Sunday, March 21, 2010

some photos from the weekend

Some photos from the last few days.

I've been so happy to have my Daddy at home for a four day weekend.

Daddy tickled me in this one. He is very tricksy.

You can't read my shirt here, but it says, "Daddy and I agree. Mommy's the boss." Dad saw it in the store and said that we definitely had to get that one. (Mommy's only slightly amused.)

(Sorry about the wonky coloring on these next ones... they were yellow and Mommy tried to fix them... unsuccessfully. And then she decided she valued sleep too much to keep working on them.)

Here I am playing on my new mat. Mommy ordered it on Amazon. She thought I needed something firmer to practice pushing up.

Mommy bought this toy for me with a Target gift card I got for my birthday. At first I was scared of it, but now I think it's the coolest.

I'm trying to get into the crawling position all the time these days. And then, when Mommy helps me get there, I cry at the pure injustice of it all. (My leg is still stuck underneath me here. This is where I get stuck every time.)

Hey Mom, what's that you got there? (Bless my heart. I just don't have a single toy at my house, as you can clearly see.)

Is that what I think it is? Is that a... a...

Ohhhhh, a camera.

Gimme, gimme, gimme!

Seriously, gimme.

(Fake crying). You are the worst Mommy in the whole world. How could you deny me?

Hey look, it's my burp cloth.

What were we just talking about?

Oh yeah, your camera. Ohhh, a camera strap.

Wow, Mommy. Thank you so much. You are the best Mommy in the whole world.

The End.


Lisa said...

Awww sweat heart you had me rolling! The fake crying my little one is vey good at it! Jonah's shirt is perfect we all know Mommy's are the boss (enough said)

Libby said...

Super cute! Hooray for fun family weekends! (And really, you should get that kid something to play with! ;-)

Courtney Roth said...

Hahaha.. How precious. We look like we take about the same amount of pictures!!! He is just getting cuter and cuter every day. Can we meet already?! I'm dying here. He doesn't stand a chance when we finally do. I'm gonna eat him up!!
Love you!!

jenlar3 said...

Adorable pictures of an adorable little guy!!! You should get him his own camera to point at you all the time and see how you like it!! :)

Alison said...

Laughed myself right off the balance ball I use for chair! This is such a cute post! I love Jonah's facial expressions. I bet he cracks you up all the time. What a little doll!

Lorraine said...

Jonah looks gorgeous, his skin looks amazing.My name is Lorraine and I live in Sydney Australia, I am a paediatric nurse and have looked after children with EB in the past ( all Types). It was quite some time ago but I still remember all the children and the amazing families and their dedication, you are really inspiring! Take care Lorraine

Mindy said...

Those pictures are so cute. He is absolutely adorable, Patrice!

Jill said...

Great story line there. And don't let them give you any grief. Mommies are always in charge.

Hope you are enjoying this weather change as much as we are, but I am hoping it stays cool as long as possible and doesn't jump to humidity city.

Nora Lee said...

Way to go Jonah you are about to get that crawling thing! I love the "fake" cry too.

Tina said...

He looks great! Thanks for posting the pics.

Tricia said...

I LOVE the fake crying pic! Did you make it to the special service at church? I hope so! Blessings to you and yours.

Speechless said...

He is just getting so big and more adorable every day! I'm amazed at all that God is doing and continuing to do.

Lindsay said...

Ha, ha, love the fake crying picture! How do our little ones perfect that so easily?? And Jonah definitely has no toys... :)

Amy Lynn said...

Awesome post, Jonah!

Just Diane said...

The fake crying picture.... how cute is that? He is a gorgeous fella, Patrice... just gorgeous!

Laura A said...

Jonah, you are just getting cuter by the minute!! Tell your mommy thank you for posting all these great pics! ...and by the way, your face looks SO GOOD!!!!

Love from TX!

PS - hope you and your daddy enjoyed ALL the basketball games!!

Gail said...

Thank you for sharing...great pictures of Jonah! Looks like he will be crawling very soon. Glad you got to enjoy the last four days together...aren't long weekends the best?!

Christina said...

He is so sweet I cant even stand it!! Gosh I could just eat him all up <3

Love the pics...and of course mommy is the boss ;)

samsmommy said...

ADORABLE! I love his "fake" cry picture. He is just a doll!

Mary Ann

onlyhuman13 said...

Seriously, how adorable is he?! Great pictures (I spy basketball on TV in the background... =) ). Jonah's skin looks great in all of these and the one you posted on twitter yesterday! Great stuff.

Gilda said...

Sweet pictures of your little one glad to hear you guys had a great four day weekend as a family.

Laura A said...

Hi Jonah-

This is from Caroline, one of your biggest fans from TX!

Those pictures are really funny, plus they are very cute. I'm sorry I didn't have time to finish your birthday card, but will finish it soon. I hope you're doing all right! Happy late birthday!

Caroline (age 10)

Anonymous said...

Super cute pictures! Jonah is perfectly adorable and his face looks great! I love the shirt too :)

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

so sweet! love the whole camera series. What a stink pot! And the fake

Anonymous said...

He is a cutie and you are the best Mommy ever! So glad to hear you had a fun weekend as a family.

ashley said...

oh man. my husband and i were both cracking up over your series of pictures and captions. love it! he's so cute and interactive!

Crysgoss said...

I love the fake cry...too cute!

Claire said...

Yay! I love Jonut posts!


Snyder Central said...

He is so very precious! I love his camera face!

Angelique said...

Freaking hilarious!

the-mommy-person said...


Jimmie's Auntie Amber said...

He looks so grown up! He's beautiful!

Nancy said...

The fake cry is awesomely cute!!!! Love the pix. I just can't get over how big he's getting and how he's changing. Getting cuter daily!

Kirsten: said...

Love the new pictures and the captions! He is getting to be such a big boy and still cute as ever!

Megan :) said...

Hilarious!! You crack me up.
Jonah is the cutest! :)

BTW...Love, love, love the new haircut. ;) I'm thinkin' 'bout cutting mine too, but first I must get a few baby lbs off. LOL. Anywho, looks fabulous!

Twinkletoes said...

Just had to comment that I LOVE YOUR HAIR CUT! Omg - it's gorgeous!