I just wanted to steal Mama's computer for a second to tell you how much I love you. You're really special, and I hope you know how much I love you even though I can't really talk yet. All that arm slinging and kicking I do to work out a tiny little coo is to tell you I love you. I think you understand me, but just in case.
On Friday I laughed - really laughed - for the first time, and guess what? It was at you. You were going Ah-Ah-Ah-CHOO, and even though mommy's done it a thousand times, you, daddy, are just HILARIOUS. You make my whole face light up. I'm so happy when you are around.
I love how you sing to me, and I especially like it when you sing the Star Wars theme. I love when you rock me to sleep, and hold me up on your chest so I can look around. You always help mommy so much, and I like our middle of the night time when you're feeding me. You are so patient and kind, and even when mom is all tired and grumpy, you are so peaceful, and you never get mad at me.
Mommy thinks you are so calm and have such a great attitude. She tells me how strong you are, and how she doesn't think she could get through all of this without you. She says that you give her strength to make it through another day.
You are so great with me, and even though before me you didn't know anything about babies, you would never know. You've jumped in with two feet, and you do such a great job! And let's face it, dad, I'm not the easiest baby ever. But you are amazing.
And even in this world that can be so hard and cruel - in this place that may be hard for me at times - you see me as beautiful and perfect. And even though I will face a lot of pain in this world, you will be always be my safe place to come. You will make me strong and funny and you will teach me to love Jesus. And with you and mommy and Jesus, I'll be okay. And I just want to say thank you - thank you for all you've already done and all you're going to do. Thank you for the man I'll become because of you.
Thank you for loving me with all your heart.

And thank you, God, for preparing the perfect daddy for me. You made us for each other. What a gift you've given me. And God, I'll know how much you love me, because of the way I see my daddy loving me. Of all the great things he will do, showing me your love will be his most important job. And it's one he's really, really good at.
Oh Patrice. That was beautiful. Jonah is so lucky to have such a fantastic father (and a pretty fantastic mom too!) You've made me sob!
God bless.
This is beautiful. Jonah's letter touched my heart, thank you for sharing it with us.
God bless you, Patrice, Matt, and precious Jonah!
Beautiful. Jonah is so bless to be born with such a great parents. God bless him.
What a beautiful post.
So beautiful. Happy Fathers Day, Matt!
P.S. The picture of the three of you right after Jonah's birth brought tears to my eyes. So a gorgeous family you have.
How beautiful. The BEST tribute to a Father i've EVER read.
God Bless You All
Wow! That is beautiful!
so beautiful. tears in my eyes, girl. and i never posted that picture of you and matt in the hospital because i felt like it was too...much. too personal and too deep for me to share it. but i'm glad you did, cause i love how it shows you two pulling together.
happy father's day, matt! i think you're doing a fabulous job being daddy to jonah and all of patrice's words are true. i cannot wait to see jonah grow up with such fabulous parents.
wow, simply amazing! my favorite post of ALL time! :) hope it was a special day for ALL of you.
Hi Patrice! I wanted you to know that although I havent commented in quite some time, my husband and I still visit your page every time you update to check our Jonah and pray for your family. Through your pictures and the way you have delicately described your husband...I feel like all of us that care about your family have learned so much about his patient personality. God most certainly planned him for this role of being Jonah and Gabe's earthly father and your partner! I hope he had a great father's day. You guys are really doing it! You're doing great!
The letter was beautiful, brought tears to my eyes. Jonah is such a precious gift from God and is so blessed to have two wonderful parents. I think if I "knew" Jonah I would have a hard time giving him back to Mom and Dad. He touches me with each and every picture I see of him, he is already special and touching lives each and every day. May God continue to bless you as a family and give you His renewed strength every morning as you rise. Praying for you daily. Happy Father's Day Matt.
Raleigh NC
Daddies are essential, and our children certainly have some good ones. Praising God with you for the amazing men in our lives.
--Kelley in GA (queenkelley.com)
So sweet!!!!!!Happy Fathers Day!
What a wonderful tribute to Matt. Patrice - I mean Jonah - you hav a beautiful way with words. Hope all three of you had a wonderful day.
Patrice - An absolutely wonderful post. You could not have given Matt anything for Father's Day that he would cherish any more. Hopefully you have printed this out and tucked it away in Jonah's baby book or some other safe place that Matt will be able to pull it out and read it on those days that get real tough.
Take Care, God bless and I love you to Heaven and back...
Dear Heavenly Father... Thank you for allowing me to know this loving set of parents, Patrice and Matt with their special gift, Jonah. Continue to bless them through all their days and nights.
In your Son's name I pray because you said we could,
Happy Father's Day & Love to all the Williams Family!
Barbara Lyman :-)
Marysville, WA
Wow....you said it so beautifully sweet, Jonah! Sounds like your Daddy is just amazing....like my kid's Daddy. I bet they would get along great!
God bless you all! Such a sweet picture of those baby blues...adorable! Thank you for sharing both of your boys with all of us....I feel so blessed to be able to check in on your sweet family.
So beautiful. What a wonderful fathers day gift!
That sure made me tear up!
Beautiful letter Jonah -- you are your Mommy make quite a team when expressing yourself! You brought tears to my eyes --- I love your whole family even though I'll probably never formally meet you until Heaven and then we can spend forever together..... :-) Happy Father's Day Matt!
Beautiful and priceless post.
God Bless
wow jonah, you really summed it up perfectly! you do have a pretty amazing daddy, and if i might add, a pretty fantastic mommy, too. hope you have a super day lovin on your daddy.
Yow - put a "Kleenex Alert" on this next time! :+)
Seriously, this is beautiful, and I have no doubt this is what Jonah would say if he had words. You can tell from the way he looks at Matt with THOSE EYES.
God put Jonah with the two of you because He knew you would be the best parents to take care of him. Happy Father's Day to Matt - you have a very special boy!
...and Patrice, you're not so bad yourself... :+)
May God's blessings be on your entire family!
What a beautiful letter!! You've made me cry!! Praying for you all! Jonah is such a cutie!
::tears, that's all i got, sorry.::
What a beautiful tribute to Matt! Happy Father's Day!
That was so sweet, it made my eyes water! Happy Father's Day, Matt! You're doing a great job. =)
happy father's day, Matt!
and a beautifully written letter....
Jonah, you sure are talented (like your mommy ;)
Proverbs 4:1-4
Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction;
pay attention and gain understanding.
I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching.
When I was a boy in my father's house,
still tender, and an only child of my mother, he taught me and said,
"Lay hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands and you will live."
Hi Patrice,
I was just curious if you have heard or seen about honey for treatment of EB blisters?
Our local news in Texas just did a story of a teenager struggling with it and was actually gravely ill because of some blisters not healing and they wrapped her bandages with honey and it worked..Her mother said it was a miracle..Anyways I just wanted to pass this on , something to look into..God Bless you and your beautiful family.
That was the sweetest letter! I must admit my eyes are a little watery. Happy Father's Day Matt!
Btw, I love the pictures!
That is the sweetest post, Jonah. I can see you love your Daddy very much. You ARE one lucky little boy!
I really loved the letter How SWEET.Jonah is really lucky to have a great father. Thanks 4 sharing.
Oh my...trying not to cry. Jonah really has a poignant way with words! How very sweet this letter is and it's something dad will have to cherish always. But I have to admit I was cracking up about the Star Wars theme!!! But, hey, whatever works!
oh gosh this was a tear jerker for sure!!!!!!!!!! :) -megan from wi
How very sweet, Jonah. You and your mommy are pretty lucky!:)
Patrice, that was absolutely wonderful. Did Matt cry when he read this? I did and I know I am not alone. Jonah's face looks so much better...you can really see the beautiful baby he is.
Wow. You couldn't have said that more perfect. I hope you and your family had a great Father's Day.
LinMarie in Fl
What a beautiful post! Jonah is a blessed little guy to have 2 such amazing parents. The picture of Jonah propped on the blue blanket on Matt's shoulder is such a testament to the love between a father and son.
Beautiful...I have tears in my eyes. Happy Father's Day Matt!
Sara, Kingwood TX
What a lucky little boy you are Jonah to have 2 wonderful parents who love you so much. God picked them out especially for you.
Patrice, what you said is so beautiful...I know Jonah was thinking exactlyu what you were writing.
I wish I could have been there when you felt Jonah's fingers on your face. I bet you lit up the whole town!
I think about you guys everyday!
I hope you had a wonderful Father's Day Matt!!
That post brougth tears to my eyes, especially the one pic of him comforting you!!
What an awesome husband you have! And what a wonderful dad he is!!
Hope you guys have a blessed week!!
Well, you've done it again...I can't see to comment because of the tears. Jonah, you definitely know how to express yourself...guess you got those genes from your Momma!! You are one blessed kid to have two WONDERFUL parents.
What a beautiful love note post for Jonah's daddy! Jonah is a perfect little boy who will some day grow up to be a perfect man like his daddy.
Patrice, That was beautiful. I'm so glad The Jonut hijacked your blog again ... he does SUCH a great job.
Such beautiful words! We knew humor was a strong point for you, but you can capture emotion with your words in an amazing way as well!
that was absolutely beautiful! i just now came across your site and your story is touching! i have a little boy that is one day older then yours (born 2-26-09). he's an absolute doll!
words escape me now, but I had to comment just to say I Love this family, God Bless you all. :)
Hope Matt had a wonderful Father's Day!
Beautiful!!!! What a great tribute to your husband and Jonah's daddy!!! God Bless!
What a beautiful post! It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing!
What a great tribute to Jonah's dad.
Patrice, I can't get over how different Jonah's face looks from day to day. Does it really go from looking so clear to looking so sore and painful that quickly? He's cute no matter what, with those big blue eyes, and I know that's the EB...just makes my heart ache for the little guy.
Anonymous said:
What a beautiful tribute you wrote for Jonah's daddy on Fathers Day.
You really touched my heart. I cried almost all the way through it.
God bless your family and complete healing for Jonah.
Happy Father's Day Matt.
What a beautiful post! So sweet. I've never posted before, but have followed your journey since Jonah was born!
I saw on another website that this laundry soap helps remove built up petroleum. Thought I'd pass the tip on in case you were still trying to get his diapers rid of the aquaphor residue. Here is the website: http://www.charliesoap.com/ . I've never tried it, so I can't speak from experience...just wanted to show it to you!
So sweet!
I have been following your blog for a while now, and I have to tell that was beautiful!
God bless your wonderful family - Jonah is absolutely adorable.
Such a sweet letter. How wonderful that you have each other & that Jonah has each of you!
So so sweet. Glad you have a great husband for you and daddy for Jonah! Makes life a lot easier!
This brought tears to my eyes. You have a beautiful son and a wonderful husband, and you're not too shabby either! Thinking of you all.
How beautiful, this made me cry!
What a beautiful letter to Jonah's dad... brought me to tears.
I just love Jonah. He's just beautiful and you guys are such wonderful parents. I'm praying for all of you. What a beautiful family you have. I am not afraid to pray for a complete healing for Jonah, but I trust Him and I do trust that no matter what, He is good. You glorify the Father each day as you trust His plan and love Him despite how difficult this must all be. I'm so in awe of how you point to Him. God bless you!
Happy Father's Day! Thanks for sharing. You have a sweet babe and a great ministry to many. God Bless you all. Jennifer in Southeast, NC
What an awesome tribute to your husband for Father's Day! Jonah is blessed to have such a wonderful daddy!
That was absolutely beautiful. I'm continuing to pray for your sweet little guy and for you, his parents.....may God bless your precious family!!
beautiful letter to a great daddy.
What GREAT pictures. What a GREAT post! What GREAT parents for such a GREAT baby boy!!!!
just so ya know, i'm sitting at work CRYING MY EYES OUT! what a sweet sweet sweet post. you have a way with words. and you have a beautiful family. may god continue to bless ya'll :)
oh goodness, that is one powerful loving post.
God Bless you Three
always thinking of you & yours
That actually brought tears to my eyes. Patrice, you are a wonderful writer. What a beautiful tribute to your husband and Jonah's daddy!!
I have read this post many times & have been looking for the words to say & I can came up with is wonderful, awesome, perfect words, thoughts & feelings. Jonah & Gabe are so blessed to have both of you for parents, The love you have shows in your words.
So beautiful & such a deep personal look into your souls.
God bless each of you.
Aw, Little Guy - You made me cry! I love hearing updates about you and seeing your sweet face. God knew you'd need extra special parents and gave you the perfect mommy and daddy. I pray for you daily. Thank you for touching my heart so deeply.
What a beautiful letter! These days life is so busy that I am rarely on the computer and don't get to comment often, but I love going back and reading the posts when I do have a chance to get on. Jonah is one beautiful little boy. (Er, should I say handsome since he's not a girl?) You guys have a wonderful gift...both in Jonah and in each other...
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