Shaina took this picture this past Sunday out in Gabe's garden. It's a little late - I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow. I had a doctor's appointment today, and all is still looking good. I am already 1.5 cm dilated, and Dr. Reynolds says that's very encouraging. They've done all the paper work, called the hospital, and set me up for next Friday morning. I asked the receptionist what time we would go in, and she said they will call me next Thursday and let me know... but it is looking good that it will be the morning - which is great news!
Please continue to pray for us - for safety and health of baby; for peace for Matt, me, and our families; an early slot next Friday (so I don't go completely NUTS), and for good progression and a not ridiculously long labor when we get there. That sounds really needy... I'm okay with it. Thank you all so much. We're almost there!!!
I am praying for you!!!
Love you guys and are praying lots!
So completely can't believe that it's almost time! Hope you got my message the other day on your cell. Thinking of and praying for you!
Hey girl! Just wanted to say that I'll be praying for all 3 of you!! I know you must be terribly anxious. But in just a few days, your beautiful baby will be here! yay!! Oh and I was afraid that being induced would take HOURS (they even told me it could be up to 3 days. holy cow!) But mine was only 10 1/2 hours from start to finish! Hope yours goes quickly too! Can't wait to see pictures of him! Love ya!
Can't believe it's one week away! I got cold chills reading your blog. We are SO excited, but I'm sure not even half as excited as you and Matt. Praying for you - speedy, safe delivery, everyone healthy! Can't wait to see pics :)
We are praying for your family!
You look wonderful Patrice!
Hola Sra. Williams. I am glad to hear that you are doing good and excited about the soon addition to your family. I know that things are going to work out this time because he is coming on my birthday. I am also glad to hear that you are enjoying your new job with YL but everyone here at GHS misses you and how fun you made Spanish. My family has you in our prayers and we hope that everything goes smoothly.
Your (favorite (: ) student,
Hannah Orr
Patrice, you and your family are in my prayers every night. Looking forward to hearing from Leigh that all is well and seeing some pictures. Best of luck to all of you.
I saw your site through Katie McA. I am definitely praying & thinking of ya'll. {I went to G-ville C.0f C. w/Peyton & Nathan is my bro.}
We have an 8 month old on our unit w/EB now getting antibiotics for a fever. {NC Children's Hosp. of UNC}
I hope this gives some hope!
Melissa & Wesley Benson
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