Saturday, July 28, 2018

jonah rockin' the xylophone

Jonah did a week at camp a couple of weeks ago with his music teacher. Mike is so cool, and at camp, the kids form a band and work to compose, record, and create music videos for two original songs. Here are Jonah's band's two original pieces. I'm so stinkin' proud of him.

Whatever you do, don't miss the end of the second song. He is TOO MUCH.

Mike at Professor B Studios is the BEST, and can play and teach pretty much any instrument, so if you are local, you should check him out.

I'm so thankful that my sweet boy has his own thing now. He's such a great cheerleader for his little brother at t-ball games, but this seems to be something of his own he can really enjoy. And I may be biased, but he rocks that xylophone. He only started back in March!

Also, can you even stand him in the aviators and skinny jeans??? Because I absolutely cannot.


  1. Check out Polyphony Marimba on YouTube. I bet Jonah would love them!

  2. Jonah is ADORABLE!!! That is awesome that he found "his thing"!!!
    So happy for him and you!
    Have a great week!

  3. He totally looks the part! I'm so glad he's found something he loves!
