We hadn't been out to Gabe's spot since his day in April, and I had been wanting to go for a long time. So finally, when we were able to get out, it was our first (and favorite!) stop.
Gabe's fall flowers.
Here is Jonah's new car seat. Actually, Aunt Melanie bought if for Gabe forever ago, and I've just had it in the closet. He's also loving his umbrella stroller because it lets him see everything and everyone. He was so content getting out and about. I know he loves it, and I hope we can do it more. He's really throwing up a lot (he had three gushers today), so it makes me nervous going out very much. We'll figure it out though.

The only thing bad about this car seat is that the straps really cut close, and the left one caused blisters on his face. I have to figure that one out before Thursday because we're heading to Chapel Hill for Jonah's dermatologist appointment.
I'm hoping they will work for him. I went ahead and got several pairs since Mr. Barfy McPukePants likes to aim right for the straps... thought it was a good idea to have some back-ups. AND they were really reasonably priced. I just hope they work. I'll probably have to rig something up with some Transfer and/or soft cloths for Thursday as I'm sure they won't be here yet.
Oh, and Jonah got his first, "What a pretty little girl" comment yesterday. True he was riding in a gray stroller. True he was wearing navy blue shorts. True he had on a gray "Bruno's Skate Shop" t-shirt. Don't all those things just scream "pretty little girl" to you? Oh well. I guess that's better than, "What in the WORLD did you do to that child?" so we'll take it.
Yay - I'm so glad you got out! Gabe's flowers are beautiful.
Oh Patrice, you crack.me.up! I'm so glad you all got out, and it was a relatively low-gush day.
People can be so ridiculous sometimes - seriously, can people really not tell Jonah's a boy? Maybe it was someone older or who had BAD eyesight (I'm grasping at straws here, I know!)
Jonah looks like he loves the umbrella stroller. He also looks like he's about 4 feet long already - he's going to be a tall one!
Hope Tuesday is great for you!
Love from TX!
I would have my girls in ALL pink and still get little boy comments! I dont think people really pay attention =-) Hooray for family outings, gabe visits and shopping!
LOL, I love your humor, way to find the bright side! I can only imagine what comes to peoples minds when they first see the blister on that sweet little face. God gifted you with your humor so you would be equiped to handle what was in store for your child. Bless you!
I am glad you were able to all get out at the same time. When Butterfly was little and dressed in frilly pink from head to toe with bows to match, I often got the comment, "Such a cute little boy!" People will think what they want to think. I will keep praying for you and sweet Jonah.
YAY!!!! I bet that felt fabulous to get out. I am so glad you were able to do that finally.
The old lady down the street thought my 16 month old son was a girl... even though she knew his name was NOAH!!! LOL!
Oh my goodness-he is so big and so cute!!!!
Glad to hear that you got to get out of the house. It really does change perspective. The straps covers look really cute. I have got some for my son at Babies R Us and we love them.
Even though I had a GIANT pink bib that said "I'm NOT a boy" - people still thought MacKenzie was a boy. BUT the funniest was when I went to Ohio to see my Nona at a nursing home. One old lady said - "oh look, they brought the puppy" (seriously?!?!?!) and then she says "oh, its not a puppy... its a little boy" - yep - human works! whatever!
Just checking in to let you know that any after market product can void the warranty on your carseat. This includes seat protectors, hanging toys, strap protectors, etc. If in doubt, check the directions- it will specifically lay out what's okay and what's not. :)
Patrice, Jonah is getting so big and just adorable. I love the picture of him smiling by Gabe's spot. You always bring a smile to my face and I love the pictures of baby Jonah. I can't believe he is getting so big when he loves to "spout like a volcano". Thanks for being a bright spot in my day and know that you have a friend in Kansas who is praying and will meet you face to face in Heaven.
I just love that squishy little baby. Keep the pictures coming! People are silly...I always ask just in case. I do have to give them the benefit...he is really pretty (handsome)!
Love that you got out with the family.
And I love the silly names you come up with for Jonah's acts of biology or is it chemistry?
Hope you have a safe trip to Chapel Hill later in the week ... with no gushers. Do non-mom's understand what that means?
Haha I never really got that whole gender thing either. My daughter would be wearing pink from head to toe and someone would say "Aww, what's his name?" Come on, people. really? So glad you were able to get out yesterday though!! Hooray!
God answered another prayer and you were able to get out as a family. Hooray. Maybe you hit on it when you went to the bigger carseat. Even babies can be claustrophobic. Also, you might try contacting the manufacturer of the carseat to see if they have any adapters that will move the straps a little further apart. Looking at the pics, it appears that the piece that holds the straps in place would separate them a bit if it was a little longer. Just a thought. When I had my babies we didn't have to have carseats. Now I'm really dating myself. Hope you have a super week and that your trip to Chapel Hill is a good one and that Jonah gets a good report.
God Bless and love you to Heaven and back,
Mimmy aka Aunt Joyce
He he, isn't it funny how some people say "what a pretty girl" to a boy, and I have 4 little girls and I've gotten "oh, he's cute" and "is it a boy or a girl?" Even when she is wearing all pink inside of a pink car seat bag! I think its hilarious!
Anyway, Jonah sure is cute, God Bless him and that great persons heart who cared enough to tell you how beautiful he is.
Not that you have gobs of time to just get out and go shopping, but they sell those strap covers at Babies R Us, if you need a pair before your etsy ones come. Jonah is looking awesome, you're doing a great job!
he is getting cuter every time I see him!! Look at him in his little stroller and nice soft car seat. I hope those strap covers work for you...they look like they're nice and soft! Ihope this solves the barf issues!
Glad you got out....and is that sunshine I see? We haven't seen sun here in tennessee in about a week!
A pretty girl? Whatever!!!!
He looks so happy!
Hugs and prayers to all!
OH my goodness, look how big he is in that stroller. His legs hang way off...he is so tall now. :)
A girl? Honestly people!!!! He looks like such a little man - CUTER every picture:-) So happy that you were able to get out of the house. I remember those early days all too well. I lived for roaming up and down the aisles of Target.
People never cease to amaze me. Just the other day I had my 1 1/2 year old boy dressed in head to toe blue jammies and the girl at the Sonic drive through yells, "Ah come here and look at this pretty little redhead girl". Whatever people..I just played along because it was easier. However, Jonah and my "Pretty Little Redhead Girl NOT" are both so manly and handsome! What is wrong with these people's eye site?
P.S. Love the pictures at Gabe's site. I look forward to meeting them both, as well as you and Matt one day in our final home!
Wow - Jonah looks SO big in that stroller! Glad you had a great day out! I second the "many sets of strap covers" idea - I have washed carseats more than my fair share, too! Hope the new seat works out well, and will be thinking of you all as you had to the dermatologist.
You crack me up Girl!! Yea, you got out of the house...i was praying that you got to go to Target..answered prayer!! Gabe's flowers are BEAutiful..hope the puking slows down for ya...much love and blessings~erin
so glad that you guys were able to get out! it sounds like quite the adventure :) i love the strap covers and hope that those work for you. good luck at the doctor's appointment on thursday!
Don't feel bad about the "girl" comment. Someone once asked me how old my "boy" was - you mean the boy with long curly hair wearing a flowered dress? HA! Oh, Target or Walmart should have the strap covers in their baby sections. They are super soft and fuzzy too, if you want to get them for your trip instead of rigging something up.
I was going to post to you yesterday and ask if you thought a convertible car seat might help you get out more, since you said that he usually throws up as soon as you put him in the bucket car seat. You're a few steps ahead, I see. I hope it works for you! :)
So glad you finally got out as a family. About the only time Meg and Jeff go out as a family is to Drs appointments. Maybe someday they can go to Target or wherever they want to go with Leah and all her equipment.
Good luck at the Drs on Thursday. Keeping you and the other Eb families in my prayers.
Jonah is getting SO BIG. Seeing him in his big boy car seat and stroller makes him look even more grown up. He looks like he enjoyed chilling out in the stroller.
We have a two year old little boy and we still get the "what a cute little girl" comments ... even at 2 years old! I think people just feel obligated to comment so they say the first stupid thing that comes to mind.
We continue to pray for your family.
I'm so glad you got out! Hope the new strap covers will work.
My baby girl did not have much hair, but I would have her in a pink dress, pink socks and shoes, pink blanket, pink handband, everything with flowers or butterflies, and we would still get the "oh what a cute boy" comments. What? Like I would be that cruel to my boy to dress him like that? People just don't pay attention.
Yay! You got out! The new stroller and car seat make him look so grown up. He really looks so different than just a couple of weeks ago. Maybe just a walk would be a good start? I have been walking since the temps are down. It is nice to breathe fresh air. I am keeping up the prayers. Hope the appointment goes well. Jennifer in Southeast, NC
I am guessing they thought the leg wrapping to be tights? But, Jonah looks so much like a boy. Glad you got out of the house for a change of pace!! You deserve it. There is no question about that. Glad you got a little time with Gabe too.
glad you got out! and I just wanted to say that people are clueless about babies. I've had people ask hold old is "HE" when my baby girl is dressed in ALL pink? I mean who dresses a boy in pink???
The flowers are gorgeous! So happy you got out and got some fresh air...although, seriously, he is ALL boy and people should just say "what a cutie" before referring to gender sometimes...crazy. I laughed at your description of his episodes...hilarious. Hopefully those cute Etsy pads will work for you. I love Etsy, I just got a cute apron and tote bag off of there yesterday. Have a great day sweet family!
I don't understand people! I can dress my son in head to toe light blue with a bib that says "Mamma's little man" and they still say "she's the cutest little girl I've ever seen"!
So, I've given up and put his hair in pigtails, as I'm secretly craving a little girl. :)
People are so oblivious sometimes! I have all boys and got that comment with each one! They were 'pretty babies' like Jonah, but come one! Pay attention! :) Love the pics and your arrangement for Gabe is so beautiful!
Glad you were able to get out, in spite of the gushers! Being called a pretty little girl is okay for now. Wait until someone says that to your not so little 17-year old who just happens to have beautiful blond curls...AND AN ADAM'S APPLE!!!! PAY ATTENTION, PEOPLE! Have a great day, Patrice.
Deb in TN
Sounds silly but you can cut the toes off of baby socks and use them to cover the straps! It is really cheap and you can just throw them away if they get bad!
Good for you all getting out...all thanks to mr pukey pants...or whatever hilarious name you called him!! I've read your blog since Jonah was pretty tiny, but I can't remember exactly-is his throwing up a side effect of the EB or is it just a personality trait...as annoying as THAT would be :-)?!
Hooray for getting out as a family! :)
What cute pictures! I am glad you guys got out of the house.
I bought some of those strap covers at Walmart or Target. That might get you by until you receive the others.
Yay for getting out of the house! I love that last picture of Jonah in the stroller. My little girl used to be dressed head to toe in pink and we would get comments on what a cute little boy she was (granted she didn't have hair until she was about 2.5 years old!), but still!
Glad y'all got out for a while! Gabe's fall flowers are beautiful. I will admit, some babies can pass as boys or girls...but Jonah looks all boy to me! Even if he were wearing all pink...he *looks* boy! Ah well...:)
Blessings & prayers.
Yeah -
So happy you were able to get out!
I know it did you all a world of good. Don't worry, I can dress my daughter in a pink DRESS and still get "what a cute little guy"
SERIOUSLY - Do you SEE what SHE is wearing ?
Still Admiring and Praying for you in Alabama
Look at Jonah in the umbrella stroller! CUTE! and Gabe's flowers are gorgeous! Glad you got out as a family, hopefully there will be more to come :)
Gabe's fall flowers is just gorgeous! I hate it when people get the sex of a baby wrong. When my DD was little (granted she did look a little like an alien from the failure to thrive thing but still...) she could be decked out in pink with a big huge bow and people would ask if she was a boy! YEAH because I purposely like to torture my son by making HIM wear a big pink bow... geez.
ahh gotta love those that can't figure out gender. We had my daughter out in a pink and blue DRESS and had about 4 people ask how old HE was..
Glad you were able to get out.
The flowers for Gabe are beautiful!
'Mr. Barfy McPukePants' - love it!!
Thanks for making me laugh today!
Those are pretty fall flowers for your sweet, precious, beautiful baby Gabe.
Beautiful flowers! We have the same carseat and love it. Hope it helps with all the puking.
I can't tell you how many times people thought my oldest son was a girl. Didn't bother me too much. I guess he was kinda pretty.
Love reading your blog!
Hi Patrice -
I read your blog often but don't usually take the time to comment. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your humor! I have found myself more than once laughing out loud at your retelling of the day or night's events. Today the "Mr. Barfy McPukePants" made me chuckle. I don't mean to be disrespectful, my heart goes out to you and Matt for all you deal with on a daily basis. And yet you are able to find such creative humor in everyday situations. You both are amazing parents, with the cutest little boy around! Jonah is so lucky to have you. Keep up the amazing job you do, and know you have many people who care and pray for you!
I'm so glad y'all were able to get out of the house today. Love the new nickname! I hope you will be able to make more outings. Maybe you could try putting some kind of poncho or giant bib on him as soon as you get him in the carseat? Just a thought.
I have a boy, too, and people occasionally call him a girl. They are just clueless. At least nobody's called him a puppy!
Jonah looks so happy in his big boy carseat and stroller!!! Love those cheekies!!! Don't worry about the girl comment...my son is 11 in 6th grade and his teacher emailed me apologizing because all 3 weeks of the school year she thought he was a girl...what the?!?!? Some people don't pay attention or think before they speak! Lol
Here's a "woot woot" to a family outing AND to Gabe's precious spot!
Continuing to Pray,
Sandy in King
Nice to hear that you were able to get out. I know that moving up to the big boy car seat made a world of difference for us. How about wraping a soft cloth around the straps or putting a bib on baby and puling it out over the straps so that if they rub the bib is there to protect him. His face looks wonderful by the way!!
I love the pic of Jonah in his car seat, so cute! Glad you were able to get out without him getting sick. So glad you were able to visit Gabe's spot.
Hey, Patrice. I enjoy reading your blog. Just wondering if you have tried to mix Jonah's formula with Hydra-Aid or Simply Thick thickeners to help with the spitting? My daughter had bad reflux and when we started thickening her formula with the thickener, the spitting was almost non-existent. Just wondering if anyone has told you about either of these? I was clueless when the doctor told us about it, but it helped A LOT!
I have not commented in a long time but I could not help myself today. Jonah is soooo cute!!!!! He is getting to look like such a big boy in his stroller and big boy carseat. You all look so happy together and Jonah is so blessed to have you both as parents. Praise God for what he has done is you!!
He is awfully pretty, you must admit that.
People don't seriously say "What did you do to that child?" do they?? Or they just look like they are thinking it?
I'm sooo glad you were able to get out. It's important for everyone, especially you! I really laughed when you mentioned the "pretty little girl" comment. I would have my daughters in all pink, from head to toe, and people would still tell me what cute little boys I had. Hmmmmm, thanks!
oh funny what people will say!
He looks sooo big sitting up in that umbrella stroller!
Glad you were able to go out as a family.
Peace & prayers!
Patrice--it looked like a gorgeous day to get out. I laughed out loud about the "girl" comment. Reminds me of when my girl was called a boy in this outfit (http://10eefamily.blogspot.com/2007/11/give-me-break-people.html) Sometimes I really wonder about people!
I remember seeing these nifty onesies for acid reflux babies once on an acid reflux board.... http://www.do-overclothing.com/reflux.php I'm not sure if they fit Jonah's specific requirements, but perhaps someone could custom make something similar that snaps on to cover the entire front of his shirt and protect the bandages underneath.
I have a daughter who always wear pink and I still get the "what a cute boy" comments simply because she has no hair. So it goes both ways!
I may be late in this and I didn't read all the comments but Walmart sells these car strap covers. They are a soft velour and some have an animal head/teddy bear sewn on. This can be removed if needed. Just an FYI in case the etsy ones don't arrive in time.
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