Wednesday, June 30, 2010


At least we're teaching this kid something...

Drunk on DP?
The first cool not sweltering evening in FOREVER. Thank God for highs in the low 80's.

This smile is the result of seeing DEAC!

Doing it all by self.


  1. That is a kiddo after my own heart! Diet Dr. Pepper is the BEST!!! He is adorable!!! Love your blog! Y'all are inspiring.

  2. He is sooo cute - I want to eat him up!! His personality just shines in the pictures....I have a question....Does Jonah ever wear the same outfit twice? When I take pictures of my son and then scrapbook - I feel like he always is wearing the same clothes :)

  3. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Dr. Pepper and Diet Dr. Pepper, especially with cherry...SO yummo! It really is the best soft drink around!

  4. Diet DP - the drink of Champions!! It's the best (esp. with Sonic ice!!)

    Too sweet as always!!


  5. Cute, cute pictures--now that I have had my Jonah fix for the day I can head off to work.

    Hope you have a great 4th of July & a great time at the beach..

    Kisses & hugs all around

    Love ya

    PS I would love to have your kitty, but my allergies would kill me..hope you find a good home.

  6. Goodness I just love his smile! Has he continued to eat well for you?

  7. I'm assuming this was empthy when you gave it to him :) Except that you shouldn't be drinking this stuff either!!! Diet soda is Crap. Pure poison. Even regular soda isn't as harmful or as noxious to the body as diet.

  8. Those are the best! Ya, DR PEPPER! You need to get him an "I'm a Pepper" shirt. I think I saw some throw back shirts for kids at target! Not sure on the dr pepper one tho. :)

  9. Hi Patrice:
    Just checking in to see how your adorable son is doing. He looks great. He's starting to look like a little boy, not a baby anymore. How sad, but awesome too.
    Hope you have a wonderful time at the beach. Give Jonah a big hug and kiss for me. Love you guys. Love Leah's Nana

  10. What a cutie! Thanks for sharing!

    My babe loves him some Diet Dr. Pepper too. Although he only gets those last drips. :)

  11. I had to scan your comments just to be sure, and sure enough, though very mild there was one person giving you a 'keyboard tongue lashing' for letting your child drink such 'poison'.

    I saw the picture and had to laugh. I figured you must be bored and in need of some excitement....knowing that showing a picture of little Jonah chugging a DDP would be sure to stir the wrath of at least a few readers!!

    Chug away Jonah!! You are too cute for words and even cuter with the DDP can in your chubby little hand!

    You made me smile today!

  12. I'm way too selfish to share my soda with my daughter! Ha....but she def will try her hardest to sneak a sip or two when I'm not looking! :) The other day I was kind enough to let her sip on my Diet Coke from Sonic-now that's pure love! Kids are smart they know the good stuff!!!

    Jonah is as adorable as ever!

  13. Good Granny's Gravy, Jonah is the spitting image of his daddy in that first photo with your hair!!!
    Loved all the pic's

  14. SOOOO adorable. I think Tripp and Jonah have all the same shirts. Have you heard of the Kicky Pants and Dreamsack shirts?? They're the Bamboo ones. Laurie from "The Butterfly Fund" told us about them. WOW. I love them.
    Love you so much! Kiss little man for us!!

  15. Diet Dr. Pepper? My favorite! Jonah's a smart boy.

    Favorite picture . . . where he's TOTALLY amazed the bubbles!

    I could just kiss this kid all day long!

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