Monday, February 27, 2012

happy birthday, jonah

My Dear Sweet Wonderful Hilarious Jonah,

Today you turn THREE YEARS OLD! Oh Sweet Buddy, I can't even believe that God has seen fit to bless Daddy and me with three whole years of wonderful you. When you were born, we weren't even sure we'd get weeks or even days. And we've had three of the best (hard, but great) years of our lives with you.

You have added so much joy, love, and passion to our lives. You are different. It's true. Life with you is often not easy, and even little tasks, running errands, or taking short trips with you can be complicated. But you have taught us to seize the day. To embrace our version of "normal". To live life to the fullest. So we take those difficult tasks, thank God for the opportunities we never thought we'd get, and try to make the most of all our moments.

God is so faithful, sweet Jonah. I hope you are learning that. I know I can't explain things to you very clearly right now. I can't figure out a way to explain concepts like faithfulness, grace, and mercy to you. But I will someday. Someday you will know your story and you will know how God has been right with us, carrying us, every step of the way. Do you know that I have always believed, since the day you were born, that He has a special legion of angels that watch over you? I still believe it. I don't chalk any of your triumphs, victories, or healings up to coincidence. God is WITH you, Jonah. Always. He has called you by name. Please don't ever forget.

Someday you will understand. But in the meantime, Daddy and I smile (I cry, but that's neither here nor there) as we hear you sing songs like "Hosanna," "Jesus Loves Me," "Amazing Grace," and "Holy, Holy, Holy." Do you know Jonah? Do you somehow sense what He's done for you? I pray you do. I pray you know His love for you and someday choose to love Him back and give Him your whole life.

I love you so much, Jonah. I don't know if you'll ever fully understand it, but you'll never doubt that you're loved.

You are the best thing we could have ever dreamed of or prayed for, Sweet Baby. Thank you for being you - crazy, funny, energetic, struttin', charming, social, incredible, light-up-the-room you.

To God be all the glory forever and ever and ever.

Happy Third Birthday, Jonah. Here's to many, many, many more.

Love you forever.

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