Friday, June 11, 2010

a real haircut

I decided to cut Jonah's hair yesterday. It was impulsive and not well thought out, but I couldn't stand it anymore. It was getting really long and shaggy (not in a good way). Here are some "before" photos (which I didn't know were "before" photos when I was taking them).

Jonah's newest pinwheel (from Kathryn).

That's some ratty hair right there.

Jonah's new (BAD) habit. Pulling his Tubifast back with his teeth...

... and attempting to unravel and eat the strings from his bandaging.

"What, Momma?... What did I do?"

"You aren't mad anymore, are you?"

"I didn't think so."

Post - haircut. Sorry there are no "during" pictures. Have you ever tried to cut a 15 month old's hair? NOT easy.
I think I cut it too short in the back, but it was really hard because he wouldn't exactly tilt his head forward and cooperate.
I cut a little more today, just sprigs I had missed here and there. I will probably be doing that for days to come.

All done. The hair cutee (cutie?) and the hair cutter. He was a good boy and really did great! SO much better than when the girl who cuts my hair came over (not the result, but the process). I'm certainly no good at cutting hair (just ask Matt about the time I cut his bangs in college... I'm pretty sure he's scarred for life), but I knew he'd freak out with anybody else.

I think it's a little too short, but looks so much better. It definitely looks better in the back... much thicker than it did before. It grows thin there because of scarring from blisters last summer. The short do makes it look fuller, I think.
And I also just want to say...
"Yesterday's haircut was brought to you by Curious Buddies, apparently THE most hilarious group of puppets known to man Jonah."

On a different note, I'm pretty sure Jonah is trying to say "pop" when we play with bubbles, "uh" for "uh-oh," and moo along with the cows on Curious Buddies. I couldn't say for sure, but tonight we said, "Jonah, say 'daddy'," and he went "da-da." I still don't think he knows what any of it means, but he's trying to imitate for sure. That's the first step, right? HOORAY!


as written by Barbara said...

I think you did a wonderfully fantastic job of cutting Jonah's hair. He looks like such a handsome cutie pie. Ohhhh, I wish I could give him smooches.
Cyber hugs!!!
Barbara Lyman :-)
Marysville, WA

tomandcheryl said...

Oh I love it! I think he always looks adorable but now especially so because you can see his beautiful eyes.

Halfsicilian said...

You did a great job - what a brave mama you are! Cutting a toddlers hair is a challenge for sure! Jonah is adorable!

Renee said...

YOu did good! His haircut is cute. Yeah for the chattering.

Me, the boys and a Farm... said...

I think you did an awesome job with his haircut! Can't say that a "Barber" would do any better! Having 2 boys myself and having gone through the 1st haircut after the 1 year....I find it AMAZING how it makes them look so much more little boy-ish than baby-ish? Jonah looks so grown up! And, handsome too! Thanks for sharing!

chapinamom said...

Patrice, you've posted some awfully cute pics of Jonah in the past, but these have to be the cutest EVUH!!

The Oxford Family said...

You did great! I am debating cutting my 1 year olds myself after his last horrible botch job of a hair cut at the salon! I love the pic of you 2 together!

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

OK, now that he officially has Matt's haircut, he looks 50% more like him! Now he's exactly the 50/50 combination of his parents. :)

Carla said...

I just came across your blog and your beautiful little Jonah and Gabe. I also lost my first son but have since had three other children (and 6 foster children). Jonah is a brave little survivor. God Bless you with each new day.

Laura A said...

cute cute hair! You are MUCH braver than I am! I tried cutting Caroline's hair once. Once.

Anyway, he's super cute (as always) and definitely looking more like a "big boy" every day!

Hope you have a great weekend!


Denise said...

Patrice.... you gotta do what you gotta do!

We have an 81 yr old eccentric "hermit type" gentleman who lives in our rental house... he needed a haircut desperately but refused to go to a stylist... and the local hairdresser wasn't keen on doing his hair as his hygiene isn't up to par...

So I told Tom one day I was coming with the clippers... not that I am a hairdresser... usually only bang trims...

And so I cut his hair and thought it didn't look too badly afterwards (actually I thought it couldn't look any worse than the "before" ... not that I took pictures).

But what I thought was so funny, was that the old guy just shuffled from the kitchen (where I'd done the deed) back to his easy chair and didn't even bother to go check out the haircut in the mirror!!! That would have been the first place I would have gone...

So yes, desperate circumstances call for desperate actions... and the more we untrained hairdressers snip, the better we'll get.

Have a great weekend!

Denise in Canada.

Shana said...

Oh my goodness! How cute is he? You did a great job Patrice! You really did =0) And it's not too short at all!

jardinera linda said...

¡qué guapo!

the-mommy-person said...

Aw, he looks like a big little boy! And he sure looks like his pretty mamma. :) Only, handsome. :)

stiner0305 said...

you did a great job!!! he is just do darn cute!! keep up the great work!!

Ani said...

So handsome! He looks older with shorter hair :-)
Hugs to you both.

Messy and Wonderful said...

He looks so much more like Matt with his shorter hair! Adorable. You did a great job.

Jennifer said...

Yes, that's definitely the right steps with his words. That is so AWESOME! I also love the haircut. Yes, shorter does make it fuller and cutting it (keeping it trimmed up) will help it grow in more and over time become fuller. He looks so grown up. Keep at it and you will learn. I cut my son's hair. He had to live through some really bad ones but they do grow out! You look so happy (both of you!). Thanks for sharing. Jennifer of Southeast, NC

Toni :O) said...

I think his hair looks great! You did a really nice job and he's as adorable as ever of course! Have a great weekend! :O)

Anonymous said...

You did a great job cutting his hair! Only bad part?!?! He looks wayyy too old now :( lol. Its bittersweet watching children grow up, isnt it? *Megan from WI*

Nicole said...

I dont know if its becuase I have been following for so long now, but this kid is cuter and cuter to me with every picture he posts...he is gonna be a heartbreaker when he grows up! :)