When I am in a good mood, I smile a lot and use my whole body to express myself. I coo a lot at anyone who makes funny faces or noises, but I will follow Mommy and Daddy around the room with my eyes. I think they're the best. I really like sitting up on someone's chest and holding my head up really strong all by myself so I can see the world. I don't like having to lie back to take my bottle. I want to be looking around all the time. I will scream a lot if I don't get my way. They tell me I might have Mommy's strong will. Mommy is okay with it.
I don't like tummy time, but haven't given it much of a chance, so Mommy says this is something we're going to need to work on. My favorite thing is to lie on the changing table and look around. I love it there, because I get to stretch and kick my legs and arms. Except for the occasional blisters on my feet, legs, and upper arms, I'm in pretty good shape except for my face. I love, love, love to rub my cheeks, eyes, and forehead. You should see me in the morning when they release me from the torture device they call the "Miracle Blanket." I take one big, huge stretch and then go to work on my face, making up for a night spent in a straight jacket. DRIVES. MOM. CRAZY. I think that's part of the reason I like it so much.
I'm just beginning to discover the joys of peek-a-boo. Why has no one ever told me about this? Suh-weet.
I dig hanging out in my swing, but not for too long. I much prefer being held. My favorite part about the swing is watching the lights, and I could just stare at them forever. I really like to ride in the car. I also LOVE the ceiling fan in the living room and will try to bend my body backwards to see it if you are holding me and start walking away. If I do that, the big people will walk back over to the fan so I can watch it. I pretty much call the shots around here. (Muah-ha-ha!)
Like my cute outfit? I only really started wearing "real" clothes yesterday. Mommy is so excited she about pees her pants when she dresses me. So then I pee my pants instead, and she has to take that outfit right back off. But man, for that thirty seconds, she's totally pumped.
This is my blue vibrating chair my cousins Asher and Ainsley let me have. Mommy keeps hoping I will like it, but so far I'm pretty resistant. I will sit in it, however...
if I can do this...
I LOVE Baby Einstein. Baby Beethoven is my favorite, although I also like Baby Mozart. Mommy thinks classical music is pretty boring, but she's glad I like it. She's wondering when they'll come out with Baby Led Zeppelin. She thinks that would rock the house.
THIS is my favorite way to sleep:
1. Hold me. Seriously. Hold me. NOW. I SAID, "HOLD ME, DANG IT."
Now then.
2. Somehow let me get all funny and twisted over on my side.
3. Let me stretch my neck and head waaaaay back like this.
4. Let the snoring commence.
Mommy says that today is a big day for me. She says that I am only here today because God has protected me and because of this thing called prayer. I don't really understand it all, but she says someday I'll know how loved I am, and I'll understand how the whole world prayed for me. She says that God made Gabriel to be an angel, but He sent out Jonah with a message to the world. She says I'm going to have a big story to tell, and that she hopes I'll always give God the glory for my amazing journey, and that I will use it to tell other people about Jesus.
She says to tell you all thank you. From the bottom of our hearts. From the depths of our souls.
I'm here because my God is healing me, sustaining me, giving me breath. I'm here because you prayed... because you are still praying. I'm here because you love me. A stranger. A baby you haven't even met.
I'm here by the grace of God. Praise HIS name forever and forever. Hallelujah!
I do not even notice the blisters...seriously! I am way too busy looking at those gorgeous eyes, that perfect button nose and those perfectly plump little lips. I love the clothes! I am going to ask my friend who is a designer if she can make an outfit for Jonah. can you e-mail me the requirements and size? murielcollison at hot mail.
This is precious! I don't know you all, but I have been praying for you! God has a plan!
Patrice, he is adorable! Super funny post, too! Made me laugh. Our Eli is two months today, so I can relate to a lot of what Jonah "said" in his post. Especially the part about the miracle blanket. hope it is working well for you. We really like it (eli dosen't care much for it). It's know as the baby strait jacket around here, too.
I'm glad to see that Jonah is doing so well. We will keep praying!
My little boy fought tummy time too, and he loved the lights. Aren't they funny?
I loved your post - it is so heartfelt and so honest and so sweet and so... I can't even think of another so - oh yes, it is so perfect! Your little Jonah is so beautiful with the sweetest expressions and those eyes...my oh my! His little outfit is precious. I am thankful to know you via the blog and it has been a priviledge to pray for you, your husband and sweet, sweet Jonah (little brother of precious Gabe). I am Nona to a 13 month old little girl who I love to spoil - she can get me to do anything! Thank you for understanding that this is what grandma's do. Many prayers still coming from North Florida!
He's a growing, healthy boy Patrice! I havent been commenting as much but am reading every day. Happy 3 months Jonah man! We love you, pray for you and think about you guys often!!! Thank you Jesus for restoration and health!
LOVE this post...LOVE it! I can just imagine Jonah holding 3 fingers up underneath those cute mittens! Praying hard in High Point every day!
He is just sweet as pie and if I were there it would be impossible for me not to want to cuddle and squeeze him, but that would be wrong because hes not mine. Im sure you would share right? LOL What a precious little guy. For some reason, the babies with the cloth diapers on look so much cuter. :)
I have baby Led Zeppelin, and U2, and the Beatles. They are the BEST cds, my girls fall asleep to them everynight. Here's the link to them.
P.S. Happy 3 monts, Jonah!
I have been praying for you since you were one day old. I hope you had an awesome 3 month birthday with your mommy and daddy. I think they are pretty amazing people and you hit the jack pot with them! I have loved seeing you grow and change. I swear you get more beautiful, ehem, handsome every day!
Your post brought tears to my eyes. Praise the Lord and happy 3 month birthday Jonah! God certainly must have big plans for him (and his parents as well)! Looking forward to reading about many more milestones and birthdays. Blessings to you guys & I hope you were able to celebrate a little. :)
Praise God for you, sweet Jonah! Happy 3-month birthday! Please ask your mom what size Hanna Anderssons you wear (I know you're smart and all, but if you can read clothing tags now you'd REALLY amaze me!)
Your mom already knows this, but in case you don't, you are "fearfully and wonderfully made." Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. God also has plans for you (your mom can read you Jeremiah 29:11-13 when she has time!)
Team Anderson (all 7 of us!) love you with all our hearts!
PS - tell mommy that Baby Led Zeppelin would be too cool even for words.
What an awesome post! I love the picture of him sleeping...that's priceless! Still praying :)
Speechless. (Insert applause here)
Love and prayers,
Such a sweet little nugget. Just beautiful!
Oh Jonah, you have your mommy's talent for writing! Thank you for taking the time to tell us how you are doing. There are so many people praying for you and loving you.
Write again soon!
So beautifully and eloquently said!! We are rejoicing and praising God with you, the giver of all good and perfect gifts. Jonah is a fantastic and perfect gift from above!!!
That is the sweetest post...it brought tears to my eyes.
And the title of your post is so true...God's grace will carry you through!
Looking forward to Jonah's next three months!
WOW!! That was precious. I will keep praying. God bless.
Wiping the tears... Such a SWEET post, Jonah!!!
How about an American Idol Baby Einstein??? I think you would like Adam Lambert, Jonah... or Kris or Danny... Any of those 3 would be good!!!
I haven't posted a comment in awhile, but still praying for you and your sweet parents throughout every day...
Many prayers and much love from Elaine in Lubbock, TX
He is so amazingly beautiful! I had to turn the laptop around and show my husband how cute he is! Really... and the "have to turn my head way back to sleep" thing? 2 of my girls did that. They couldn't sleep unless their heads were arched way back like that. so cute.
Excellent post mommy Patrice! You really do have a gift for this writing! Jonah looks tremendous in that swing and he fills it up a lot more than he did in April when we were there! He is so precious and we continue to pray for him, you, and Matt every day. Thank you so much for writing this beautiful post.
Much love,
he is a precious, precious babe:) Bless Jonah, and bless you Patrice:) I can't believe he is 3 months. he is a little man I have never met...yet pray for often.
There are some DVD's that have been highly recommended to me called Brainy baby. Just FYI if you want to try any new ones!
Who knew Jonah could blog already? He is beyond his years in typing ability for sure-I'm impressed!
What a funny and sweet post. Still praying for you all. . . prayers of thanks, prayers of hope, prayers for healing and growth.
Casie in Winterville, NC
That was just beautiful, funny, sweet, just wonderful! Happy 3 month birthday to him, and here's to many more!! Your family has been blessed, he sure is a sweetheart!
This is my favorite post so far! I love Jonah's little personality, he seems to be a lot like his mama. :o) hehehe snicker snicker
Happy 3 Month's Jonah!
~ Ashley
Wow. That was so beautifully written! Congrats. Jonah for being such a strong & brave young man. We all love you so much and you are so blessed to have the GREATEST parents that love you with all of their soul. You have an amazing story to tell and I can't wait to see what you can do! =)
LinMarie in Florida!!
P.S Maybe you can get mommy to take you to the beaches over here. It's really cool and I think you'd like it!!
I felt halfway crazy when I looked at his pics and said, "He looks so healthy!" How many people would say that after seeing his face with so many sores? But he does look great! I just love his eyes and expressions. He's beautiful.
3 months? Wow!
I am a stranger, who is praying for Jonah, and praising God for him.
What a beautiful post! Loved hearing about life from Jonah's perspective! :) He is a beautiful little boy!!
Continuing to pray for you guys in IL
i feel like all i ever say to you is, "jonah is so beautiful" and he is so very beautiful. i can't believe he's already 3 months old and he's such a big boy!! i love that you have found clothes for him to wear--he is looking stylish now :)
keeping you in our prayers.
He sure is a cutie! "She says that God made Gabriel to be an angel, but He sent out Jonah with a message to the world." wow thar really got me..god bless you all!
No, we do not know you. Yes, we love you and are still praying for all of you. Happy 3 month Birthday Jonah! How adorable you are!
Aimee for all the Dennys
LOVED that! You, friend, are amazing! My hero....really.
And don't say that you aren't the strong one.
You are.
Such a sweet post. I loved hearing what Jonah is liking and thinking. :) I am Granna to a sweet 18 month old girl and she definitely calls the shots (as long as it's safe) and I love spoiling her. Glad Jonah has so many around him that love him so much! Y'all are doing a great job! Praise God he's growing so well! Thanks for sharing!
Donna from Texas
Happy 3 month Bday Jonah! You are getting cuter by the day! You are getting to be such a big boy!
Sacramento, CA
Patrice, this post made me laugh out loud - it's so...YOU! I loved it. seriously. loved it! Jonah is getting so big and absolutely adorable. Loved this glimpse into his world through his eyes :) You and Matt are so blessed! Are you up for visitors yet??
That has got to be the cutest post I have ever read! I am one of the "silent" blog readers who never comments but I just had to say how adorable that was (almost as adorable as precious Jonah!). What a cutie pie and how amazing to see how he has grown! Happy 3 months!
Happy Birthday, Jonah! My thought was also that he looks so healthy and well. Patrice, did you see on the Hanna Andersson website that they have a outlet store in the outlet mall in Williamsburg? Might be a fun day get-away trip for you down the road! :)
What a beautiful letter from Jonah! He is so sweet and adorable, I would love to just snuggle him. The outfits are cute and look so comfortable/soft. I think my favourite pic is the one where he is sleeping in someone's arms, so cute.
{I am listening to the video you posted and I LOVE it, I LOVE the noises he makes!!}
Keeping you all in my prayers, God Bless
Praising God with you guys!
What a profound little baby. Little Jonah, you certainly have a way with the words. Please, give your mom a break from writing again, and allow us to hear your voice again. You are a truly beautiful baby boy. You will continue to be in my prayers.
Thank you so much for sharing your precious boy with us all.
Awww!...I loved this post.. I especially loved the picture of sweet Jonah sleeping..it sounds like things are really settling in...praying
All I can say is to God be the glory!!!
happy 3 month birthday sweet Jonah.
Praying for a healing
Love Gina
Happy 3 month birthday Jonah from another complete stranger who has been praying for you and your family! May God continue to bless you and give your mommy many Target runs!! :) Tenille Rauls
Jonah, Remind your Mommy that Horizontal stripes always make a body look fat!!! You look great in the bright colors though, and way to go to already be training the big people who come to your house. Let them know who the Real Boss is!!! You are precious, and even though we haven't met yet (on earth) we are not strangers....we are Siblings in Christ! It is a large family, but man, the love that gets shared around is awesome!!!
Happy 3 month birthday Mr. Jonah!
Your Mommy is SO funny. She makes me laugh and you must get your writing skills from her!
You're still SO stinkin' cute! I could just gobble you up!
Be a good boy for your Mama and Daddy- give tummy time a try (I never have had luck with it with my babies)- and try not to be rough on them! Sounds like you're figuring out just how to get your way...(they all do, Patrice!- wrap us right around our little fingers)
Have a great week!
Lots of Love,
Susan in Indiana
Happy 3 months old Jonah. He is growing and I can see he has a good personality. Wonderful pictures and loved the post. God did send Jonah with a purpose in mind, look how many people he has already turned to prayer. I am sure great things are going to come out of this journey you all are taking. May God Bless, continuing to pray for you all.
Matt, Patrice, and sweet little Jonah,
I have been praying for you since before you were born! I can't help but smile when I see your sweet little face. Please know that all three of you (and Deac) are in my heart and that I love you!
Dear Jonah -
Stop rubbing your face...you're stressing your mommy out ;)
Seriously, he is so adorable. His eyes are so piercing...it's hard not to be drawn to him. Congratulations on a successful 3 months. You are such a great mommy to Jonah. He looks like he is doing really well, thanks to all of your hard-work, and TLC. Love the picture of him sleeping!
Amen. And amen. :)
We're praying for you daily. He is absolutely beautiful!
Happy 3 months, Jonah!
Psalm 103:1
Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
ps. my word verification to post this comment is "cooing"
Kind of appropriate, I thought ;)
I swear he gets cuter every time I see him! I wouldn't be able to resist that little man either...what a sweetie!!! I keep praying every day and will continue to do so, well, I guess forever:).
Hapy 3 months Jonah!
You tell mommy we are all praying, every day, for you and your family!
Happy 3 months!!!
I just CANNOT get enough of Jonah's face! Oh, I can't wait to see him in just a month. I am PUMPED. And by the way, he's funnier than you are. He should hijack your blog more often.
Dads just seem to have a way with their kids, don't they? I love it - Star Wars!
Jonah - you're too cute!
Patrice - I like what you wrote about God making Gabriel to be an angel and Jonah to send a message. His Word is alive in such mysterious ways! I thank God for your boys and the inpact their little lives have had on me.
That was one of the best posts I've ever read on any blog anywhere! Thanks for letting Jonah share the world from his point of view!! He is too precious for words.
so cute
My son also disliked tummy time and likes to sleep in impossible poses too.
um....that was the cutest thing ever!
"She says that God made Gabriel to be an angel, but He sent out Jonah with a message to the world."
This part really got to me too!! Their names really do fit each of them so perfectly and your writing is AMAZING. Always praying in San Diego...
Happy 3rd month birthday, Jonah! Thanks for the post today. I'm a bit sad because one of my new friends was just diagnosed with a nasty brain cancer. But you're so right! God's done so much in the short time you've been around. That's cool. He's a pretty powerful guy, hey?
Peace, little man, to you and your parents. :)
(Now, tell mummy to eat some cake and to make -sure- she labels the milk so that you can have a tasty treat in a bit! ;))
I agree with Aimee, above: I don't know you, but I love you guys too! Thanks so much for the updates. I check every day to see if there has been another post! I'm just amazed at how wonderful Jonah looks. He is clearly thriving. Absolutely precious.
I don't like to be anonymous but I can't ever remember my blogger login information. I must have used something really obscure when I set it up. Anyway, I am Karen and I live right down the road in Clemmons.
Continuing to pray!
I dont know why but I teared up!! It either was his handsomness or his cute letter to us!
He is so stinkin' cute!! Happy 3 month bday!!
Happy 3 months birthday Jonah! We love you so much and are praying for your all the time - we know God has a very special plan for your life and we know he will strengthen you and guide you always! You are soooo special!!!
Lots of love from Doug and Jenny and family in Perth, Australia
this is sooo sweet! happy b'day sweet jonah. you're such a gift to all of us.
Thank you for getting my Thursday off to a wonderful start! Jonah is a beautiful child of God...I love his outfit! Prayers will always be with you...
Can I tell you that when I look at Jonah, I also do not even see the blisters? He is the cutest baby ever!!! He is just an adorable little thing who God is using to draw others to Himself. What a special little boy you have been blessed with!
I loved your post. It was sooo sweet. Look at Jonah in his little outfit he is so adorable. GO JONAH! Tummy time will get better. I have a 9 and 8 year old they really didn't mind tummy time but now i have a 2month old and she really doesn't like tummy time either. But it will get better. Well just wanted to tell you guys that you have one sweet, cute little boy.
Congrats on the 3 months mark! You are such a special boy and have "fans" all over the world.....
I LOVED this post!.... especially the "pee my pants" paragraph! hahahaha
Bless his adorable little heart.... he's just beautiful.
happy three months, jonah! you've come a long way, baby :)
and baby led zeppelin would be awesome. this post was amazing, by the way.
sent you an e-mail about mid-june. let me know what you're thinking!
Well said (written), Jonah! You go with your cute little baby self!
Happy 3 months Jonah!!! I love the pictures!
Seriously--I don't know many babies who love tummy time. My guy is 3.5 months and hates it. Oh well.
Baby Led Zepplin? Now that would be fun!!
I love this post. So cute, funny, witty, etc. Jonah is such a doll. I don't notice the blisters either. Keeping the prayers going =) Be blessed today and always.
Happy 3 month birthday Jonah! Always praying :)
He is precious!
I love you, Jonah, and my family prays for you every day. You are just getting stronger and stronger. You are a beautiful little boy. Happy 3 month birthday!
I LOVED this post SO much. He just keeps getting more beautiful as every day passes. It warms my heart to see him doing so well. Happy 3 Month Birthday Sweet Baby Boy!!! I love that you share him with all of us. I know many days can be really difficult but I also think all the other days make up for it. It brightens my day SO much to check in on him...just makes me smile so wide! I LOVE those eyes of his! I continue to pray for your little Prince daily and send you lots of hugs (( )) (( )) and strength for support from Michigan. I hope you have a blessed day!
What a great post!
My son used to stop whatever he was doing and dance slowly in front of the tv when MASH was playing its opening theme song-everyday, beginning and ending. But when unsolved mysteries theme came on, it scared him, and we couldn't watch it anymore. lol.
wonderful answer to prayers
I LOVED this post! :o)
BEAUTIFUL! I can't believe he's already 3 months old! He's growing so good!
My son hated tummy time too..in fact, he still does. He FINALLY started hanging out on his belly at 5 1/2 months, but doesn't like it. I figure he'll catch up eventually-he still can't roll from his belly to his back, b/c I never keep him there :) oh well :) Jonah is such a joy to watch. We pray every day!
Thank you for that, even though it made me cry at work :)
(Hi, by the way. I live in London and used to be on YL staff. My husband and I have been praying for Jonah since he was born and thought it was time we got out of the closet. Thanks so much for the opportunity to be a small part of your life.)
Such a sweet post:) Happy 3months!!!!
What a perfect post. I pray every night for your family and will continue. God is great and it shows in that sweet baby's face:)
Amarillo, TX
Happy 3 month birthday Jonah.
Praying for you in Tennessee!!
Mom to Carson, EBS, 6 years old
Happy 3 months, Jonah!
How exciting to see him in little clothes, even if it only lasts for a short time : ) He is a doll! My kids both hated tummy time and resisted it at all costs. It looks like he is becoming so alert and that his personality is really coming out!
Enjoy your little miracle...he is truly precious, and we all celebrate his 3 months with you!
Charleston, SC
I will continue to pray for Jonah and your family! He is an adorable little guy...
God is good!
I have been following your story for a little while now and seriously - this is the cutest post EVER! He is so darn cute and I pray everynight for sweet Jonah!
Happy 3 month Birthday Jonah!
I just love the pic of Jonah sleeping all cockeyed! Its just too cute! He is such a cute baby!!
Ellen from Long Island
I have been following you for a while now but I just went back and read all of the post. Just for the record... I think you are amazing parents. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. No parents should have to make the decisions you have to make on a daily basis. Who are they to judge you! I think you are great!
I love you Johan, your mother, and your dad. We are so blessed to have you. If I had my way about it you would be cured and pain free from now on, but like your mom I know there's a reason. Someday we will know. For now we simply give Him the praise, honor and glory for all good things, especially you. I am so looking forward to the life ahead with you.
ROCK ON, BABY JONAH! :) You are too sweet!
Jonah, you are so talented! And handsome to boot! I cannot believe you've been here for three months now. Seems like it was just yesterday when you arrived. I hope you had a wonderful three month birthday and I wish you many more.
Patrice, you are an amazing mother and writer. You really know how to express yourself. And don't worry about the tummy time - both of my boys hated it when they were little and now they love to sleep on their bellies. I hope the past three months has been amazing for you and Matt and not too overwhelming. But all new parents experience that overwhelming feeling - just enjoy every minute that you have with Jonah. They grow up so fast!
Much love and prayers,
Lindsay Holder
(fellow Pinedale member)
What a sweet letter. I hope you save that for him.
He looks amazing!!! You hardly even notice his blisters, its so easy to just see the baby behind them. He is so beautiful. (Hope he doesn't mind being called beautiful!) :)
I love the way he sleeps.. makes me laugh because I could see my own baby doing that..
God sure did send him to be a messenger...
I loved it! It made me laugh and cry. He is so cute and so sweet. I know God has some big plans for that sweet little boy. Still praying for your family.
Hi Jonah! I've been reading your story, but I haven't commented before. My son Robbie hated tummy time too. So, be like him and learn to roll front-to-back at 5 months old, and then when Mommy says "Tummy time!" you can flip over, look her in the eye and say "You can't make me!" She'll love it.
Robbie would calm down to Skillet's "Rebirthing" and "Comatose" the way you do to "Star Wars". Even now at almost 2yrs, those songs still work when nothing else will.
Kim in Houston
I hope this doesn't double post. Sorry if it does.
i've been a lurker for some time on your blog, checking in most every day to see how jonah is doing. this was an absolutely beautiful post. jonah has such a way with words. really, mom, you should be very proud of him. !!! :o) and only by the grace of our Father God can we get thru each day. Praying for your days to get easier, and for a miracle for beautiful jonah. thanks for posting.
jill in kansas
My baby girl loves daddy to sing the theme song from the Pinky & the Brain cartoon. Sooo weird!
He is so cute, I wish I could hug him.
Love the REAL clothes, what a great step. Praying
Such a sweet post of your sweet little boy. I'll keep praying!
Happy Birthday big boy! Give tummy time a little more time and I'm sure you'll love it. Keep up the good work of growing big and strong.
Both of my children when they were babies hated being put on their stomachs. Who can blame them, they can't move, or breath well. To me it never makes sense to put any baby on their stomach unless they have the ability to roll over and get out of it. I would not worry at all if Jonah hates it and I wouldn't force it no matter what anyone tell you...it's perfectly normal to be unhappy in this position.
absolutely LOVED this....THANK YOU for writing your and his story!!:)
Hallelujah indeed! And he is SO CUTE!
And yes, you could definitely be a children's author. You have a way with words.
Praying every day!!!
Jonah, it is so good to hear from you! You are such a cutie and a blessing to your parents. Thanks for always keepin' it real, and keep growing! You've got a lot of work ahead of you.
I guess you know, that getting this update from Jonah will definitely keep our prayers coming your way!
Thank you Jonah for making my day! You're just too cute!
Prayers, Love & Kisses for Jonah!
Carol in FL
Hello Jonah,
Sorry its been awhile since I commented on your blog.
I like your post on here and thanks for the update of what you have been doing lately. Your sure getting to be a big boy already and still just as precious as ever.
I must say, Happy 3 month birthday Jonah,its hard to believe how fast time goes by and how quickly your growing.
I love that your getting to wear regular clothes what a milestone. Getting a new girlfriend and getting into church and baby einstein.
Stay strong little buddy,and know you are loved by many and always in my thoughts and prayers. Much love,~Darlene
I just cried and cried at this post and am still crying~! What an awesome post from Jonah!!!
I am so happy that he is here too and that we get to share the love of your child. He is a Wonderful Creation from God and I am thankful to have him a part of my life (even though we've never met).
My prayers will always remain for Jonah!
Jonah!!!! I got your back, always little buddy!
Yes, Jonah, we do pray for you sweetie! And we love you!! And we can't wait to see the witness you will become!
Happy Birthday, Jonah! And may God give you many, many more!
Jonah, you are such a special little boy, and you are so blessed to have your mommy & daddy to love you and take care of you! There are lots of people that have been praying for you since the day you were born, and it makes me so happy to see how big & strong you are growing. You're so smart & funny, too! Your blog post made me cry, but you probably think that's a little silly that I would cry over that. They are tears of joy seeing God work miracles in your life. I hope you have a great day playing and looking at the fan, and tell mommy that I love your new outfits.
Crying tears of joy. He is SO precious and such an amazing miracle. And he is the funniest little dude too - I laughed out loud at least 8 times as I read "his" post! :-)
Oh, to meet your precious baby & family! We never cease praying for you... Jonah, I even remembered it was your 3 month birthday today while I was getting myself ready in the AM. Blessings to you! So much love coming from Seattle
Blessings & prayers,
Amy in WA
Amen, sweet Jonah. Amen!
Jonah, You are a fearfully, wonderfully made, perfect in every way, sweetly adorable baby. You have touched my life, and I am so proud to say that I "know" you. You are truly a blessing to all those you have come in contact with.
Blessings to you, your mommy and daddy,
WOW! Is he really 3 months old?
He is the most adorable baby I have EVER seen!
Hopefully this RAIN will scoot out this weekend and you all can enjoy some outdoor time:)
Have a great rest of the week and I will get my schedule to Gina for June...We have a couple of out of town trips in June and then we are going to Jamaica with the choir in July. I hope to be able to help out soon...can't wait to experience me some Jonah!
Love, Aimee
What an absolutely awesome post, Patrice!! TOO PRECIOUS!! It was like hearing Jonah actually say and think those comments ... I think his mommy knows her little guy WELL! The "baby Led Zepplin" comment cracked me up!
Can't believe how this little guy has grown. He is SO sweet! And you are so right, Patrice, this little guy is going to communicate God's love and power to MANY - he already has.
Dear Patrice,
When you are finished with your 'career' of raising Jonah, you are going to persue a career in writing aren't you? You are great at it as well as being a great Mommy for the little man who looks so handsome in his spiffy new clothes!
Thanks for sharing so much of your heartache and joy with me - a stranger - I read and pray often.
I love you, my sister, even though I've never met you, but I will some day in heaven. I'm looking forward to it.
awesome awesome awesome blog. i don't know how you do it patrice, other than by the grace of god. my youngest son is almost 4 months and he has an ear infection and i freak out... i hate it when my baby is sick. however i'm sure it is nothing compared to what you go through with jonah on a daily basis. you are such an encouragement and i am overwhelmed by this post. crying as i type. god is so good and it is only by his grace that any of us can make it day to day. continue to stay strong and let your light shine. and kiss that sweet sweet baby for me. he is absolutely precious in his big boy clothes! i'd pee my pants if i were you too :) god bless! southern love and prayers from alabama- jamie
Happy 3 month birthday, Jonah! God is already using you in such big ways! You're not fat, but you sure are deliciously healthy looking!
Keep your spunk, buddy! People are so attracted to you already and that's how God will be able to use you!
May God surprise you, and your Mommy & Daddy with great things in the next 3 months ... 9 months ... years!
Lots of love & hugs to you!
HaPpY 3 mOnTh BiRtHdAy, JoNaH!!!! It is really a big day for you! You are amazing, little man! And I love it when your mommy posts pictures of you for us all to see.
Patrice, thanks for helping out with the translation today - you were a life-saver!
Hugs & kisses Jonah!
Jonah is a beautiful baby. I have been keeping him and your family in my prayers :)
Remember the other day when you were having a completely bummed out sort of day? Yeah, well...I'm so there right now.
Your (ahem...Jonah's) post, was exactly the reminder that I needed.
Thank you for, once again, blessing others.
Ditto on the Rockabye Baby cds. I have the U2 one. My Grace would ask to listen to Baby Bono!
Great post. I laughed out loud and read it to my kids.
It is an honor and a blessing to pray for Jonah and his sweet family. What a big boy he has grown to be. I LOVE the sleeping position. I bet when he figures out how to sleep on his stomach he will be a belly sleeper. I STILL love to watch my kids sleeping. Thanks for sharing, Patrice! Jennifer in Southeast, NC
There are days when I look at pictures of Jonah that you have on your blog and wonder, "Why, Lord?" This boy has done nothing wrong, yet you chose to give him a disease that greatly affects his life and as a little baby, he doesn't get that." I was reading in my quiet time this evening John 9:1-3. It's about Jesus healing a man born blind. The disciples wanted to know if his blindness was a result of the man's sin or his parents' sin. Jesus told them, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." Wow, I get it, Lord. I don't necessarily like that answer, but your post today kinda exemplifies that while you did nothing wrong and Jonah did nothing wrong to deserve EB, God is using it to display His work. I hope that brings you some encouragement.
God is so good. Praise the Lord, Jonah is here and going strong. He is so stinkin cute and again yeah for the clothes. He looks so cute. Continuing to pray for you and Matt and especially our special 3 month old boy!!! Much love to you all.
Okay, so after 130 comments, what is one more to read, huh? I just have to tell you that you are all 4 precious! Just precious! We pray for you all the time and my boys are always praying for baby Jonah that God will keep him healthy and make his skin tough and strong and that one day he will be completely whole and most importantly that no one will ever make fun of him. We love you and are so happy to pray for the baby we don't know but know God does! Love from Mexico, The Wood family
Happy 3 month birthday sweet baby boy! Continuing to pray for you nightly. :-)
I have followed your blog since Jonah was born and just love your sweet little boy to pieces. I pray for him constantly and will continue to do so.
What a beautiful post - it brought me to tears. Jonah is truly blessed to have you as his mother.
God Bless Jonah always.
Happy 3 month birthday, Jonah! You are absolutely precious!!
Beautifully written, Jonah! I praise the Lord for your precious life & will continue praying for you & your parents. Love & Hugs...
Happy 3 month Birthday baby Jonah!! What a sweet boy you are and what truly amazing parents you have!! Indeed many of us, like myself, have not nor probably won't ever meet you in person. However my dear, you certainly have wiggled your way into many a heart!!
I too pray that you will always give glory to God and that you will use your journey to teach others of His Grace and Love!!
We love you Jonah!!
Love the picture of Jonah sleeping on your lap....precious!!
Idea for tummy time... I know you are trying a boppy to help prop him. However, I found the regular size boppies to be rather large for my little guy when we used it for tummy time. There is a boppy that is much smaller in size, made by the same company, and made specifically for tummy time. I think we got ours at a Toys R Us. It worked great! Just FYI.
What a perfect post! Loved the pictures...loved them! You can never post too many pictures or too much about Target. And, your ability to express your thoughts and feelings is remarkable. You have such a wonderful gift Patrice (in addition to that sweet little Jonah).
Thank you again for allowing us to share in your journey.
I started out laughing then I was crying at the end. Jonah, you are one precious baby! I love you! You are truly a little miracle! You just keep on eating good and I bet you like to sleep like that because they put you in your "straight jacket" at night! It's nice to be able to put your arms and legs where ever you want huh! My little boy slept like a little burrito too unless I was holding him when he napped which I loved to do! Happy 3 month birthday!
The Wright household is praying for you every day and we LOVE seeing the new pictures and video!
Patrice - If you don't write a book about this whole experience either from your point or view or from Jonah's, you will be wasting a God given talent. Your have a real knack for writing and your writing has gained strength over the last few months. That may be a funny way to refer to writing but an individuals personality comes through what they put on a page. As you have gained strength, regardless of the times you have been low, so has your writing. Keep up the good work. Due to your time restraints we will have to be content with the blog right now but I will be looking for a book at some point in the future.
Love you to Heaven and back,
Mimmy - aka Aunt Joyce, Joyce Smith, Daniel Bradshaw's "favorite" Aunt
Oh, this is one of my favorite verses...you can add it to your favorites too. I have prayed so many times for my son and had prayers answered. He is a little miracle also...several times...
"I prayed for this child and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27 My best friend got me a plaque with this on it after we had been through some challenging things with him..It now hangs above his bedroom door and I read it to him every night... I thought it very fitting for you. If I ever see one of these out anywhere you can bet I will send it to you!
Awww. his poor little face :(
However, despite his blister he still is one emmensley adorable cutie :)
Jonah, you are a great writer! And so young! Thank you for giving us your insight on life! You are an awesome 3 month old and I have enjoyed being one of your prayer warriors!
he is so precious!! What a wonderful post!
Laurel in Alabama
What a wonderful post...so heartfelt and sincere. You are such a gifted writer. Three months is a great age! I remember that was when my kids' personalities really blossomed and they truly interacted with people. Jonah is beautiful, and he probably does have all the adults trained to do what he wants, hehe!
Annapolis, MD
Hey there fellow Led Zeppelin fan! Did you know they have "lullaby-ized" some LZ stuff and it's fabulous!
My son falls asleep to it every night!
Happy 3 months baby Jonah!
(lol at Baby Led Zeppelin)
Happy 3 Months Birthday Sweet Baby Jonah!!! And your Mommy is right, we haven't met you in person, but we love you!!
Praying for you Jonah!
He is just the CUTEST!
What a sweet little boy. I just want to scoop him up and kiss him. Blessings!
*sigh* he is just the sweetest thing I have ever seen!! I love the way he falls asleep :) looks so comfy!
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