Isn't this shirt the coolest?

These next two are my favorites. I think I'm going to blow one of them up to an 8x10 to frame in his room.

Tummy Time - he started crying about five seconds after I took this picture. He'll lift his head up good and strong, but he still won't push up on his hands.

My mom got him this exersaucer at a yard sale for three dollars. It's a little "retro" and not very manly, but we liked it, because it didn't have any toys attached that he could hurt himself on. That way, I can put soft toys in the tray for him to play with, and I feel much safer about it.
This was only his second time in it. He really seems to like it a lot. I'm not surprised... he really likes being upright where he can look around.
This was only his second time in it. He really seems to like it a lot. I'm not surprised... he really likes being upright where he can look around.
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful BOY! Thanks for sharing and I'm glad he likes the kids loved theirs and it let me get lots of stuff done.
First time commenting here, but your boy is just SOOOOOO cute, I HAD to say it! I love his cute little face and expressions! A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!
I love that last photo! They are all so cute but the last is my fave.
BEAUTIFUL! I love them all.
I love looking at all your pictures! Absolutely adorable!
What a precious little guy! He has such beautiful blue eyes:)
Again he is precious, I wish I was near you so I could come give him and you some hugs and love!
Cute pictures! My favorite is the second one! I'm so glad you share pictures with all of us! We've grown to love him more and more!
Oh my word he is such a doll. And so big and strong! Thanks for sharing these precious pics!
Beautiful photos. He is so cute.
So beautiful...I must say, he looks just like his Mommy :)
He looks really great.
You said: "Hope you are all having a nice Wednesday!"
I say: "I am now after seeing his precious darling face!"
I love the same two pictures that are your faves. He has the most beautiful eyes and those sweet little lips. Adorable! Maybe some shots of his cute little hands and feet to frame with them!
Thanks for making my birthday that is with all these beautiful pictures of that adorable boy...
If I could only have me some hugs & kisses from Jonah, my day would be perfect...oh well, I will just have to kiss my computer screen (ha)
He is awesome, just like his mommy & the new prayer button, too
Hugs & kisses & prayers
Who could know that the love of your life would be so little and cute. Thank you for sharing your pictures and your love.
He is soooooooooo precious!God be with you Jonah.
Brenda from WI
His hair is really coming in! From picture to picture it looks thicker. Sweet, sweet boy! =)
I think his eyes are getting brighter and brighter! They are so blue! He is so expressive!
Absolutely love the pictures. Now I'm going to go grab me a button.
Love you to Heaven and back,
Aung Joyce aka Mimmy
he looks to be enjoying the exersaucer. he is so precious and i love the pictures (and the shirt too.)
He is getting so big!!!! Such a cutie pie, thanks for sharing these beautiful pics!
You are an AMAZING mom!!!!!
Great pictures!! But you made me feel old...I think my daughter had an exersaucer just like that. She started 8th grade today!! kara
I'm just LOVING all these pictures! You can really see his little personality starting to shine through.
Glad the exersaucer was a hit! I didn't have one until our youngest b/c they took up so much room, but it was a real lifesaver.
Hope your Wednesday was great, and that you have a restful evening!
Love from TX!
That's the same exer saucer I had with my kids, the youngest is 10. They loved it.
He is the cutest thing ever! LOVE the pictures!!!
My day was made so much better by getting a fix on that cute face. My kids came in and thought he was just adorable too (this is my SECOND time here today....) NO, I do NOT have a fixation on your child. I am NOT stalking you!
Jennifer in Southeast,NC
¡QuĂ© guapo! He looks just like you in the second to last picture!
[melting heart] aww yeah suh-weet! so happy to get a jonah fix before bed! i can see why those two in the middle are your favorite ... so precious!
He must not be rubbing his face as much because his blisters are almost all gone. I hope his other blisters are getting better also. He is so adorable. I love looking at all the pictures. I hope you are having a better week.
Along with everyone else...I have LOVED seeing all the recent pics of Jonah and of course the adorable "raspberries" video!!! Thanks for sharing them all with us! I really like the picture of him sitting up in the exersaucer! You and your husband are doing a great job of parenting!! Jonah radiates the love back in his precious face that he is getting from you two!! It is wonderful!
I am always praying for you all.
Luann in WA
Such cute pictures of sweet Jonah. He has the most beautiful blue eyes and I love all of his expressions.
beautiful.He is growing so much
Sweet sweet pictures of a sweet sweet boy! Whatever you are doing is certainly working! Keep up all the work - he is sooooo worth it all!
Love the excersaucer - glad you could find one that was both economical and just what you needed so you could use the toys he needs.
Note: The excersaucer seemed to be helpful in having those dirty diapers for my grandson! Maybe when Jonah is in need of a poop - you could give the excersaucer a try and see if it helps! Just a suggestion!
Thanks for sharing your little guy and giving us the privilege of praying for him and his parents!
Those eyes are amazing.
I love seeing Jonah in his manly camo wear. So cute! Perhaps he could be called "G.I. Jonah"!!
What sweet pictures! I love the one of him right after the Exersaucer one. Such perfect lips. He's such a doll. Yay for the rocker t-shirt! It's so fun to put cute clothes on little ones, and I'm glad you could use that great shirt on him. Rock on, Jonah!
He is such a beautiful little boy!! Stunning eyes! My son loves his saucer too, I am so glad you got yours for such a steal, it was meant for him.
cutie pie!
What a precious boy. He has touched my heart deeply. I have a son very close to Jonah's age. Love to Jonah and you and your husband. Jonah is in my prayers each night.
What a handsome little guy. I have been following the story for some time now and just can't get over how quickly the time is going by. he is looking more and more like a toddler these days! Keep up the patient work! You are awesome!
Hi I am new to reading your blog but I love all the pictures of your little guy so cute! I wanted to share a tip that I used when I was a Nanny for a little girl with EB when we put her in her exersaucer we put a piece of egg crate foam mat under her feet so she could feel the texture but not hurt her feet on the hard plastic!
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