This was my first shirt for the day.

But then I threw up all over it. And all over Mom. And all down her shirt.

I thought that was...
But then I puked on it too. And this time I shared with Daddy. He had to change his whole outfit too.
Again, hilarious.
Again, hilarious.
And this is the outfit I'm in right now... another onsie from Granny.
We'll see how long it lasts.
I may or may not have a surprise in store for Mom and Dad. I couldn't rightly say.
Do you think my "crazy eyes" give me away?
Mom says to tell you guys that the not sleeping is driving her nuts. Two nights ago, it was Mom's night. I woke up at 10:40, 11:30, 12:50, 2:30, was up from 4:15-5:15, and got up for the day at 7:15. Last night with Dad was about the same. I'm not eating every time, but have to have my bottom patted and once in a while do have to be fed twice. I eat really well at 4:00, and Mom and Dad don't mind getting up with me then, because they NEED me to eat. But all those other times when I'm just making them get up, come all the way upstairs, and pat my butt for five minutes... shwew, it makes them tired. They don't feel like they ever get to complete a full sleep cycle.
Mom says to tell you guys that the not sleeping is driving her nuts. Two nights ago, it was Mom's night. I woke up at 10:40, 11:30, 12:50, 2:30, was up from 4:15-5:15, and got up for the day at 7:15. Last night with Dad was about the same. I'm not eating every time, but have to have my bottom patted and once in a while do have to be fed twice. I eat really well at 4:00, and Mom and Dad don't mind getting up with me then, because they NEED me to eat. But all those other times when I'm just making them get up, come all the way upstairs, and pat my butt for five minutes... shwew, it makes them tired. They don't feel like they ever get to complete a full sleep cycle.
And I'm still only sleeping 45 minutes to an hour and a half nap. Then I wake up. And Mom says she would be totally okay with that, but man, I wake up gruuuuumpy. I fuss for one to two hours before Mom finally gets me back to sleep for about another hour.
I don't know what the big deal is. Who wouldn't want to hang out with the awake me all the time?
I don't know what the big deal is. Who wouldn't want to hang out with the awake me all the time?
I mean, come on people. If I were Mom, I would just want to stare into my eyes all day. How can she stare into them if they're closed? I'm just trying to help her out.
I'm so misunderstood.
I hear ya big boy!
What a sweet post, he is soooo cute. I hope he starts sleeping better soon.....starting TONIGHT!!
Heather in NC
Those are fantastic pictures!! You really captured his personality in them!! I loved the post.
He is just getting more gorgeous everyday!
Wow Jonah looks GREAT!!! His face has really cleared up alot and he looks bigger and bigger every picture I see. Those beautiful eyes are going to really attract the girls one day ;) haha. He really is a handsome dude! Praying that he starts to sleep better and continues to eat well and grow!!May God renew your strength and comfort you everyday!
Love the cute clothes! He looks so much like you, Patrice, in that 3rd picture! I feel ya on the spitting up. It gets SO old, but it does eventually end. Oh, and the night waking is so difficult. I do pray for you when I am up with my little guy in the middle of the night too. We moms of night-wakers need to support each other!
So, it would appear that the "Dad shirt" didn't get puked on but the Mom one did? Tell Jonah that's just not cool at all=)
he is so so so cute. your pictures tell such a story with his face. he is so expressive. too cute.
i hope jonah begins sleeping better soon, especially so you and matt can get some sleep. i'll be praying for this.
This was a riot! I love his "crazy" eyes. You poor thing and your hubby too going without sleep like that! I'll be praying he gives you both a break!'s hoping it improves soon. I'm sorry...I've been there and it's really rough but he'll outgrow it, I PROMISE! At least his cuteness is what he's got going for him right now! Hugs to ya gal!
The crazy eyes pic cracked me up. I literally laughed out loud when I saw that face. He is just SO darn cute!
Jonah, you are so cute. My N. is misunderstood, too--he doesn't know why the cat wouldn't want him to give her his shoe--and put it right up in her face so she won't miss that he's giving it to her!
Oh, I just love your sweet little Jonah. He is the cutest baby ever and has the most beautiful eyes.
I continue to pray for him daily.
Hope tonight is a better sleep night for all of you.
Stacy in TX
Yes, Patrice, you really should want to just stare into his eyes all night long. Not! Hope he starts sleeping better soon. ;)
Jonah is so adorable. I love his big blue eyes. Read Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Baby, it really worked for us.
Jonah, Hear me out here. Grown-ups are kind-of weird. They NEED, NEED, NEED sleep. So, in exchange for all the wonderful stuff your folks do for you each and every day, they would just appreciate it if you would let them get some shut-eye. Cause guess what - when your eyes are closed, I bet your mom's are, too. Plus, I have it from a really reliable source that sleeps helps your body heal. So, in addition to our little pep talk here, I am asking God to help you sleep so your folks can get some sleep, too. :O)
Jonah, you are so cute and funny. Thanks for being such and interesting baby and having lots of pictures taken. Seeing you makes my day. Everytime. You are such a cutie. Love the I love mom shirt. We need one of those around my house. I remember the other day your mommy saying you slept really good. She jinxed you. I really hope jinxed is a real word. Anyway, forget she said that and let mommy sleep until 4:00 tonight.
praying that he will let you sleep! cute little outfits!
Oh sweet sweet Jonah! You stop that puking all over Mommy and Daddy! But don't stop those sweet smiles and your happy eyes - they are heart-melters, that's for sure!
You need to try and sleep tonight so Mommy and Daddy can take care of you. And so you can keep growing and making even more sweet faces for all of us. You have no idea how happy we all are to see you - and most of us have never met you!
Anyway, I hope you and Mommy and Daddy have peaceful, sweet dreams tonight.
Love from TX!
He is so darn cute!!!!!
I'll think of yall tonight when I'm up at all hours with my dude. When are these little men going to get the hint that sleep is a glorious thing?
Good luck tonight getting sleep!
Oh, my goodness. He looks exactly like you in those first two pics. And wow are those eyes blue!
Fabulous post- so cute! I love the part about "pat my butt!!" As a mom of 7, I can soooo identify!!
Ugh! Sleep deprivation is the worst! Although those eyes are gorgeous...
I forget, have you tried a white noise machine? It worked for my sister's babies. Mine liked the sound of the humidifier. Hmmm...a little whiskey? JUST KIDDING!!! I wish I had a great answer. Hang in there...can anyone come by on the worst days and give you a nap? I know, then you feel like the day was wasted. Hmmm...well, I'll be praying for you...
Funny post and more precious pictures of Jonah! That makes for a great day of blog hopping!
Hey Jonah! I just wanted to let you know that I like having my butt patted to put me to sleep too! Its really relaxing!
I remember when my little girl (who will be 3 tomorrow! can you believe it - 3!!) - wouldn't sleep at night and kept waking up - I would make a little pallet on the floor next to her crib so I wouldn't have to keep walking up and down the hall all night!
On a side note - I am so excited about making your GIGANTIC birthday cake that I already printed out all the backyardigans characters and am designing your cake already! Its going to be FANtastic!
btw - I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new clothes! SO cool!
I think your sweet boy has talked with my sweet baby girl!! We are 9 months old, and still up multiple times at night to eat or play! Hang in there, everyone tells me that she will get better! But- her twin brothers are two and still get up at least once! Maybe you and I are just suckers for sweet babies!
I love your last two posts with all the pictures -- he's getting so big! He's just a doll! Love you all and will pray for a good night's sleep for you. It's so hard to carry on in your day when you are exhausted! Thanks for always bringing a smile to my face!
Sorry Jonah's having a rough tummy day and that you're having rough nights. However, he seriously is the cutest thing ever, so maybe he's right. Try reasoning with him. Tell him you'll love looking in his eyes extra tomorrow if he'll sleep a few solid hours between feedings. He seems to be a very reasonable guy. :)
I just have to say 1. He has beautiful eyes and
2. he looks just like his daddy here!
He is such a handsome boy!
Aw! I'm sorry you aren't getting as much rest as you would like, but man! He his a cutie!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!
I feel ya'! Makes you want to move him back to your room doesn't it!
My son did the same thing only he took 30 minute ped said when a sleep cycle ended he would wake up and not know how to put himself back to sleep....he didn't fine tune his self soothing skills until around 15 months! I was one tired mommy! There was nothing I could do except wait until he could do it on his own...I am not a let them cry it out kind of I know you aren't either! So here's praying Jonah can eat good before he goes to sleep and learn to self soothe if that is the problem....Before you know he will be sleeping through the night and you will so miss getting up with him...sounds crazy I know but you will!
I am praying for you that sleep will come your way! Two of my little ones have reflux so I know how it can wake them up with a vengeance. I pray that Jonah will get a comfy night's rest, and just as important, that you and your hubby can sleep as well! May you feel rested (and even ENERGIZED) tomorrow :)
Patrice, I know just how you feel - more thankful than anything that your lovely boy is right here with you, and exactly like **** because you need your sleep. I was the same for different reasons. For a while we had a mattress beside Junior's bed, so whoever was on duty on horror-nights could reach over half asleep and do the back-patting. And the off duty parent sleeps better then too. It does pass, hang on to that!
Patrice, I did the same thing as Janel when my daughter was in the butt-patting stage. I kept a sleeping bag and pillow in her room and I would lay on the floor and stick my arm through the crib bars and pat her. Then we'd both fall back to sleep. It really helped me get through that stage with her. Prayers for better sleeping all around!
Cute, cute, cute! I'm so sorry he's not sleeping well. You need your sleep too! Praying that he gets into a really good sleep cycle soon.
Oh, the night waking is sooooooo hard! My middle son (Wyatt) was a difficult sleeper from birth through 9 months old. He too had reflux. He also didn't nap well, ever (cat naps - 45 min to an hour, many times a day) It made being a Mommy hard at times, especially with a brother who is 18 months older than him. Somehow, at 9 months, Wyatt just started sleeping.....
Hang in there, the sleeping can only get better, right?
I can vouch for it - Wyatt now sleeps 12-14 hours a night, and naps for 2-3 hours in the afternoon!
Except I'm still in a sleep deprived state; Wyatt's little brother was born 12 days ago :)
Beth, MI
Love the eyes! My son was not a good sleeper for awhile either. Then it "clicked" He still (almost 7) doesn't need as much sleep as my younger one. It does get better; I promise!
That was such a sweet post, I really loved it. Jonah is getting soooo big I can't believe how big he has gotten. I love the little outfits he has been wearing past few posts. well it is good to see that you guys are doing good. Praying that he will sleep better for u soon.
J in NC
Jonah, one day in the future, when you are married & become a daddy...mommie is going to remind you of all this PUKING & waking up wanting to have your butt fact Patrice, when he is a senior in high school & they want you to send in pictures & stories be sure to include some of know what they say about payback. You are so handsome in those you new clothes. If you start sleeping more, puking less mommie can take you out & see all kinds of interesting off those new clothes & those beautiful eyes....
you really should consider writing a book about your trials and tribulations and jubilations with jonah. you are a great writer- and i bet there aren't too many eb books out there- maybe even one for kids! so- in your spare time (ahem) get writing!
From a former sleep-deprived mommy to another, do you have two bedrooms on the same floor? It helps so much in the middle of the night, if you can be on the same floor of the house. I completely agree with you on having him in his room, and I understand why you don't let him cry it out. But you need as much sleep as you can get. We keep our youngest ones on the same floor as mom and dad, and the bigger ones have rooms upstairs.
Sweet dreams!
He's SO adorable!!!
Our "We ♥ Jonah" magnet came and it's such a pretty blue! Woohoo!
Jonah you are so cute! I bet those pouty lips and big blue eyes get mommy and daddy everytime!!
SWEET BABY JONAH! You are such a handsome boy!! Love those sweet cheeks!
I have a little boy who doesn't like a lot of sleep either--I think he's allergic?! :)~
So thankful for coffee!
Saw your button on someone's blog & came by to say a prayer for Jonah. I'm a firm believer in the power of prayer. God bless your baby boy...he's a cutie!
Love the "crazy eyes" :)
dana z.
Oh, what a cutie pie! It makes me so happy to see him gaining weight and looking healthy. Praying that he lets you get a good night's sleep.
I am sure you captured his thoughts exactly! He is such a cutie!:)
He can work those faces like no other!!!
Oh, Jonah how I adore you!! Our Baby Theo(7 weeks)has those same onesies that came from his Granny too! They come from one of our favs-besides Target- Kohl's!!
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