Wednesday, June 24, 2009

GI appt

Just a quick post tonight. I'm extremely tired, and so is Matt. We got in bed at 10:30 last night, and Jonah had us up (for at least a half hour every time) at 11:30, 2:30, 4:30 and 6:30. And he would take about one to one and half ounces each time and fall asleep. So frustrating. Gone are the days of waking us up only one time at 4:30. Night before last he woke us up from 12:30-1:15, 3:30-5:00 and then again at 7. I'm soooo tired.

The GI appointment went well today. Dr. S was extremely nice, and spent A LOT of time with us. He has taken Jonah off the Zantac but is keeping him on the Prevacid. He says that Prevacid is such a stronger medication, he doubts we're getting a whole lot extra out of Zantac. Plus, one side effect of Zantac can be headache, he says, and it's annoying because it's a three times a day drug. So anyway, for now we're taking him off it. We're also going to have to switch him to the Similac Alimentum powder to fortify the breast milk instead of the soy... just in case he's having an allergy to the milk protein... which is also found in the soy I guess? That stuff is crazy expensive. I bought two cans at Target tonight, and it cost me $50. I'm sure I can look online for coupons or on eBay for unopened jars and stuff, but tonight was just a "get by" sort of thing. Crazy though. We're also going to put a Tbsp of rice cereal in three to four ounces of milk to see if that will help things. We've only tried one bottle like this, and he screamed bloody murder the whole time, but I figure it's more of a tired thing than cereal/formula thing.

Ok, my eyes are closing, and my pump's starting to talk to me again. "Ifyoutypetheywillcome. Ifyoutypetheywillcome."

That's my cue, folks.

When you're feeling like baseball players could come out of corn fields blog readers could come out from behind light posts at any moment, you know it's time to go to bed.

So good night. I can't wait to sleep seven consecutive hours be up in 30 minutes with Jonah again.

(But just in case you didn't know - he's totally worth it.)


Sewconsult said...

I wish I could reach across the Web & give you all a hug...and a magic wand.
Beckie in TN

RLR said...

Ohh, as if mom's milk alone wasn't liquid gold.... My son had a milk protein intolerance as an infant. I dumped out a good bit of pumped milk when the ped told me he needed to be on Nutramigen (the Enfamil version of hypoallergenic formula). That stuff was pricey 5 1/2 years ago. I remember it was hard to mix, so I ended up using an immersion blender to prepare a day's worth at a time.
Still thinking of all of you - and I'll say some special prayers for Jonah's feedings and for you to get some sleep again really soon.

RaisingOlives said...

As a mom of 9 let me offer this advice, don't forget to savor every night time moment. Just when it seems that it will last forever, it is over and your baby is toddling around. Enjoy the journey!

Praying for good sleep tonight!


Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to the sleep thing. Just when they lull you into a false sense of security they start waking up all the time again. Our little guy did that. The good news is they do go back to the old routine eventually!

Our little guy is on Similac Alimentum too, and it is SO expensive. I can't breasteed anymore because of medication I have to be on, so we spend a ton of money on it. A couple of things, though. You can buy it on eBay for about $14-16 a can if you find the right deal. We also always ask for samples at the Dr's office, and sometimes they are very generous. Finally, some people are able to get a prescription for it if they decide he needs to be on it because of the protein sensitivity. Unfortunately our insurance does not cover formula, but from what I've heard a lot of them do. So it's worth a shot if you end up doing it long term.

Hope you get some good sleep. I'm still praying for sweet little Jonah, and for you and Matt too.


Tricia said...

Praying you get a good night's sleep, or at least feel as refreshed as if you had.

Tricia said...

If you qualify for WIC, and you get a scrip for the formula, that should cover it.

Rose said...

Hey Patrice, I know that you don't need any more advice, I know, I know. So please forgive me in advance, ok? But if you have time to read :) There is an amazing book called The Wonder Weeks. I'm trying to get my hands on it again myself, but it details all of the developmental milestones that infants have by week, and explains what they are going through and why they are up half the blasted night while they are working through it. It helps, a lot. I didn't find it with my son until he was almost 1, so I didn't buy it but I wish I had. Sometimes an explanation and a little warning, helps a lot. Especially since we always want to blame the night wakings on something, or I did anyway. My library had one. Since I'm having another baby, I am going to purchase one this time. Good luck! (And I totally understand if you are too busy).

It's one of the best child development books I have read! Thinking of you, Matt and Jonah and hoping that he sleeps for you tonight.

emily ebeling said...

yes, yes he is worth it!
sorry you had such a rough night~ hopefully they will be fewer and farther between

continuous prayers for you and your family here in WI

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

If it seems like he's having to work really hard and he screams a lot, you might need to open the hole in the nipple a little more with a knife. Once you add the cereal, it can clog up the hole and they can't get it out as easily. I'd bring mine to the beach for you, but we only have Dr. Brown's nipples ... they probably won't work with your bottles. But please let me know if we can bring anything with us that would help you not have to pack in your car. I know the packing will drive you nuts! Can't wait to see you all.

Kelsey said...

I am wishing you a good night of sleep tonight. It's amazing how just one night of good sleep can keep you going for awhile. I feel so selfish after reading your blog, I would complain that my healthy 9 month old would wake up twice a night, I should have just been thankful and cherish every moment of it. Anyways, maybe your mom or someone could take care of Jonah tomorrow so you can take a much deserved nap!

Laura A said...

So sorry he's not resting well, Patrice! Will pray for rest for all three of you this evening. I understand tired - it's a perpetual state around here - but it's an entirely different "tired" when you're up every half-hour!

...and yes, I agree, he's TOTALLY worth it!


Jennifer W. said...

From one sleep deprived mom to another-I wish you good sleep. And me too! :) Seriously, though, call your peditrician's office and explain your situation. They get tons of samples af different formulas and many times will give some to you-a friend's pedi gave her some several times a month the entire time her son was on it! But each office is different. Just a thought.

Rachel said...

I hope he starts to sleep more for you, but I am thinking it is a growth spurt. My daughter did the same thing. She was up like clockwork at around 4 am and then all of the sudden wanted to be fed 3x a night. It changed around 4-4.5months. Unfortunately it lasted about a month. Now at 6 months she is back to the 4 am thing.

Anonymous said...

Just another thing for you to consider - my son also had terrible reflux and was up all night b/c of it. Our pediatrician put him on Zantac & Regelan and then Prevacid. None of these seemed to do the trick but around 8 months I finally decided to give Formula a try (we used Similac Sensitve) and he stopped the spitting up overnight! This formula is not nearly as expensive as the Alimentum, but it does have the milk proteins in it. Anyway, just thought I'd share our experience - I know how miserable it is when you can't seem to do anything to make your baby feel good! I am praying for quick relief for Jonah and a good nights sleep for you and Matt!

Melissa said...

Praying for sleep for your entire family tonight.

Brooke said...

I second the Wonder weeks book. Great read. My first thought was wondering if Jonah is having a growth spurt or a sleep regression. Praying you all get good sleep tonight!

Anonymous said...

First time comment here :)
You can go to and sign up for coupons, sadly they are only $5 off but better then nothing. My son was on alimentum at first and then Neocate (my son is allergic to proteins)which is even more costly and we got all our formula on ebay in big batches. With adding cereal to the bottle its harder for him to suck which might annoy him so you could get a pin and make the holes a little bigger so it is easier for him.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful son and story with us!


as written by Barbara said...

One of the other writers has already suggested it and I will second it. Anything like formula that Jonah HAS to have, please ask the doctor write a prescription for it.
It falls under the medically necessary category.
Hope you get just the extra wink sleep to keep you going... hugs all around!
Praying continuously,
Barbara Lyman :-)
Marysville, WA

Shari said...

I am glad the GI spent good time with you. Our son also had to have fortified breast milk and we used Nutramigen. It's almost exactly like Alimentum but the Enfamil brand. He did great on it and I think it's a bit less expensive. I know that Jonah is different though. I hope you get some rest soon! Blessings to you.

Anonymous said...

Dear sweet Patrice:
Just returning home from surprising my niece for her 9th bday in Charlotte...sleepy...hoping that Jonah will let you AND Matt get a little sleep tonight!
Sorry I haven't been able to make it over to help out with baby your recent pics...he and Jude make quite an adorable team!
Love you girl!
Sweet Dreams:) Aimee Pence

Krista said...

My 2 yr old fell asleep in my lap as I read to her at nap time - that NEVER happens and was so awesome! Then my 10 mo old was inconsolable at nighttime dealing with teething issues. I got to rock him to sleep for the first time in... I guess it was only a month since he weaned himself, but it seems so much longer ago. It was awesome and I miss it so.

Still - I will pray that however much sleep you get, it's really GOOD sleep!

Mom 2 my boys said...

Praying for sleep for you tonight. I can relate with a 6 month old myself. We also add rice cereal to the bottle and it helped a bit. We did need to make the nipple a fast flow to make the opening big enough since it was thicker with the cereal. Also on that same formula. EXPENSIVE! Had no idea I could buy it online, thanks for the tip!

Anonymous said...

Hi Patrice,
I've been reading your blog since Jonah arrived, I think you're doing an absolutely awesome job with your beautiful babe.
For years my oldest child had an 'up and down' night routine for completely different reasons so I know how drained you feel. What worked for us was this: the guest room and earplugs. Every week we had two nights each of guaranteed sleep, unless it was an emergency. The other nights we muddled through together. If you know you can sleep two nights you can cope with anything. It takes a bit of getting used to, giving your partner complete control for eight hours :-), but it was what kept me going. Obviously you have to work it round jobs etc, but for us it was definitely worth it!
Wishing you lots of sleep,

Precious 3 said...

I hope you were able to get more rest last night, and I'll be praying for some better nights for you guys.

My daughter had a problem with milk protiens, and even when breast feeding, if I had any dairy it would affect her, give her tummy aches and a mild rash. During pregnancy I had huge milk cravings and would drink 1/2 gal of skim everyday. It was tough having to stop drinking it at all or even having any cheese, but it helped. We were supplimenting with formula, and had to switch to soy, which she reacted to even worse, and after 2 days of throwing up we had to switch her to Nutramigen. We were lucky and my mom worked with a formula rep who gave us a free case everymonth. How I missed that after we moved out of state and had our 3rd!

After having a tough preg and rough early months with my 1st, we had determined we would not get preg again, and just adopt. God blessed us with 2 more after that. We joke we should have consulted Him about our plans first. They are definitely worth it!

Whew! That was long. Excuse the ramblings. I am on little sleep also :)

Anonymous said...

So remember those days. Mason was up every two hours like clock work for the first 6-7 months of his lie, I thought I was going to die of exhaustion. My only of coffee! I hope you see some changes trying the new formula and rice cereal. The best deal we found on formula was at Sam's. I don't think they carry the kind you need, but it might be worth checking on-line or maybe at Costco. I hope you get some rest soon. Love you!

Nathan, Lindsey & Mason

Michelle said...

As previous commentors have said, you probably need to cut a slightly bigger hole in the nipple and just use it for those bottle that will have rice. He's probably frustrated that it won't come out when he's trying so hard.

Wishing you many restful nights!

Sandy said...

Yes, HE is totally worth it! Hope today brings you laughter and joy.

Continuing to Pray
Sandy Moore

Laura said...

Definetly try eBay - My little guy was on the Alimentum starting at 2 months old and we got GREAT deals - a lot of times, I was able to get 4 cans for around $50! He's now on the Soy and is doing great so we are greatful, but I always reccommend eBay if someone says they have to put their little one on that expensive stuff!

Lauren said...

Hi, just wanted to let you know that my son was on Alimentum, before being switched to a prescription only formula. The doctor wrote a prescription for the alimentum since there is a medical reason behind him needing it, and my insurance covered it. Maybe you can find out if yours will do the same. Ask the pharmacist or call your insurance company.

Unknown said...

My daughter was on Similac Alimentum for a year. Our pediatrician would give us free premixed samples and $5 coupons. We bought it on ebay in bulk. Cost $15-18 depending on the auction. Never had a problem with the condition of the cans. The taste of it is very different from soy. We had to wean her to soy at age 1 and she wanted nothing to do with it. I had to mix Alimentum and Soy for a couple of weeks to adjust her to the taste. We used a hand mixer (Prince Lionheart from Babies R Us - it only costs a couple of dollars and you'll probably have to replace it but it's worth it) because it is hard to mix plus we also had to add cereal.
I've never commented before but I read your blog daily and am praying for your beautiful family. God Bless!

Toni :O) said...

Wow, hang in there! I remember those days of my little gal never's pretty miserable but here's hoping you get some relief soon and you will eventually. I'll keep praying for you all.

Jill said...

I second calling the insurance company about the formula. It is a medical need.

Also, contact Similac directly to let them know of your need and they may offer more than the $5 off coupons. 1-800-232-7677

Anonymous said...

See if you can get on WIC, especially since you aren't getting a paycheck right now. Also, my son had to go on Alimentum - we did the ready to feed - apparently it has a sweet taste, almost like breast milk I have been told. I bought powder and he threw a fit and would NOT drink it - I called Similac and was told they are totally different, the powder is corn based?? I was lucky, and we qualified for wic, the doc wrote ready to feed on the paper from them and we get it each month, still have to buy some, but I find coupons and such. My doc says my son has strong opinions :) He would not drink a bottle with rice cereal in it or with thick it in it. He was also on pepcid, he just turned 5 months, and I think he has outgrown the reflux - he was also like a totally different baby once we put him on the Alimentum. Good Luck!

Erica said...

We use Nutramigen (another version of Alimentum), and you're right, it is SO EXPENSIVE! Do you have Craig's List in your area? You can many times find unopened cans/cases for cheaper than you could find it in the store, and there are also websites where you can buy bulk. Also, the stuff tastes AWFUL. Just taste it- you'll see why Jonah cries through it. :) It took a while to get our son to actually drink it- be patient and kind of "wean" Jonah into it, you know? Our son likes Nutramigen more than Alimentum- you could try both. Anyway, good luck! You're such a good mom to Jonah!

Christine said...

Oh yes, the wonderful hypo allergenic formulas!! Our youngest had reflux, and we used Nutramigen for 3 months. Why can't they make the big cans for $25?! LOL It made the biggest difference was totally worth it! Good luck!

Heather said...

My daughter was on the Enfamil comparison to Alimentum, and it made a huge difference in how she ate and how happy she was. I hope it helps Jonah tremendously. Our GI Specialist also took my son off of the Zantac and just left him on Prevacid, and I saw no difference when we took him down to just Prevacid.
I hope you get some long hours of sleep soon!

Nora Lee said...

Patrice, hopefully you are feeling more rested this morning :)

When my son was about Jonahs age I started mixing a little rice in his formula as well, it did make him more satififed and he slept longer...BUT I found that I had to change the type of nipple I was using because the rice made the formula just thick enough not to flow easily. This may be the problem with Jonah if he is having to work too hard for it he may be getting frustrated. You can just cut the hole a little bigger in one of the nipples to see if it helps!

Cassidy said...

Usually when my little one has a week or so of nights like that it turned out to be a growth spurt. I know Jonah has a lot of other things going on to so that may not be it but in our case after about a week, normal sleep came back. So maybe there is hope!

natalie said...

I'm giggling about getting up a million times during the night. I rememeber when M, my three and a half year old daughter, decided that she just had too much to do to sleep through the night...oh, the tears I shed as I rocked her and sang to her at 3:oo in the morning. She'd FINALLY fall asleep around 5:00 or 5:30, and I'd start getting ready for work. The one night, it hit me. There will come a day when she didn't need me any more in the middle of the night. That helped me keep it in perspective. A little bit.

Here are prayers that you get some much needed rest. It's so hard to be effective during the day when you are running on negative amounts of sleep.

Penny said...

All good suggestions! I was going to suggest WIC, but don't know the income qualifications. I got it with the first two, but not the last. Also, if you wrote to the company, or e-mailed them, they might send you formula. They do it for multiples, why not special needs babies? (medically speaking) I think it's worth a shot!

Unknown said...

Praying for Jonah and for you to get some sleep. I would call the GI Dr's office and ask if they can write a prescription for the Alimentum and check with your insurance. If it a true medical need than many insurances will cover the cost.

Anonymous said...

Hi there - just a quick note. When we had to use Alimentum (which must be laced with gold it's so expensive!) we found websites that would sell it 6 cans for the price of 5 with free shipping. It's a small savings, but something at least. I cannot remember the sites but we found them easily, so I am sure you will too.
We pray for you all often!

In Christ -

Mimmy said...

Patrice - I'll be praying that all 3 of you get some sleep tonight. I know you are very tired, but when you get a chance, check out my blog, particularly today's post. My topic is babies and I spent a lot of time talking about Jonah. Love him bunches,

Love you all to Heaven and back,
Aunt Joyce aka Mimmy aka Joyce Smith

Astrid said...

Hey Patricia,
I'm so sorry. It's so hard to cope when you're not getting any sleep. We're about to have another baby in a couple of months, so hopefully the Similac people will start sending me those gift checks again and I'll forward them onto you. I wonder if you contacted Similac and told them about Jonah's situation if they'd help you out any?
We're still praying for you.

Erin Edwards said...

Please see about WIC. It will be a big help for ya'll for the formula, but it will also help later if you need to supplement with pediasure... & the extra food helps with all the extra food our little guys need. We qualify based on our medicaid... if you have medicaid, you qualify. If you are on a waiting list for CapC, you probably still qualify for regular medicaid, depending on what your DH does.

Lorraine said...

Praying Jonah will start to desire the tbsp of rice cereal in his bottle because it should really help him sleep better.

Praying Jonah sleeps better ... and in turn you & Matt get more sleep ... starting tonight!

Angelene and Randy said...

I am a reflux moma.

Did you adjust the nipple size on the bottles mixed with rice milk? I was thinking maybe he was having to work harder to suck the milk through?

Tara said...

Oh sorry about the Alimentum. My second was on that for a few months and it was very expensive back then... 12 years ago. There was no powder for it and only the tall cans. I was glad when that was over (and he is no longer allergic to milk).
We use similac and get a lot of coupons for it. Once my daughter is off formula (in a month or so) I will pass on the coupons!

Anonymous said...

If you go to Similac's Website and sign up for their mailing list, they will send you $5.00 check/coupons - you'll get a lot at first and then they'll slow down in a few months. I'm leaving this anonymous on purpose... I also had my mom sign up with her information and they sent her coupons too... one coupon is good for one container of formula

Anonymous said...

Ask your pediatrician if they have Similac coupons. Ours gave us a ton of $5 off coupons to use. Not the checks that you get from the company but actual coupons. They are good on any Similac product.

Jennifer said...

Make sure that you cut bigger a hole in the nipple so he can get the thick cereal out without getting frustrated. You will also probably need to remove the nipple from his mouth every few minutes to let the formula and cereal mix again, otherwise he might get to the end of the bottle and only formula will be left and since it will be thin he will start to choak. When he falls asleep before finishing his bottle...wake him up and "make" him finish (or as close to it as you can). That might sound mean but it is effective.

Laura - Ex. Dir. said...

I am surprised a doctor would suggest adding cereal to a bottle - that is a HUGE choking hazard!

purejoy said...

i'm hoping your wednesday fatigue is passed and you're on to a thrilling thursday. you're such an inspiration and just wanted you to know that i nominated you for a blog award on my blog. hope you'll have the time (whenever) to participate. until then, press on and thanks for posting with such honesty and positiveness!

THE SPIVEY"S said...

My son has really bad reflux as well and is on prevacid (1 pill a day). It has worked wonders for him and I pray that it works for Jonah as well. We take the Enfamil A.R.® which is clinically proven to reduce frequent spit up. I hope that the new formula that he is on works wonders. I totally understand the frustration with reflux. We will be praying for you and Jonah.

Anonymous said...

Call your insurance company about the new formula. My son is on a similar one (nutramigen) and it is covered by our insurance since it's medically necessary for an allergy. We just needed a prescription from the doctor and it is delivered monthly by a medical supply company. Not sure if yours will be covered too but it's worth a shot! It's is saving us sooooooo much money!

Thank you for sharing your life and children with us! We pray for you all!

Anonymous said...

It's probably already been mentioned, but 4 months is a typical growth spurt time. Perhaps his extra night wakings are because he's about to grow a lot at once?

Plus, once any of mine got into a pattern of taking just a little bit at a feeding, it as tough to get them back to taking full feedings again.

Good luck and I hope you get some rest!

Keri said...

I hope you get a good night sleep soon! Just some advice on the cereal. I found when I used 1 tbsp to thicken the formula I had to slit the nipple a bit bigger or get a tri-cut (what playtex) calls the nipple with a big hole.

Teri said...

almost 7 years ago, the all ready made was cheaper then the powder (the powder had just come out.) Also, when our ped. would get samples he'd put them aside for us.

I would ask your drs if they would consider doing the same

Sarah Crump said...

tricey, here's the link for the facebook event i made for helen. don't know if you need it or not, but just in case...

teacheroftwos said...

I have heard that soy is not good for babies anyway. I heard that it has plant estrogens in it and it is like giving a baby 5 birth control pills? Not sure if that is true, but it is probably better that you got him off of the soy. Maybe someone will bless you with donations of formula. And I commend you for continuing to pump because breast is best! I HATE PUMPING! And my pump talks to me too, so you are not! Hope you can get some sleep soon!

LisaL said...

so sorry to hear that you are all having such a hard time. My youngest was on Nutramigen for about 2 years. $28/can does hurt! I would suggest you ask you pediatrician for samples. Mine would try to give me a can or two each time we went in. They are smaller cans than the store, but they still help! Also, another blog I read ordered one of these for their little kiddo and it really seems to help him. Praying for rest and comfort for all of you!

Robin in NY said...

I just wanted to comment to you on the Alimentum formula. Both of my boys took that due to a sensitivity to the proteins in milk and regular formula. Anyway, what I wanted to tell you is that your insurance may cover the cost of the formula. Ours did. We simply had to prove that it was medically necessary that they take that formula. Our pediatrician wrote the prescription for it, and the HMO required a prior authorization for it, but we were able to get it covered. It is worth looking into! I live in New York, so I don't know if our insurance situation is different up here, but I hope it works out for you.

Deanna said...

I've been following your blog now, and I love reading about Jonah's adventures. I'm a new mom of twins, and I have received several Similac formula checks that we won't use. We started with Enfamil, and it seems to work for us. Anyway, if you would like the formula checks, email me at with an address to send them to. I would love to help little Jonah any way I can!

By the girls are 12 weeks and we have just started adding a little cereal to their formula too. It seems to satisfy them a little more during the night. Good luck!

Jill said...

Hi Patrice -
I'm glad to hear things are going well (except for the sleep - that stinks). I just wanted to share a quick tip with you that may (hopefully) help. When I worked at the pediatricians office, we always had formula reps coming by and leaving samples - usually of the more expensive stuff so that we could give a few days' supply to parents to see how the baby did with it before they went and spit money on it. I would definitely check with your pediatrician and see if they have any samples they can give you. They may also be able to give you the name of their formula rep and you (or your doc)could check with them about more samples. I don't know how much free stuff you will be able to get but any amopunt helps. They may also have vouchers for you to buy at a discount.

Jill said...

Haha - I meant SPENT money - not spit!

Jennifer Crawley said...

We also had to use Alimentum. It made a huge difference for us! Literally within 3 days, our daughter was not screaming and up all night crying in pain. I have found that some baby consignment stores sell it and also look on Craigslist. Also, it is sometimes harder to dissolve. We bought a mini immersion type mixer especially made for formula at Babies R US . It is great. (Also works well for mommy's chocolate milk!) One word of caution -- the already made liquid Alimentum -- made our daughter throw up every single time! So, don't try that!! Good luck ... sending prayers your way!