We've had a nice weekend. My mom babysat Jonah on Friday night and we got to go on a date. And I have to say, this is the best date we've been on since Jonah was born. I mean, Matt might not think so since it didn't involve going to a movie (which is his favorite), but I had such a great time. We went to dinner and then to Adventure Landing. We played a game of putt-putt (I refuse to call it miniature golf), then went inside to play arcade games, and then another round of putt-putt. He whooped me severely in the first game, and only beat me by a few strokes the second game. We laughed and joked the entire time. I don't know what it was about the date or the time together, but I felt like that fun, happy-go-lucky, 18 year old girl he fell in love with. I've really missed her.
It was a VERY rainy Saturday, but we ran a few errands in the afternoon and then went over to my mom's for dinner. We made it to church this morning and went to Edward McKay this afternoon. Jonah cried the whole time, so after about ten minutes, I ended up back in the car letting him watch his videos. Speaking of videos, we got over $50 selling our used DVD's. True, they only gave us like $2 per DVD, but still. I'd rather have fifty extra bucks than a bunch of movies we're never going to watch again stashed under the bed.
I have a prayer request tonight. We have our appointment tomorrow at the hospital to get Jonah's g-tube changed out. I know it's a standard procedure (no anesthesia or anything), but I am really nervous about it. It's something we will do with the surgeon this first time and we'll actually do the rest here at home. BUT I think he is going to freak out and fight and will cause a struggle. Given the fragility of his skin, you can imagine why I'm anxious. I'm afraid we're all going to wish we were sedated by the time it's over. Prayers would be much appreciated.
On a different note, Matt and I are in the very early "just talking about it" stages of possibly maybe getting a mini-van. Both of our cars are fortunately paid off, so we will not be getting rid of the Escape. But Matt drives my 2000 Neon, and it has many a mile, so we know it probably won't last much longer. AND you should have seen us trying to get to the beach in the Escape. It was ridiculous. I had six bags at my feet, and Jonah had stuff piled up to the ceiling on either side of him. It was the softest stuff, but still, not my idea of a safe way to travel. Between bandaging supplies, normal baby stuff, and blended diet stuff (cooler, food, blenders, syringes etc), we really need a van when we have to travel. ALL of that to say that we are looking to buy a used van. Let me know if you have gone the used vehicle route and have any recommendations. We bought the Escape used from a dealership, but are open to other things this time around. Has anyone ever bought from CarMax? I'm hoping we can find a used (less than five years old for financing reasons) Toyota Sienna, but we'll see. Like I said, we're just in the talking about it stage. (Do you ever type "abou tit"? I do it all the time. I think it is the funniest of the typing mistakes.)
And because this post was long and boring, I will leave you with a sneak peek of Jonah on the beach. Could he be any more adorable?

An outtake. Also very cute.
A positive: the new blogger now has spell-check! Hooray. A negative: if you have a three column blog, you can't post horizontal photos extra-large (well, you can but it cuts them off). Bummer.
CarMax is AWESOME!!!!
We've bought three cars from CarMax.....
I bought my car from CarMax 4 years ago. It was a pretty good experience, but I would advise getting preapproved for a loan before you walk in. Also, don't get suckered into buying the extended warranty. It doesn't cover all that much and won't be worth your money.
CarMax is fab. My entire family, parents, sibs, cousins and us have bought from the one in MD. My parents most recent purchase from them was a Honda Odessey. It is big & comfy! I can't speak for minivans, but I've owned 3 Hondas over the past 15 years and have been very happy with them.
We have brought 3 cars from car max. We love them and will continue to buy from theM. The one thing I reccomend is to having your fiancnaing already set up. Much easier.
Jonah is such a cutie! great pics! We have a Honda Odyssey and I love it. Lots of space!
So cute!
What is Edward McKay? And about the van--we have an Odyssey as well and LOVE it. We have four kids and can pack all our stuff for a week in there (with a top carrier) and amazingly we can still see out the back window. It's a great vehicle.
Sweet sweet picture! Will send prayers your way for Jonah to be calm during the g-tube change.
We have a 2005 Sienna - bought it three years ago when Byron was on the way. We needed something that would hold 3 car seats on one row, and our Kia Sedona didn't even come close (not to mention that it was a piece of...well, you know!)
Anyway, our Sienna has been a lifesaver - it has tons of room behind the 3rd row and can sit 6 people comfortably in the two back seats. Happy car hunting!!
Glad you had a fun date night, too! Jeff and I went to the mall on Friday night and joked about how we'd reverted to our first-date days (back in the day).
Continuing to pray - love from TX!
We bought a car from CarMax in 2004 and are happy with it. We also just bought a used Honda Odyssey this summer (not from CarMax). I have to say that you can get a much better deal from a private owner. We ended up getting our van from a dealer through Craigslist. It was thousands less than what CarMax wanted and we're very happy with it.
Also, I know you said you're looking for a Sienna, but I would test drive the Odyssey before you buy (go with 2005 or newer). We tested both and found that the Odyssey has a nicer interior and feels tighter. You can also see out of all the rear windows better.
I actually didn't want a minivan (we bought it because we're having #3). Now that we've got it, I love it. Having the extra space is great.
I would agree about buying privately. We bought off Kijiji here in Ontario, Canada and got a Honda Civic for a LOT less than at a dealer. You just have to be patient and know what you want, and then wait for one to come up for sale. We jumped on the one we found and there were five people on the answering machine after us, ready to buy if we didn't.
So, yes, this is my second comment--and as you can see, we are Honda lovers.
My Matt says that even though you don't have to haggle with price, they still over charge at Car Max. He read "Don't Get Taken Every Time" by Remar Sutton(we checked it out from the public library)before buying our last car and felt very prepared for buying a car. It explains the games dealers play, so you know going in and are on top of your game. That said I'm not a haggler so if I were buying without him, I might go for Car Max.
Laura S.
Never used Carmax, but I have a Sienna and I love it!
No advice on where to buy a van, but we have a 2006 Sienna and LOVE IT. We bought it new, but I swear it is just as new today. I only had one child then (6 months old) but now have three, and I love it just as much. (Hi, my name is Angela and I'm in love with my van...)
Anyway, so glad you had a great date night! I SO need one of those!
We bought a used 2006 Toyota Sienna in March and absolutely LOVE it! We went to Carmax first, where the up-charge was about $4000. We then went to a smaller local dealership, and found the almost perfect car for us, but knew we could keep looking, They wanted $15,000 but after we made like we were going to leave and hemmed and hawed a bit, we got it for a steal at just $12,000. Much better to use those small used car lots, in my opinion. Oh, and one of the reasons we so love the Sienna we got is b/c it sits 8 comfortably, so we can have our 3 girls right behind us(7 year old and 3 year old twins) and no one is stuck waaaaaay in the back unless we are driving extra friends or family. :)
And the reason it is "almost" perfect??? It has auto-sliding doors on the passenger side only....it would be perfect if the driver's side back door and the trunk were auto-sliding too.
Glad you had such a fun date. My Dh is also a movie lving date guy, and I rarely have any luck at all getting him out to something else in the evening.
Have fun moving into mommy car land. Honestly, I couldn't do the mommy van thing, and opted for the Volvo wagon instead. I highly reccommend the Volvo wagon--it probably has more room than the van does. Check it out.
Have fun car shopping :)
I know nothing about cars, other than our Echo has been attracting deer lately, and the trusty '88 Camry wagon is still running, but I did want to send some mountainbilly prayers for an uneventful procedure tomorrow :)
Hey there--- I havet to say, I really hated the idea of getting a mini van im only 27 but with 3 kids and family that comes in often it was a good idea for us, I went back and forth from the Toyota Sienna and Honda Odysee, I ended up with the Honda, and I truly love it. Good luck, and you will honostly love the space that the van offers...
My Dear, Sweet Patrice:
I am praying for you and Jonah right now! God will be with you tomorrow (or should I say today)! May His peace that passes all understanding be yours...and may Jonah be calm and peaceful during the procedure!
I love you both:) Hugs from Graimee!
Looove the pictures! I will be praying for a good trip to the doctor....no blisters and a peaceful Jonah and mommy!
Girl- Jonah's sweet little face is looking so good these days! Praise God!!!!
You HAVE to see this...it'll make minivans ten times better.
Patrice we bought a used Pontiac Montana with the extended wheel base...it is an awesome van with a ton of extra room, we are a family of 5 and all the suitcases, camera bags, toiletry bag, kids toys fit in the back of it....I am betting it would fit your stuff to!
It's nice to hear that you had a good night "off"... can't think of anyone that deserves it more than you.
I loved The Help by Kathryn Stockett as well- great book.
Will keep sweeet Jonah in our prayers today. That picture of him at the beach is magazine-cover worthy!
I highly recommend the Credit Union Auto Buying Service (CUBAS)it is located at 1320 Old Salisbury Road here in Winston. The phone number is 785-3160. It is associated with Truliant Federal Credit Union, but you don't have to be a member there to buy a vehicle from them. They have a car lot, but can also locate a vehicle for you and have it brought to your house if you want! (I don't work for them, but just had an awesome and positive experience last year, when I bought a used small SUV) NO PRESSURE what so ever from them. Check it out and good luck!
Keeping you and sweet Jonah in my thoughts and prayers today!!
I know a lot of people really like CarMax BUT remember that since they don't negotiate, you won't always get the lowest price. Something else to think about...right now the used vehicle market is really, really high, thanks to the economy and Cash for Clunkers. Before you assume that a used vehicle is the best way to go, look at new vans, even with the option of lease to own. There are SO many rebates on new vehicles right now that you may get more for your money. Just something to think about. Oh, and my husband is a manager at a car dealorship...so I hear about this every day!
Patrice, you blogs are never boring, I find Jonah very refreshing! He is such an answer to prayer!
Also, you have connected me with the EB community and I am following/praying for the BMT kids. Those families have so much on their plates but are willing to try this journey to give their kids a better life! When things get scary, I come to your site to get a sigh of relief and a look at Jonah's precious face.
I think you should print and frame the picture of him at the beach! it is great!
I'm so excited that you and Matt got some time to just be yourselves! It is much deserved!
You, Matt, Jonah and God continue to amaze me.
Thanks for sharing your little guy with us and allowing us to pray specifically. Praying today for the g-tube procedure, Jonah, his skin, and his parents!
i didn't think that post was boring! we have a mini van and we love it. the sienna's are awesome! that is funny about the typo... everytime i try and type results i type resluts instead and it always makes me laugh! :)
will say a prayer for lil jonut now!
southern love and prayers from alabama~
I am on my 3rd Mommy Van. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I have 4 kids and have had one since my youngest was 3. He is now 14. Dodge is the only way we go. They are so comfortable, many extras, lots of room (we frequently include our 3 dogs with the 6 of us), and great prices.
We have used CarMax, and were especially impressed by their offer for our used car. We used it as a trade-in, but you can just sell it to them and take the cash elsewhere. (Will be glad to pass along our salesperson's name if you would like).
We are a Honda family - love my Odyssey - but I have heard great things from our friends who drive Siennas.
I don't know about CarMax but if you're looking for lots of space, the Honda Odyssey is the way to go!! We put our Odyssey next to a friend's Sienna and the Honda is definitely roomier.
We don't have kids but got the van so we could drive my mom around, who is elderly and disabled. It makes going anywhere easier, it's easy to get in and out of for her, we can both go shopping and everything fits without having to pile it on anyone (been there, done that!). We absolutely L.O.V.E. our Odyssey!
Let's see, the comments seem to be running for Car Max, for having financing lined up before you go, knowing what you want, being patient to look for it, pro Sienna's and pro Odyssey's. How did I do? You should hire me.... Anyway, I vote for a van. I haul three kids, two dogs (one slightly over huge....) and STUFF galore. We have a Windstar. LOVE IT. But it will have to be replaced. I vote for (and did not see this listed on comments but I might have missed it) getting the seats that fold down into the floor. With only one child you can stash "stuff' in the "holes' when seats are up (he can't get to dangerous stuff and hard things in travel are some things that come to mind or just storing "in case" supplies for around town) and when they are folded down you can stack away! We would almost never be able to fold down seats but want the option. I love my minivan but am also open to other child haulers. I have heard that the Chevy Traverse is a great 8 seat alternative to a minivan. Keep on thinking Patrice! Sending up prayer for you guys. Jennifer in Southeast, NC
I can't remember what state you live in.....do you get snow?
We have a Kia Sedonna and the back slide doors on that freeze every winter bad....so do not even get one if you get snow. Best of luck. Love the beach pics.
I didn't buy my van from Car Maxx, but I did buy a used Toyota Sienna from a dealership. I hated the dealership part, but I am happy with my purchase. It was only a year old. I really wanted a Honda Odyssey, but when I test drove it vs the Toyota Sienna, the Sienna was a far smoother drive. I also test drove a Nissan Quest. I am very happy with the Toyota Sienna, goodluck!!!
chryslers and honda's have the best safety ratings, dodge the worst, and toyota's are the most expensive to replace parts. We just bought our first mini van used last fall and love it. power door power trunk make things easier. we go it from a local lot that handles mostly minivans. oh and it is a chrysler town and country
We bought a used Toyota Sienna last year - 2006, 32,000 mile for $12,000. Sweet deal, in excellent shape. Found it at a Saturn dealer who, I think, was anxious to get it off their lot. So, good deals can be found, just be patient and search, search, search!
LOVE the last photo. "Outtake"?? No way... I would be framing that one.
Awesome pics!
I thought of you the other day. My son was recently diagnosed w/ Craniosynostosis. This requires reconstruction surgery on his skull. So not only does he now he has a better skull...but also a scar that goes literally ear to ear. We have to apply ointment to his incision a few times a day. This kid is squirrely while are trying to do it. Then I thought of your daily dressing changes and how covering this incision is nothing in comparison.
Just goes to show, Patrice...You rock!
We recently purchased a 2007 Honda Odyssey from a Honda dealer. Got a great deal on a great vehicle with a pretty good warranty for a used vehicle. I went from a Trailblazer to an Odyssey and OMG at the space in this car! LOVE IT! My husband doesn't even feel like a dork driving it.
Lobve the pics. Glad you guys had a fun date! Those two things don't always go hand in hand. There is nothing worse than getting a sitter and then not enjoying yourselves.
As far as minivans- love them! And yes, we have bought from Carmax. I also have 3 local friends (we live in High Point) who have recently found awesome deals on Odysseys on Craiglist :#) I know, sounds crazy, but these people are normal family folks just like the rest of us :) just looking to sell their cars.
Praying things went well today. We were at Brenner's all day, too. Labs in oncology and follow ups in GI. Hope you all fared well :)
One of our best friends bought their Honda Odyssey on Craigslist. They got the VIN and ran a carfax before they purchased it to make sure nothing shady was going on! It was a KILLER deal for them. Good luck! :)
Glad to read that the button change went well, despite the crying. I promise they get easier every time. Doing them at home makes it much less stressful and he may not even notice what you're doing.
As far as the Sienna, we bought one in April and I absolutely love it! The quantity is limited, but there are still 2010's available at prices the same or just a few dollars more than a used one. The reason why is that the 2011 Sienna's went through a model change, so they're anxious to unload the new 2010's they still have sitting around. We got ours for just a bit more than we would've paid for used, and we got it exactly how WE wanted it.
Good luck!
I don't think I have ever commented on your blog although I read it constantly!
I am sure you don't have time to read all the comments but Id like to say, just in case that the pictures are beautiful!!! Love them, and I wish you luck at the button change!
We have been changing skyes since she got them and its easy to learn but I understand your concern!
I have 2 year old triplets and we bought a 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan with Stow and Go. I.LOVE.IT. It olds all my crap for the trio and still room for the hubs and I. ;0)
We have a 2004 Sienna we bought used in 2005. Love it! I have never felt older than I did while driving it home from the dealership saying "This van is awesome!" Not sure what CarMax is, so can't help you there.
We bought our Suburban at Carmax 3 yrs. ago and everything worked out great. We did buy the extended warranty and it has really helped out with issues like an automatic window messing up and a seat not sliding properly. Our vehicle was in Richmond, VA and we did have to pay extra to have it transferred to Greensboro, NC, but so far so good:) Hope this helps you a little.
Donna in NC
We bought a used Town & Country minivan from Carmax about 6 six years ago. It has 150,000 miles and we've only had minor repairs. I am just now looking around at other vans because I anticipate we will need a new one within a year or two. As much as I would love a Honda or Toyota I just can't see paying that much. Our Chysler may not have all the bells and whistles, but it won't break the bank. Good luck! Lots of prayers being sent your way from GA!!
I bought a Ford Escape from CarMax in January. We picked it out on-line, had it delivered to Columbia,SC and went to see/buy it. Great customer service . . . would highly recommend it!
Patrice, I just wanted to tell you that I'm loving your hair. You look beautiful in that pic! I am always praying for and thinking about you guys. Keep up the good work!
We bought a used Odyssey, and love it. Two kids, one on the way, and two dogs...plenty of room. The back seat (if you're not using it) folds down flat, leaving tons of room, or a nice space to crawl in and change a diaper, or whatever.
We've been looking on Craigslist for another vehicle to replace a very small car, and have found some very good deals...as always, watch out for scams, but there are some good finds.
Hope you find something you love. :)
another funny thing in addition to typing abou tit...typing the word verification on these blogs. Mine tonight is chumsti. ?? haha
We bought our chrysler town and country from carmax a few years ago and LOVE it! I think this is the 4th or 5th vehicle we've purchased from carmax. We love the experience there. Being able to check the stock online and having an idea of which ones we want to look at when we get there really helps. I love the vans that have the power doors and hatch. Makes it so much easier when you have your hands full to just push a button to get the door open. Good luck on your search!
Love to Jonah (and you guys)!
Oh and wanted to mention - we have always bought the extended warranty from carmax and have used them. We haven't found anything they don't cover (except regular maintenance). The warranty really saved us with our last van that had engine problems.
You can also look on AutoTrader.com I was van shopping on there for months before we ended up buying a Dodge Grand Caravan from a friend of mine. We love it and she loved it so much she bought another one. Anyway, autotrader.com shows vehicles for sale from dealers AND owners. Good luck!
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