Pray in Love,
Sandy in King
what a beautiful, happy baby. I keep praying for a miracle!!!
It's just those Carolina Blue eyes... ;)
Thanks Jonah for your comments.
I'm WOW'D at how articulate you are & love your sense of humor.
Give Mom & Dad a kiss 4 me,
prayers always,
How lucky are we Jonah to get to watch you grow up. Tell mommy and daddy thanks from all of us!!!!! I have four kids and I have told all of them about you and they think you are just as sweet as the pumpkin pie we are soon to eat!!!!!
Man Jonah, you are a cutie! You have the best happy faces ever and your mom is a funny little thing isn't she! I bet you and her have so much fun!
I love his little outfit...he looks so CUTE in it!!
Jonah, of course you are absolutely adorable and I do not see how anybody could think you are a "she". You are much too rugged looking, especially in your overalls. You look just like a train engineer. I'm very glad you had a good trip to the doctor and got to have lunch with Mommy and Daddy. That makes such very special memories. Hopefully, you will quite having the "pukies" soon and things will be better with your tummy. You keep taking those wonderful long naps so you and Mommy can both be rested. Take good care of Mommy and Daddy and just spend your time growing and growing.
God bless and love you to Heaven and back,
Aunt Joyce/Mimmy
It's a weird thing - I have a little 12 month old boy who looks so masculine to me (as does Jonah) and he got mistaken for a she ALOT between months 6-12! Especially as his hair grew longer. It must just be something with the age - because trust me I was just like you - I dressed him in stuff that was unmistakable!
Anyway - this is my first time commenting, but I have been following you since Jonah was born. I am amazed by you and Matt and your strength. I am glad you are getting out more now that it's fall time. I know it helped me a ton to get out.
Jonah is looking so great now by the way - keep up the great work.
LOVE LOVE LOVE you all! Glad you had such a great day!
Can't believe people call him she! I just don't get it!
I didn't think about you needing someone with you when you go out. Guess that really helps a lot!
Jonah is so so so cute! I can tell everyone is just so in love with him!
Glad you had a fun day Jonah!
Hugs and prayers!
Love hearing about your good days. I hope there are lots more to come!
He is the cutest! And I don't know how ANYONE would call him a girl! He is all boy! =) His face looks sooooo good! Glad you were able to get out of the house! As far as his gushers go, they make these flexible silicone bibs (I will try to find the name if you want, they sell them at Babies R Us)that have a big cupped area at the bottom. I am thinking you could maybe somehow alter it so it wouldn't irritate the skin around his neck and maybe it would help catch the barf? However, he may just over shoot the bib. What about fashioning some sort of absorbant yet soft towel with PUL in the middle and try to kinda cover him with in in the car? I feel bad that you can't go out by yourself, that would be super tough! Thanks for sharing yourself and sweet son with all of us strangers. =)
I am glad you had a good day out and I hope there are many more such days in the near future - it will do your mommy the world of good. It must be because you are so darn pretty that some people think you might be a "she".
Glad you guys have got to get out of the house the past two days. And yes he is so adorable in the overalls. I still can't believe how much he has grown. Hope you guys have a good rest of the week and weekend.
I am so glad you got outside to have some fun. Sorry you had to go to the hospital first, but you had to have the tests done.
So happy he is doing so well. Will continue to pray everyday for Jonah, Leah, Samantha (special prayers for Samantha) and all the EB children. Take care Williams family and keep the faith. Love Leah's Nana
Love, love, LOVE that boy!!! I can't HELP but smile when I see his sweet face. He looked just awesome in his cute overalls and I think it's so great you two got to show him off at Matt's work. His coworkers seem to enjoy having the visit too! Glad he's been napping good and that you got out for a bit...does the body and heart good for sure!
I LOVE the overalls. Little Jonut is the greatest.
HE is absolutely adorable. His smile just beams from ear to ear, I love it! Cute overhalls too! I have to sit in the back seat with my little guy too to catch gushers. Is Jonah on reflux medicine at all? My guy is, they just switched him to Prevacid because Zantac was not working. Anyway, I am glad to hear Jonah is doing so well. Keep us posted on the genetic testing, it's so amazing what the doctors are capable of, I hope they can help Jonah. Will this also give you a better idea where you stand for future children? God bless, take care.
Jonah is just the cutest baby ever - he looks so happy on his day out. Love the home run overalls!
Adorable baby BOY in adorable overalls. Who are those silly people who think he's a girl? Sheesh! So glad to hear you got out. Find the little things that help you feel God's love a little more clearly and do them as often as you can.
I swear he gets cuter everyday!!
Your little boy is about the cutest thing I have ever seen. Don't worry about the "girl" comments either. My son was called a "she" for about the first 2 years of his life and while it bothered me at first, I fianlly came to realize that it just meant he was a beautiful child and yours is too!
I don't even know Jonah, and it makes me cry (happy tears) to see how cute and happy and precious he is. It's so obvious how LOVED he is - and he knows it! I am so glad that you are able to get out more. That makes all the difference in our outlook sometimes! My prayers are with your family.
Jonah, I would have said you were adorable even if you hadn't asked me too!
What a sweet post! If you could only get out more! Jonah is looking great, and really happy.
So glad you got out and had what looks like was a wonderful day! Love all the pics!
SO cute! Those first two are just beautiful! How could that baby be anything but perfect? !!!! :o) Looks like everyone had a great day!
Man...Jonah sounds so smart when he speaks. With those advanced language skills, you're going to eb sending him to private school =) Adorable outfit! He's such a cutie!
P.S. I haven't heard your mommy talk about Florence lately and since I live here, I think it's a pretty fun place to go =)
You know, some people just don't get babies' gender. I would have my daughter out in a pink dress with a bonnet and a pink blanket, and people would still say "what cute baby! It is a boy or a girl?" Ummmmm... It's a boy in a dress. *sigh* Jonah is looking cuter every day! And I know you're happy to be able to finally put some normal clothes on him! :)
Some people! How could they mistake that handsome little fellow for a girl?! Lol! One day I had my daughter out wearing a pink dress with white polkadots and lace trim, with a bow barette in her hair, wrapped in a fluffy pink blanket, and got asked twice if my baby is a boy or a girl. Yeesh! Open your eyes people!
P.S. I wanted to say thanks for always posting lots of pics! I have to get my Jonah fix before I go to bed or I feel like I'm missing something. ;)
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