Sunday, August 3, 2008

a day with maw-maw and paw-paw

Yesterday we went up to Stone Mountain where my maw-maw and paw-paw have a small cabin. It had been a while since I had gotten to spend quality time with them, so we went up for the day. It was my favorite kind of day. We sat around on the porch talking, watched a hail storm, rode around on the golf cart, saw a lot of scenery, and went to the small restaurant for some of the best ice cream I've ever had. I was thanking God as the day went on because it felt like one of those days that will always be a sweet memory. At one point when we were riding around in the golf cart, we saw about 6 or 7 deer very up close. One was a doe with two babies. It was beautiful. I wish I had taken more pictures, but I was so caught up in the moment, I didn't think about it.

Maw-maw was diagnosed with congestive heart failure this past week. This is after she had major heart surgery (a very close call - we almost lost her) this past November. Of course we are all very scared and not ready for her to be anywhere close to leaving us, but are praying hard that God will heal her. She has an appointment tomorrow morning where they will change her medications, talk to her about a strict diet, and will let her know how bad (or not bad!) it is. Please be in prayer for her, that everything will turn out okay. We are all very close to her, and I think she is one of the greatest people God ever put on this planet. The lady that runs the restaurant in their mountain community looked at me and said, "She's my favorite person on this mountain." I smiled, and she said, "No, I'm serious - my favorite person." I know exactly how she feels.

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