Thank you Shoe, Doug, Bill, Jeff, Stevie, Brad, Dad, and any others I didn't know about for all the hard work over the course of a month to convert it from an ugly, unfinished storage area into what it is now.
Thank you Gina, Melinda, and Caroline for decorating it so beautifully.
And thank you to our Sunday School class for collecting money to help out, for the surprise cookout tonight, and for being here for The Big Reveal. You guys just don't know how much it lifted me to have you all here. Come back soon!
Matt and I knew there was a reason we were brought back to Winston after leaving Greenville. We didn't really know what it was at the time, but it is so very, very clear to us now. Brenner Children's Hospital saved Jonah's life, and our Church family has just been a huge fortress of strength around us through it all - the loss of Gabe and the birth and life of beautiful Jonah. We cannot express how truly grateful we are, and what you all mean to us.
We're forever in your debt, and all we can really promise is that we'll try to someday pass on the love, support, and generosity to someone else - so that one day we can be that fortress to others who may have to walk a similar road.
Thank you so, so much.
And now the fun part!
Coming down the stairs for our first look.
Me (and Gina!) trying not to cry.
Our first look.
Our beautiful basement.
The unstoppable visionary, Gina. Interior Decorator Extraordinaire.
Jonah's wall. (My absolute FAVORITE part of the room.)
The stairs before and after.

The counter/dressing change area before and after.

The closet/seating area before and after.

The closet/bed area before and after.

And the sweet little boy who God is using in a mighty, mighty way. Even though it may seem it's all for him, we know that it's really all for HIM.
Thank you, Father, for your grace and mercy in blessing us with sweet Jonah. We wouldn't trade him for the world, and we are just so thankful for each and every day we are blessed to spend with him. Thank you for using him and using his story to bring glory to your name. We are beyond speechless at what you are doing through his life. And thank you, God, for our support network - our family, friends, church family, and our blogging friends - thank you for surrounding us in our time of need. Thank you for the body of Christ. Please help us be the hands and feet of Jesus to others, just as others have been your hands and feet to us. Thank you for carrying us. Please grant us the opportunity someday to shoulder someone else's load.
We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers. We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
What a beautiful room!!! It made me relax just looking at it (the colors are so soothing), so I am sure being in it will really help with those stressful dressing changes! What a blessing for sweet Jonah (and y'all too!)! Enjoy this room... you certainly deserve this wonderful gift!
Tears are rolling down my face after reading this post. God has certainly used that precious baby to touch so many hearts. You have a wonderful support team.
Beckie in TN
Love the COLOR! LOVE THE STAIRS! Love that you are so passionate about the ONE who really deserves all the credit! You are an inspiration!
What a terrific space. Hope the little guy, and you guys, enjoy this new safe haven.
It's beautiful! I love it! Tears of happiness are flowing for you and your family!
Wow!! That is the most beautiful room!!! The pictures just top it off!So gorgeous. I'm sure this is a big relief. Thank God =)
Wow...what a great room! It looks so peaceful and spacious! What an amazing church family you have. And what a beautiful baby boy you have. God has blessed you mightily, even in the face of so much hardship. We will keep praying for Jonah and your family. I hope you enjoy your room for many years to come!!
That is just SO amazing. I can't believe the before and afters. WOW! Great job everyone.
Oh it is so beautiful Patrice! What a treasured space you have now for Jonah's dressing changes! Your church is such a blessing to you all, and we understand why God led you and Matt back to Winston-Salem. Of course we miss you here in Greenville, but you are exactly where God wants you to be. What a blessing you have bestowed upon us in sharing your lives. To God be the Glory!
Much Love and Prayer,
Beautiful!! I love the color, it is very peaceful! The body of Christ is an amazing thing. I'm so happy you've been blessed with a loving and generous church family. Enjoy your new space!
Wow, I can't believe it's the same room! It's beautiful.
Wow! Amazing! I am soooo excited for you guys! You more than deserve it!!
What an absolutely amazing transformation!!!
The room is beautiful & you are so blessed to be surrounded by people who love you & support you at every turn.
Just stunning... thank you for sharing!
Wow. Just wow. What an amazing gift. Correction. What amazing GIFTS! Blessings on all of you.
Wow Patrice! Gina did a great job decorating the room. It looked nice when I saw it a week or so ago, but she really made it a part of you home. It's not just a basement any more. Happy for you guys!
Laura S.
Wow...that is looks awesome. I am so glad for ya'll! What a blessings it is to see Gods work! Love it!
Jonah looks precious as always!:)
love and blessings from ga~erin
That is beautiful! The pictures are my favorite part too. He is beautiful and so are the people around him. =)
That is the MOST BEAUTIFUL room I have ever seen, and it belongs to the MOST BEAUTIFUL family. The Lord is so Good!!!! I have been and will continue to pray for you guys. WOW!!!! I have no other words.
Patrice, I am just sitting here in amazement. Serious, my mouth was wide open as I was scrolling down. It is beautiful and perfect. What a blessing! I hope you all enjoy this room and it creates a calming and functional area for you and Jonah's needs. Please pass along my gratitude to the wonderful people who put this together. Its gorgeous and truly a precious gift from people that obviously love you. Praise God for those amazing individuals!
Wow! What an incredibly awesome church family you have! And, what an incredibly awesome God we have.
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Eph. 3:20-21
Patrice, I love it! It is so beautiful! I love seeing the before and after pictures to see the transformation. Amazing Love ... Amazing God ... meeting our needs, and surprising us with blessings.
Wow, that is amazing and so beautiful! What a blessing spiritual family is. You are so loved. Have a fabulous weekend!
Ok my sleeve is soaked in tears! You have the best support network and I am sooo soo greatful for that! I know you guys really need it and deserve it! And I CANT believe what they have done out of you basement!! Seriously, send them over to Germany, I have a whole appartment they could work on!! ;)
Ok you really never looked down there b4? How on earth were you able to do that? I would have been way too curious!
I just love all of it, the color, the pictures, everything!!
God bless all of the hard workers, the ppl who are praying for your family, your family and especially Jonah!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
It turned out beautifully! My favorite part is the pictures of that sweet little baby boy!!! I was trying to see if some of my favorites from your blog posts were there...but that one in the middle is priceless!
Awe I wanted to cry too. That is wonderful and a beautiful basement, for a beautiful little boy.
God Bless.
IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! I love it - especially Jonah's wall! So happy you guys have this to enjoy now. :0)
they did such an amazing job!!!
I'm proud of our body!
Dude! That's better than Trading Spaces. And I'm shocked that you would cry at such a thing. You are so not an emotional person! :)
Oh, Patrice! This is one of those posts I had to call my husband in to see. The makeover was simply amazing! It is so serene down there and I just know your family's going to love the added space! Congratulations, you all deserve it!
Erin in va
What a gorgeous space!! Love the colors and layout--just beautiful! I think the Jonah wall is just perfect!! :)
It is beautiful! I know it will be such a blessing to all of you!
Wow...amazing room! Am crying tears of joy for you! You have an amazing church family and support team. And you have an AMAZING Jonah!
I know this room will be a tremendous help for you and Matt - so glad God gave it to you!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Tears, tears, tears! I have them coursing down my face. And the kids are up! Oh my! It is SO WORTH IT to see your beautiful room, beautiful faces and read your words of love for your God and Savior! God is so GOOD! He's so Good! Patrice, we are so happy to hear how well you are doing: Target, Chic Fil-A, Harris Teeter (all my favorite places), a WONDERFUL room (those pictures were my undoing!) and PEACE! Thanks so much for sharing. God LOVES you and is using this in a MIGHTY GOD-only way! Jennifer in Southeast, NC
Wow... how absolutely beautiful! What an amazing gift. God is indeed using that little one of yours in mighty ways already... and I for one am excited to see how He continues to use your family for His glory.
Our continued prayers are with you today and always.
The Starrs in Colorado
All I can say is WOW!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
A wonderful, calming peaceful room. Praising God to the highest for all of support & love that has been brought to your lives.
Gabe, Jonah & the 2 of you have a definite purpose in this world. God has used the 4 of you to touch so, so many and to bring so many more closer to HIM .
Enjoy this beautiful gift and place in your home. Now you can transition your dining room back to a place to eat (ha)
Have a wonderful & blessed weekend.
Hugs, Kisses & prayers
Ps. i have a box of chux pads that I need to get to you. let me know the best way.
Absolutely amazng! Jonah's basement is beautiful. The Jonah wall is perfect. Congratulations!
What a beautiful post! Pinedale is indeed a special church, filled with special people.
I love your analogy of a "fortress". It is so apropriate. When you get a minute, take time to read the words of an old hymn, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God". It contains a wonderful message about the power of our God...power that you all well understand.
Blessings to your family. Enjoy your new space!!
OMG that is AWESOME! I know you are so excited. It is so cool how good new changes can bring feelings of good new changes!
What a beautiful room - and what great friends and family!
A blessing for you all during dressing changes - and a place to relax as happy for you!
Jonah (and his parents) have certainly brought glory to God! What a beautiful room!!! You've got the best friends. I love the pictures of Jonah, he's so beautiful and I could just get swallowed up in his eyes! They're gorgeous!
I absoulutely LOVE that room!! You are very lucky to have such a wonderful church, with such wonderful members!!!! You are very blessed! Those stairs are just beautiful and the color is so soothing and beautiful. The decorating is just perfect! I love, love, love it! Great job everyone and thank you for helping. You are too kind! The Williams family are lucky to have you all! God Bless you all!!!!
Ellen from Long Island
Patrice - Beautiful room(s), beautiful blog, beautiful prayer.
God Bless,
Aunt Joyce aka Mimmy
I dunno how you held it together because I am TOTALLY in tears!!! WOW! What a beautiful surprise blessing! That changing area looks totally posh and I hope that it leads to many easier bandage changes :)
I think Jonah likes it too!! (can I add again how darn cute he is??)
just came across your site, I am praying for your little boy and will add him to my blog prayer list for tough cookies if you don't mind. =)
Jonah is adorable I love the new pics. posted below. Congrats on your beautiful new basement. I hope it makes dressing changes a lot easier for you all and that you are enjoying having your dining room back to normal.
Hugs and Prayers
Rachel in PA
What a wonderful blessing. I can only imagine what this did for your spirits. Such a blessing to have a compassionate church family. Never forget you are loved, and not just by your church, but by Him as well.
Amazing! It is so beautiful.
AMEN!!!!!thank you for being such a wonderful family:)
Absolutely beautiful! So happy you and your family were blessed in this way! Wonderful
I was crying right there with you imagining what it must have felt like as you entered that room. It is absolutely beautiful. I especially love the "wall of Jonah".
This is perfect! I'm so excited for you. You truly do have an amazing support group. What a beautiful, calming, useful space for you to use as a family.
--Kelley in GA (
Absolutely beautiful! What a wonderful blessing. Prayers and praises all around for Jonah, you and Matt.
i was SO hoping that when you first told us about the basement being re-done, that you were going to have before/after pictures, and you do :D yay! i can NOT believe the transformation...holy jesus it is amaaaaaaazing! what a gift! hugs and prayers xoxo -megan from wi
What a gorgeous space! How blessed you are! It is so wonderful for people to allow God to use them to give to such a special family! You guys deserve it! ENJOY!
Okay, without freaking you out too much, I just wanted to say that I'm obviously going crazy from all the stress of EOC's here at the end of the year, and I don't know whether it's that I follow your blog so much and think about/pray for you all the time or what, but last night I dreamed that I came to visit you guys!! For some reason my kids weren't with me, and there were some crazy pieces to the dream (all my dreams have craziness), but I do remember getting to hold Jonah and love on him. Maybe it was God's way of giving me the opportunity to love on that precious little gift who I think about and pray for often. I don't know, but I thought you might enjoy my dream, and one day, I'll get my chance to love on Jonah, maybe when we're all glorfying the Lord on the golden streets of Heaven.
I am shedding tears of joy over this wonderful act of love. How great is the love of Christ!! Jonah is so loved!
Wow...they really made an incredible transformation!! It brought tears to my eyes. Your family is definitely blessed. Enjoy your new space :)
So happy you have this lovely, lovely room, along with all the support from Pinedale. They must truly be a church filled with the love of God.
karen from Clemmons
Your basement turned out lovely! What a wonderful gift!
Wow!! Just inspiring... I loved the pictures of our beautiful new basement. God is good and Jonah, sweet Jonah I just love the pictures of him. He looks really kissable that is for sure.
The decor is stunning! And it has such a peace about it...Thanks to you and your church family for always being an example for Christ! God bless!
Oh my...your new basement is GLORIOUS!!! Such a gift and it just warms my heart SO much that you have this new beautiful space for you and your family. Just so great and I couldn't be happier for you all. We continue to pray for you and that sweet prince of a boy of yours. I hope you create many wonderful memories in your new space and that Jonah's dressing changes go much smoother and are easier on your backs. Take care and sending you love, hugs (( )) (( )) and support from Michigan! Go RED WINGS! Sorry..just finished watching Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals and they WON! Woot Woot! :O)
I have tears in my eyes, and chills going down my spine. The Body of Christ is an awesome thing. It is so exciting to see what they are doing for you. The room is absolutely beautiful! I love the wall of pictures! It is going to be such an uplifting place to do the dressing changes. Enjoy your room!
My heart is full of happiness for you and your sweet family.
gorgeous!!! I do love God's people at work. There's nothing much more beautiful than a church family. Enjoy your room!!!
Daisy (alabama)
this post almost brought tears to my eyes. YOu have a very beautiful room for Jonah im sure it will help with his dressing changes. glad you showed the new room with us.
the basement looks FABULOUS!!! love all the pictures of Jonah!!!
This reminds me that we are all blessed....may God continue to use your family and Jonah to give GLORY to Him!
A beautiful room for a beautiful boy! (Or since he's a boy, should I say "handsome"?) Anyway, you get the point! You guys are truely blessed with both a wonderful son and a wonderful family...both of the biological and the church types. Thanks for sharing the 'reveal'!
What a great gift! The room really turned out beautiful. And it will always be the most special room in the house, since it was built with such an outpouring of God's love.
I was really happy to get to see Jonah at church today. Even just a glimpse of him sleeping in his daddy's arms made my day. He is a special boy and I am blessed to watch him grow and change each day, via this blog...
Thank you for letting me into your lives to rejoice in God's glory with you.
What an incredible blessing! Tears r rolling down my cheeks as I read your post. Enjoy your new room! You guys certainly deserve it!
what a blessing- beautiful. Just beautiful.
oh my goodness! how beautiful is this???? the colors, the floors, the steps, the furniture, the bed, the table---how awesome is this???? I'm loving this boy and loving this boy and proudly displaying my magnet and so is my daughter--gina, my cousin, how great are you??????? Bless each and every one of you and Bless, Bless, Bless our little Jonah!!! Robin Smith-Shoemaker and my family at home and Matt's TR workmate!!!!!
Gorgeous! It's wonderful when people come together in goodness!!
Your new room is absolutely beautiful - especially Jonah's wall!
Annapolis, MD
Wow! What a transformation! I'm so happy for you to have such a great space to help lessen the stress of the dressing changes. I hope you thoroughly enjoy the new space :)
Wow! That is beautiful. Praise the Lord! I need Gina to come to my house!
It looks amazing!
Wow that is just beautiful! I love it!
Amen & amen! What a HUGE weight taken off for you 3 & what a wonderful family (spiritual & blood relation) you are surrounded by. God is SO good, is He not?!?!
Good things happen to good people! I am so glad they are helping you out! You deserve this! I love the room!
Gina Miller is one of my fav people ever!
This room reminds me of the beauty of being apart of the body of the bride of Christ. One part helps the other. Yay for community, support, and most of all love! It looks fabulous!
WOW! What a beautiful room!! What a wonderful gift of love by your church family!! You & your husband deserve it ... enjoy!!
The room is absolutely beautiful! It's great to see the results of the body of christ in action.
Patrice!!!! AHHHHH!!! It's beautiful!!! Talk about Extreme Makeover!!! Thank you Lord for this blessing for Jonah and his mommy & daddy. Thank you for all the workers who gave so lovingly. Oh Lord, to you BE THE GLORY!!!!
oh my...AMAZING!How wonderful, I'm so happy for you all!
Soo did you get to yell.."MOVE THAT BUS!!!" ?!?
I just found your blog tonight and have spent an hour reading through your story. I have cried so many tears, prayed out loud and just feel so overwhelmed for you and your husband. I cannot imagine what you have both been through. Your little boy is BEAUTIFUL!! He is just so precious! I am praising God that he is home and doing so well. I will definitely be putting Jonah's button on my blog, and keeping him in prayer daily. What a special little boy you have.
Your faith in God is awesome; keep trusting him with Jonah and leaning on Him every day.
I feel so blessed to have read your story, and wish I could give Jonah a little cuddle. He is such a special little man. :) Thank-you for sharing your journey, fears, and hearts with us all.
I love the basement! It is wonderful.
With much love and respect,
Saminda (Mamma of 3,from Australia) xo
WOW! That's beautiful! Including Jonah!;)
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